summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

well, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

 but yesterday was GORGEOUS.  I started the day with lots of energy.  Vacuuming, mopping, dishes, puttering and putting ten pounds of pork in the crockpot with vinegar and dark brown sugar, lots of salt and pepper.  I swept off the back patio and hosed off the front sidewalk.  I cleaned up after the dogs, then decided to take a swim....ahhh, so nice!  But not for long, Camille needed a ride over to the school to play tennis.  I was so tempted to go in my suit, but that's just asking to be pulled over.

Home again, Sam and Grace were here!  Kathryn and Darius were here!  The kids were ready to swim!  I was ready to swim, again!  The pool water is so clean and refreshing...the kids just love it. It started raining, so we decided to pack up, lock the pool gate, and go in the house.  It was time for to eat!  Emily husked corn with Ruth and Rhys and Grant and Wulf and Tennyson.  Kathryn grilled hot dogs and Coneys.  I shredded the pulled pork, and got out some sauces, got two pans of water boiling for the corn, and a pan of water started for the boxed Mac and cheese for the kids (it was a child's birthday party!).  I cut up the watermelon, got out the plates and some butter, put the hot dog rolls and slider rolls out...and it was time to eat! 

The cupcakes were had after the presents, strawberry with butter cream, and chocolate mocha with peanut butter butter cream.  By the time things wound down and everyone was getting their kids and their sippy cups and diaper bags, gathering up the swim things, I was ready to vegetate.  :)

Yesterday, Camille and I went out and about to pick up a camper cover from Marketplace.  It was a fraction of the cost of a brand new one, the guy said they used it for one year, then sold the camper to someone who didn't need a cover.  Then we met Kathryn at Aldi, and got to see Achilles, Rhys, and Jamison.  We bought the ingredients to make macaroni and cheese for the upcoming rehearsal dinner (15 blocks of cheese to shred!).  

I was going to make it today and get it in the freezer, but I'm thinking it's more crucial to get the cakes baked...I was just going to make cupcakes, but then thought to make a small simple cake too, but there's nothing simple about it.  :)

But in any case, I have to get moving...vacuum first, then mop up the floors, then get baking...Camille is making another batch of macarons too.  I have to do things in fits and starts, not stand too long at a time or my knee won't bend.  

Today is the perfect summer baking day though, high in the seventies, lower humidity, cloudy...just perfect, especially for those of us who don't have air conditioning.  

Oh, last night I had the best dinner!  Emily gave me a nice zucchini from her garden (Well, this is the third one she gave us, ha).  I cut up some hot sausage links, diced an onion, added chopped zucchini, sautéed it all until it was a little bit crispy, oh it was good!  I did have about a 1/4 cup of leftover rice warmed up with it...mmmm.  

All right...time to get moving!  Have a good day!


Mari said...

My, you've been busy! Your food sounds delicious!
It was so hot and humid here yesterday, today it's raining buckets and only 64 degrees!

Cindy said...

I love how your family often seems to be in the kitchen together, baking, cooking. At this stage in our lives, Chuck and I will often holler down to Beth, "Fend for yourself tonight!" Then we all just pick and choose from what we find in the fridge. :)

Marilyn said...

Hello Della!

I had to chuckle when you said you wouldn’t wear your bathing suits as you were sure to get pulled over. My mum drove my dad to the train station one morning in her nightie, house coat, slippers and curlers in her hair. This was in about 1950. If course she had car trouble on the way home and had to walk home. We all thought it was really funny. She did not……… Brahahahahaha 😂😂😂 No cell phones back then. 😂😂

You have been so busy!! My goodness! Your cupcakes sound so delicious 🤤 Truly. I’m glad you had cooler weather for yours and Camille’s baking it sure makes a difference.

Watching some Olympic highlights. It’s been so good.

I hope you had a lovely evening 😊

Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦