summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Sunday, August 25, 2024

life just might be...a beach

 You know what they say about too much of a good thing?  Well, they're wrong.  I went to the beach on was glorious.  If you haven't been to the shores of Lake Ontario on a sunny, breezy cloudless summer day, you don't know what a good beach day is.  Yes, I've been to the the North Sea, and the Pacific, and the Atlantic, and the Gulf coast, and had some lovely days.  But this freshwater lake with vast sandy beaches...especially when you consider that you can just park and walk right over to the sand, no parking blocks away.  There are shady grassy areas with picnic tables and grills, right next to the beach.  

Anyway, I went yesterday for Miss Lydia Eleanor's birthday party, she's nine years old now.  She visited with me, along with Miss Ophelia, who is four and a half, while Molly and Josh headed up to the lake to set things up for the party.  I cut up cheese and packed up grapes, pepperoni, crackers, along with a cooler of drinks.  I also put ribs in the smoker for later, which is a whole 'nother story.

Camille and I headed up to the beach with the girls, letting them take turns singing us songs and telling us stories.  It's less than half hour away.  

I did not swim yesterday, but I did enjoy the sunshine with the grandkids...all 15 of them were there!  I SO wish we had taken a picture.  

This fine day, 80-something degrees and sunny, brilliantly blue sky, I went to the beach again...same beach.  This time I drove to Ben's house, and rode with's 19 minutes from his house.  I brought my chair, a bag with a towel and an extra seltzer, my straw cup with ice and seltzer in it, and nothing else.  Oh, a baggy of peanuts too.  

Most of the kids and grandkids were there, my sister and her husband and some of her daughters and their families were there too.  I went swimming with Wulf and Tenny, and sat in the sun and enjoyed watching them all run around and dig holes and build castles and play with their dads and uncles and moms and aunts.  

Then, it was time to pack up and go home, and lo and behold, it was only Paul and I here for dinner...I heated up some ribs from last night in the air fryer, reheated some leftover fresh green beans we bought from the farm stand, and some roasted sweet potatoes with roasted potatoes.  

It's too quiet here.  I saw Sonja briefly on Friday, I'm sure I'll see her more frequently at some point, but oh dear it's different.  Jonathan and Camille are at a barbecue tonight, so it's just us and the dogs and the cats.

We're going camping next weekend, Paul and I and the dogs...just us.  It will be fun, but so different.  

Not too much going on, except for fun and exciting things like replacing five more windows...can you believe that five windows cost two thousand dollars?  Shoulda-woulda replaced more of them a few years ago, but what can you do?  A bag of tortilla chips at Aldi went from .79 cents a few years ago to $1.95 now.  Same with bread.  

Anyway.  Today was a magical day.  It was in full color, just vibrant and amazing.  Too bad I only took a few pictures...

Ruth and her little sister Maeve
Baby Blythe

Here's an oldie...remember when I had five daughters born in five years?  Margaret's the oldest, the middle back row, then Kathryn next to her on the right, then Evelyn Joy with the curls in the other red sweatshirt, then Suzanne in the front leaning in, then Miss Sonja K.....
Ruth and Rhys, the birthday party...I did not get ONE picture of Lydia, on her own birthday.
Suzanne's fiance' Zech, and Benjamin
Grace and Sam, Suzanne (in the black tank and Maeve in front of her...Ashley in the forefront...
A party!
Declan with his party horn...
Declan, cousin Ophelia, cousin Blythe
Declan and Feef...
Suze, Ev, Mariel
Cousins Denzel and Blythe...
Auntie Camille with Blythe, Auntie Evelyn with Denzel
And...the other evening, a fire on the deck...Paul looking up at the sky...someone's feet, ha.

Cam, don't hate's cute!  (She made a s'more!)


1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Hi Della! What a lovely birthday party 🥳 Fancy Lydia being 9 already. Where does the time go? The party sounds perfectly wonderful. So does the weather and the lake. We used to go to Lake Erie and it was the same……..beautiful. You and Paul will have a lovely time camping with the doggies. You will all enjoy it!

We are having such a great time with Linda her mum and daughter. The party bus is leaving here on Wednesday morning for Michelle’s place in Calgary. We are going to Lake Louise and Banff on a day trip. Our trip to Jasper was cancelled due to the shocking forest fires. So tragic. So we are looking forward to that. We’re taking the back road in hopes of seeing bears etc. FUN!!

Have a great day. Hopefully your doctors appointment goes well. 😊

Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦