summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Saturday, August 3, 2024

things that matter, and things that don't...

 I was just sitting here thinking about my late mother-in-law.  We had a graveside service for her yesterday.  She's laid to rest in a beautiful cemetery near Owasco Lake, right near our little baby Robert, who was born sleeping many years ago.  A few of Paul's siblings were there, a few of their kids, a few of mine.  She lived a long and rich life, and was a giver, and was very thankful for her grandkids, much more so as the years passed by.  

I will say this, it's been hot and muggy.  In my nice dress, standing there at the cemetery, oh my goodness, drip drip drip.  So humid.  If the sun had come out, I cannot even imagine.  Back here at home, Kathryn came for a visit, and it started to rain...just enough to make it cozy in the house, but still so warm.  Camille was making batch #2 of macarons.  I decided to make meatballs.  In Target on Thursday, the one pound packages of ground beef were marked down to $2.24, so I bought five.  What?  I left some!  We had smash burgers that evening, then the other four needed to be used or frozen.  So, meatballs!  Bread crumbs, cracker crumbs, whole oats, garlic, minced onions, chopped fresh onions, salt and pepper, four eggs...64 meatballs.  I baked them nice and crispy, when Cam's macarons were done.  I put them in some sauce, picked some fresh basil and chopped that up and stirred it in...the girls cooked some pasta.  

Suzanne came over for the evening, so we caught up.  She's planning a wedding too, it's all very exciting.

This fine day I have to make cupcakes for tomorrow's birthday party (Sam, Maeve, Ruth!), and clean up the house.  Right now I'm savoring the first cup of coffee in my comfy chair.  

This summer has to sloooooow right down, right this minute.  All of my deck plants are blooming and thriving and I adore them so much.  My bare feet in the grass, I just love love love it.   Even the warmth of the house, when I get up in the morning and the flooring is warm under my feet, love it.  

When I wrote this morning's title, I was thinking about how it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of me, just to live in a way that when I stand before Him, I hear Well done, good and faithful servant.  If we're honest, we have things we know are right and wrong for us.  It has nothing to do with whether it's right and wrong for anyone else.  True peace and joy come from being obedient to what God has to say to me!  We know not to backbite, but maybe we have something funny and juicy to say, then get that's not nice, don't say it.  Then we have to be faithful, and not say it.  

Ah well...I need to move it this fine morning.  I slept in until eight, but I did stay up late last night.  Olympic swimming...:). Have a nice day!


Marilyn said...

Good morning! I am really enjoying the Olympics. If Canada and Australia are in something together I’m cheering for both 🥳🥳 and happy if one if both place. The swimming has been so exciting, hadn’t it? I felt sorry for the competitors in the triathlon having to swim in the Seine River. So gross! 🤢 They said it was safe but the day before it wasn’t. How does that happen. So disgusting. It has been great entertainment.

I’m like you I love the summer. You have lots of birthdays coming up this month! Hopefully nice enough to gather outside. The kids love being outside.

Have a great day Della😊

Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦

Cindy said...

I was surprised to read you did all that cooking/baking while it was so hot out. Do you have air conditioning? We don't have AC so when it gets above 80 here we have things like homemade sub sandwiches or sliders for dinner. We avoid the oven and stovetop as much as possible in the summer. I completely agree with your title. I'm going to stand alone before the Lord and He's the only one I should be seeking about my life. The big things and the little things.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss, Della

Mari said...

You've shared some good words today!

16 blessings'mom said...

Marilyn, I can't imagine swimming in that river! ugh. Yes, all the birthdays, I hope it doesn't rain today! Being in the pool with all the grandkids is the best!
Cindy, we do not have a.c., only a unit in our bedroom. We usually avoid the baking, but Camille has several batches of macarons to make for Sonja's wedding, and I needed to make the birthday cupcakes...and, the oven was already on, may as well put in some meatballs! It did get really really hot in here...
Valerie, thank you:)
Mari :)

Billie Jo said...

I love your thoughts and words, my friend. It took me many years to realize what you said about doing what is best for me and not worrying about others. Thank you! Have a wonderful day!