Suzanne is making a quilt...Emily had scrubs she didn't wear, so she cut them into squares for Suze...

We still have good old Rosie....with the big dity paws....

Margaret is a nice big she is with Camille and Charlotte Claire, who was not really sleeping...
oh here they are..I didn't see this post I see you are enjoying your new camera!
How ironic....I just left your blog right before reading your comment on mine! Yes, we are pretty proud of our little guy. He is beginning to take notice of others around him and social situations. I'd say Reiss is coming along very well with his treatments for autism.
By the way, sorry to hear about your kitty. My jaw dropped to the floor when I read that.....not a very good birthday present for you. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a good one. Mine is coming up on the 29th of this month. I keep dropping hints for an Iphone to replace my my dino-phone. Obviously, I will be happy with anything or nothing at all though.
Keep up the great work on your blog! I LOVE reading and seeing all your photos....regardless of how boring YOU think your life might be to others.
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