summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Saturday, October 22, 2022

I think it was worth it!

 You know, back in the day, back when the babies were coming back to back, when some people thought I was indeed crazy...I knew that God was sending us exactly what we needed, and that our children, our sweet newborns, were coming straight from Him to us.  That knowledge strengthened me, but it was still a whole series of trials...sleeplessness, sicknesses, phases and attitudes, oh all the things!  Similar to what every person on earth has to deal with, everyone has their trials.

But now I am rather reaping from all of that toil, I have all of these kids, all growing up into amazing adults, who are my friends. I am never lonely.   You KNOW that is not WHY we had them all, but it's a darned nice perk, isn't it?

This fine morning, Paul was already up and doing maintence work on the heating systems of some rental houses, with Samuel, and I got up...I puttered around a little, made some coffee, then Kathryn asked if I wanted to go to the store with her...of course I did, and Sonja did too!   

Rhys...I like pushing her in my cart...I bring a baggie of crackers, some Cheerios, fruit snacks, pretzels...
Kathryn with Achilles...
When we got home, Rhys sitting like a big girl with Grandpa...
(this is from like six years ago, little Camille with a skirt on just like the one I keep wearing...and Miss Suzanne behind her)
Pretty out-the-car-window pics...

These two liked the "monsters".  

Football!  Paul only watched it for a bit before mowing the grass...
Sonja K. setup this track for Achilles...
Kathryn and Rhys...
Miss Charlotte Claire, our 16 year old...Emily took her, and Miss Camille out and about to an old bookstore/cafe this afternoon, and let Char drive on the New York State Thruway?!  

Sonja so nicely went with me to the airport last night, Paul's plane got in at 11:30.  Sonja drove, thankfully, I detest driving in the dark...and the thruway is undergoing construction, so miles of concrete barriers on the side, narrow bumpy lanes...tractor trailers whizzing by, ugh! 

 We were waiting in the cell lot for him to land and text us, and noticed a car parked a bit down from us with the hood up....suddenly a man appeared right in front of our car, scared the absolute daylights out of us, we both shrieked!  It was just a man asking for jumper cables...we drove over near his car so he could get a jump...he asked so tentatively, and we helped so never know if someone is a genuine stranger in need, or a creeper looking for vulnerable targets...we helped him, and he was so grateful, said he had driven from Binghamton to pick his daughter up from the airport, her plane had  landed and his car wouldn't uneventful, but the startle it started with...Sonja and I are both very jumpy.

Sonja, Char, and Cam are at a college hockey game with their friends tonight, so it's quiet here...Paul and I and the dogs and the cats...


My Shasta Home said...

I bet you did run into negative comments back in those early years. I don’t know why people stick their noses in, where it doesn’t belong. It sounds like you have a wonderful family. God bless

Linda said...

You are so blessed (and I know you know this)--like I was just telling someone earlier, don't worry what others think etc. You and Paul raised a lovely family, smiles. I am looking forward to hearing about your first snowfall (ducking, grin). Have a beautiful week friend.

Carol said...

you are blessed with the children you have and you can tell that they were raised right. It really is no one's business how many children you have as long as you can care for them the right way

Terri D said...

Family is everything and you are blessed beyond measure!! I love hearing about how you all do everything together and not only love each other but like each other too! xo