summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

nothing to blog about?! ha.

Friday!!! Who doesn't love the weekend? Here are some random things to be thankful for this weekend....

1. Benjamin's faith in God. He leaving on another mission in a few hours. I asked him if he is more apprehensive to go, after what happened the other day...he said YES, but texted me this verse..."Peace I leave with you: my peace I give unto you, not as the world gives, but as I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful." (John 14. 27).

2. New beginnings. I feel like I am re-committing to my DIET day after day. But it is better than giving up, right?

3. New beginnings. Ben and Ashley are talking....

4. The nice teachers at school. My kids all like all of their teachers.

5. My friends. Seven of us went out to breakfast this morning. Coffee and fellowship.

6. Autumn is coming! I hate that summer is ending, but I happen to love pumpkin spice coffee...and those oven dinners and pots of hot soup...

7. Fresh fruits and veggies on the counter. I bought nine pounds of pears, six pounds of plums,three pounds of baby carrots, four bunches of bananas, a watermelon, and some grapes today.

8. Chicken. We eat it several times a week, and I love grilling it outside.

9. Coffee. Love love love it. I am having my afternoon cup right now.

10. Paul. He is still so cute.

11. Forgiveness. When we forgive one another, God forgives us. So simple, so comforting.

12. My blog. After writing this, I am all encouraged. Being thankful really strikes a blow at complaining. is time to Make Dinner. I do not feel like making dinner, but. I will. Thankfully.


Melanie L said...

Hi, I'd like to recommend a website for you, Ben, Ashley:, Rejoice Marriage Ministries. Started by a couple who had a restored marriage. Their "motto" is God Heals Hurting Marriages. I think it may help.

Sherah said...

So happy to hear that Ben and Ashley are talking!!! That situation has weighed heavily on my heart and I have been praying for them.

Tereza said...

This brought tears to my eyes..I have prayed for them both!!!
Also your list..Thank you for sharing!!