summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, August 12, 2024

just some pictures of a blissful summer...

 This one is from a while ago, but too cute!  Achilles, Jamie, Rhys
Miss Rhys before her surgery
The pool on this chilly summer morning...needs someone (me) to get in and scoop up those leaves...leaves that have no business falling off the trees already.
Cousins, Blythe and Jamie...Sam and Grace in the background
Paul and Blythe
Cousins, Jamie and Maeve
Sisters, Maeve and Ruth
Cousins, Ruth and Rhys on Ruth's birthday!
Tennyson, cousin Achilles, and brother Wulf...can't wait for those cupcakes!
Miss Camille and I...
Flowers from my daughter-in-law Bethany, Joseph's wife.
Cam, Char, Kathryn, Jonathan in Norway
Rhys and baby cousin Blythe, their Aunt Rosie's dog Juniper
Blythe and her mama...

Blythe...a few weeks ago.

Margaret helped me figure out the picture thing...using a different browser.  We had lots of people over yesterday, but it wasn't a pool day.  It was a beautiful day though, the kids had lots of fun playing in the yard and on the deck.  I had ribs in the smoker, Sam grilled hot sausages, I put some pork chops that had marinated in lime juice on the smoker, then finished them off with the grates opened over the flames.  I had gone to the grocery store quick in the morning, and this store has the best fried chicken, so I bought two eight piece packs.  They went into the refrigerator until it was time to eat...then I put most of it, drizzled in hot honey, in a foil pan in the smoker for a while.  Paul went and got sweet corn from the farm down the road, and the kids helped husk it.  

Tillamook ice cream was buy one get one free at the store, so for $4 each, yes, I bought four.  Mint chocolate chip, Marionberry pie, chocolate peanut butter, and chocolate mudslide.  I had all the kids come into the kitchen and tell me what kinds they wanted...I also told them if they ate the ice cream off the top of their cones, I'd give them another scoop.  :)

I baked a small batch of gluten free mini cupcakes on Saturday, I'm done with the baking now.  I just have to make the buttercream frosting, then frost it all.  The wedding is this Saturday...we're having Oscar's family over on Wednesday, and the rehearsal dinner is on Friday.  Then last night Jon asked if three or four guys could come over for dinner tonight, burgers please.  Um, I guess so?   

I might have to go pick up some things for tonight, but I also have things to pick up for the wedding and rehearsal dinner...plates, and such.  

The rec center pool was closed all week for cleaning, but is opened back up and this fine morning, I'll be headed out the door.  I have a pounding headache, which is 100% my fault:  I ate an ice cream cone last evening...and I get headaches when I eat stuff like that now.  I started to realize it a awhile ago, and sure enough,'s not worth it!  I have to go take some Motrin and see it eases up...because my body needs to be in that pool!

Ah well, time to get moving...have a really nice day!


Buttercup said...

It's a beautiful day in New York City and so enjoying the great weather. Loved seeing your adorable little ones.

Angie said...

Prayers for you headache to go away and for all things wedding to go smoothly. What a busy and exciting time!

16 blessings'mom said...

This weather is absolutely amazing! I only hope it will be nice on Saturday too! Thank you for commenting, makes my day!

16 blessings'mom said...

Thank you! It did eventually go away, I went to the pool with it, and somewhere along the line it got better! It is an exciting time!

Marilyn said...

Hi Della! All those lovely pictures!! Those little of yours are just soooooo adorable 🥰 I’m so glad everything went well for dear little Rhys. What a little darling she is and such a trooper 😊 I do hope she’s doing well. I’m also hoping your headache went away. That’s not fun at all.

The wedding is galloping in!! I hope your weather will be just perfect. You have been so busy getting ready and I’m really looking forward to seeing the photos 🥰🥰

We are meeting some friends for lunch today and will she them our new place. We move in 1 month from today. 🥳🥳

Have a wonderful day! We just had a big banger of a storm go through here. Thunder, lightning and pouring rain. It’s clearing up now thank goodness. 😊

Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦