summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, August 8, 2024

oh ho, it's done!

...yet, not actually done.  I have baked 90+ mini vanilla bean cupcakes, 60+ large ones, and three layers of cake...all are frozen now.  Next week, the fun will begin...Thursday I'll make the batches of buttercream, and frost them all.  Camille has made four batches of macarons, all are done and frozen for the big day.  Raspberry, salted caramel, something I don't remember, and yesterday's lavender with lemon curd and buttercream.  Phew. 

The fun is still ongoing, as I have to make the macaroni and cheese for the rehearsal dinner and get it in the freezer...Paul is taking the day off of work on the Friday before the wedding to help with food prep...chopping the veggies, ect.  

Tomorrow, however, wedding food prep is put on hold to attend to something more serious.  Little Miss Rhys Harper is having a surgery, her tiny little ruptured appendix will be removed.  I am going along with Kathryn so she won't be there all alone.  Pray please, that God guides the surgeon's hand, and all goes well, Rhys is so small, just turned three.  Thank you, so very much!

Kathryn is picking me up before the sun rises, and off we'll go.  Sonja will come visit us as she works in pediatrics, and Mariel will come say hello from the Oncology Center.  

This fine morning, after vacuuming and cleaning up,I went to Aldi for some cake ingredients.  I stopped at the local drive through coffee place, an iced Americano with heavy cream, oh heavenly yum.  Then Aldi for cherries, cheese, eggs, sour cream, a throw blanket marked down to $2.49 (Evelyn, I got one!), and a The Floor is Lava game for the grandkids for $5.49.  

Home...put the stuff away, and sat down and put my feet up.  Just kidding.  Well, I did, but only for a mere five minutes.  It was time to make the wedding cake!  I got it into the oven, and Grace arrived with Grant, Ruth, and Maeve.  Yes, they did want some waffles...I made a batch, with brown sugar and sprinkles, in my heart shaped waffle maker.  Kathryn got here with Achilles, Rhys, and Jamison right as the waffles were getting done.  

I cleaned up the mess, and we sat and drank coffee and had a wonderful afternoon as the kids played.  Playdough, dollhouse, outside on the trampoline, the swingset, and in Paul's kayak...they were going on a grand fishing trip, just pretend.   Jamie got tired and cranky, and I was able to sing him to sleep...that big 17 month old baby boy slept in my arms for almost two hours, poor me ha.  (It was lovely).  

Then it was time for the mamas to gather their children and head home to make dinner.  I headed into the kitchen and cooked up some peppered bacon.  I made some eggs, and sliced some tomato.  I had an open faced bacon and tomato sandwich on Ezekial toast, and some eggs and bacon.  Then, some cherries.  

Oh, before I wrapped and froze the cakes, I sliced off the tops so they will stack, and of course we tasted the tops....mmmmmm.  Good stuff.

Now it's quiet in here.  It was a cloudy cozy day, and tomorrow is supposed to rain quite a bit, Debby is coming.  

The rec center pool has been closed this week for cleaning, and that's okay.  I got in our pool yesterday and did all the exercises.  Today...I did not.  Tomorrow, I won't be home.  Saturday...maybe if it's not raining.  

Ah well.  We do what we can do.  My leg pain was tolerable today.  I cannot stand on my feet for too long, but if I break it up and sit and rest, I do all right.  My usual mode of operation is Ignore It and It'll Go Away.  We'll see.  :). Have a good evening!  


Mari said...

Good for you for all the baking you're getting done! Praying for sweet little Rhys and the rest of you too, cause it's hard on parents and grandparents and aunts!

Marilyn said...

Dear Della……I am thinking about your dear little Rhys having her surgery and praying all is well. Shes such a little sweetheart ❤️

My goodness you have been so busy baking! How wonderful though and how delicious it will all be. Yum 🀀 Lucky you with a sleeping baby in your arms for 2 hours! When you said Debbie was coming I thought it was a person at first πŸ™„
I hope she passes right on by. She has caused much destruction everywhere. Oh dear……….

Keep us posted on the surgery πŸ’•πŸ’•

Marilyn from Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

michb said...

Prayers for a swift recovery.