I realized that he will be leaving us for four years, and I simply can't take it. Don't want him to. Four years is too long. Then he said, "And longer if I make a career of it." Now, I hate to be a big baby, but Samuel is a great kid. I don't want to miss all that time with him. And when he comes back, he will be different. Harder, more sure of himself. And dang, I don't even have to be sad about this yet because he won't be leaving for quite a while. He is graduating early, next January, and won't ship out until after then. So I have plenty of time before I have to be sad.
This afternoon I am taking some girls to the library. And to Target, because Suzanne says she really needs to see if there are any shoes on sale that fit her. Evelyn put Post-It notes up all over that say, "Library Books", so I won't forget them this time. She has a three foot stack on the kitchen table.
This weekend there are no fundraisers at church, nothing major planned, but there is a baby shower I am invited to on Saturday. So we may take the kids mini-golfing or something. Friday I am going to the Science Museum with the third graders. I really like chaperoning field trips.
Paul and I have planned our next little weekend away. Next month we are camping and attending a wine and food tasting event. We had so much fun last year we decided to do it again. The camping part fell into place because the hotels in that area are so expensive, and we couldn't reserve a room for just one night, all of them have two night minimums. So we decided to try the state park instead...
It is chilly and overcast, a nice day to sit in my comfy chair. Miss Char didn't go to school today because her tummy hurt. I think she is fine, but she was really pale earlier, and so many kids here and there have had the dreaded Throw-Up Bug, I decided to just keep her home. Camille wasn't sure how to feel about it, she really wanted to stay home too, her own tummy started acting up suddenly. I told her she could stay home too if she took off her nice school clothes and got back into bed. She disappeared down the hall only to come back a few minutes later, all decided to just go to school. But by the time the bus came, she had tears in her eyes because she didn't want to go with out Char. This mama does not like to send teary eyed children on that bus, but it was coming down the road, and I reassured her that she could take a day off some other time...and off she went.
Aaron doesn't have class today, so he is doing the dishwasher for me...oh, I feel guilty sitting here. I told him he didn't have to, but he insisted.
I picked some lilacs from the yard and put them in a vase. I love the smell of lilacs. They remind me so much of my mother. I am missing her these days. Seven years she has been gone.
Well...I promised Charlotte Claire I would help her look online for something to buy with her birthday money. (ha, that's a good one for #firstworldprobs....trying to find something to spend money on...)
Oh I feel your pain about another son joining the army. My son is not in the army but he is fighting for his life, just been diagnosed with leukemia. He is 34 and has 5 children ages 9,7,5,3 and 1.
L am hoping the warm weather really makes a comeback tomorrow.
um,... that was supposed to be an "I"...
Yep~four years is too long. My oldest is on terminal leave after his four year enlistment. What seemed like forever is finally over and his official last day is June 9.
This will be your second in the military right?
Sounds like it'll be a great time!
Have you tried the priceline.com "Name your own price" feature? We took the kids to Niagara Falls a few weeks ago and got a night at the Sheraton, right next to the falls, for $51. I was flabbergasted.
Oh Grace, I am so sorry about your son. There are no words. Both my sister's daughter and my brother's daughter had childhood leukemia, there have been many advances in treating these cancers in recent years, but I send you many hugs and prayers. I can't even imagine what your family must be going through.
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