summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

who says I'm old?!


I don't like Halloween decor much.  Pumpkins, okay.  Scary stuff, not so okay.  These pumpkins are silly, and the grandkids like them...
The candy corn candles, are corny, and I like them, because I'm old.

I don't eat the candy corn, but I buy it because some of the kids really like it.
Last night's chicken pot was SO good...key ingredient:  sage.  Also, rosemary and thyme.  
This pumpkin pie is made exactly like a regular pumpkin pie, except for I exchanged the real sugar for fake, monk fruit with erythritol.   The consistency is on point, and the taste is amazing.  The crust:  well, that is a problem, as it's a REAL crust, made with real flour and butter.  I should skip the crust...but.  And that but is why I still have a big one.  Butt.  ha.

Anyway, I found out that I'm old.  Seems that "old" people like to use the thumbs up emoji, and the heart.  The article I read states this with certainy.  The question is:  why is a BAD thing to be OLD?  Each person on earth either grows old, or dies before then, so one would think that it would be considered a real blessing to get old.  But not in our society.  We have to stay young and relevant.  If I had a dime for every time I've heard, "Mom, you're so old!", I'd have a few bucks.  

Old people are smart though.  They have figured out that they don't have to replace their jeans just because they aren't in style anymore, then yay!  ten years pass, and those jeans are in style again, na-na-na-na-boo-boo!  Old people realize they can get a decade, easy, out of a winter coat, instead of getting a new one every year or two, just to update the style.  Warmth, that's what matters.  Young people aren't going to even zip it.  Most old people couldn't give two hoots if their cashmere sweater is passe'.   If it's warm, it's good.  

I get stuck in a style.  I like those unstructured comfy dresses, they're so LAST WEEK, and so is that saying, but I still wear them.  I've noticed that scarves aren't so big anymore, but I still like them, and I don't care if I look old.  Oh, I told Sonja how I mentioned on my blog that autumn in NY "smacks", and she laughed her head right off, said, "Mom, it's slaps!"  oops.  thought I was young, ha.  

We went to Kohl's today, because we had 30% off, and a ten dollar off a $50 purchase...but we wandered, meandered, perused, and scoured, yet couldn't find anything but one skirt for me ($8.80!), and a four pack of autumn hand towels ($7).  The prices!  It was fun being out and about though, and I saw a lady who looked so familiar, on the way home I realized she was a labor and delivery nurse, so I knew her quite well, ha.  I totally would have talked to her, had I not been so darned old, and remembered who she was...

We stopped in Aldi, and dismayed over spending $75 for such scant supplies.  We didn't even waste money on The Fun Aisle, except for one package of wax melts, which I'm not impressed with.  

Home, ahh home.  Sonja took a big exam today, and did well, so that's good.  Paul is doing a-okay over in Hungary, despite having an awful cold, which we have here too.  Charlotte Claire took her PSAT today, and not much else is going on.  It's a wee bit solemn outside, with gray skies and a brisk wind, but the trees are still brilliant, thus the season of dismal forebodings hasn't started yet...when the trees get naked and the shadows are long, and the wind howls...

Orange Guy, so seasonal!

This beauty was lying on the front porch when I went to retrieve my Amazon package...I caved and bought a new swimsuit.  I haven't tried it on yet, there's something about KNOWING you ain't gonna look like a million bucks that sort of puts a damper on the excitement of a new suit.  But, I have an old one I wear all the time, from the thrift store, that I LOVE LOVE LOVE, except it's getting I ordered the same style, same size, same brand, and hopefully I'll love it too.  I need a new suit, because I'm going someplace warm in a few weeks....


Mari said...

Ha! I'm old too because I use the thumbs up and heart emoji's. And I often use the smile too!
I also dislike scary Halloween stuff - no witches, skeletons... I like pumpkins and Fall/Thanksgiving things.
That is a gorgeous leaf!

Diana said...

LOL!!! We say stuff 'smacks' ... ain't no 'slaps' anywhere here no way no how. Unless you're talking what we might do to stupid people. Meh, that's another story. Ha! You are RIGHT ON (yep, I've kept my 70s words) about everything, my friend! Pumpkin pie, mmmmm... thanks for the idea, now I want to make one. The crust is the best part, I make my own. I haven't worn a bathing suit since high achool... well, I can't swim anyway, which is why I don't have one. The only water I go around or in is the shower or the grandkids' little backyard pools. LOL! We don't do Halloween (I had something bad happen on that so-called 'holiday' so I can't stand it.)... well, I might as well confess I never decorate for any season anyway. I never liked Halloween, so I let one of my sisters-in-law take my boys out trick-or-treating when they were little. Believe it or not they quite doing that before they left elementary school. Us older folks are smarter than these younger generations... we learned manners, how to think and do on our own, work hard for our money (instead of stealing), go to church... etc., etc. You know what I mean. I can tell your kids are all good and decent and smart... you and Paul have done such a good job with them! I have my dad's coat, he died in 2012... he gave it to me in 2006 since I did a lot of work outdoors. It's warm and still in great shape! It's better made than anything I can find nowadays. Blessings to you, Della!

16 blessings'mom said...

Mari, I use the smile day, I said, "I wish I was as smart as my phone.", and Camille rolled around laughing, and keeps telling everyone I said that. The way they flip through computers and phones, not afraid in the least that they're going to accidentally call China, it's impressive. I have a fear of pressing the wrong button, probably because I HAVE, pushing the LIKE button when someone announces that someone has passed away, oops, didn't mean to.
Diana, "what we do to stupid people...", oh dear, thank you for being so refreshingly YOU, and for the laughs this morning. I'm sorry something bad happened to you on Halloween. My mother had a major heart attack a few days before Halloween, several years back, and I remember driving home from the hospital, through a little village....all the skeletons and fake tombstones, and it just didn't set well with me, death is sad, not something we decorate with. (My mom didn't die yet though, she lived until she was 69, still way way too young to go...). I love that you still have your dad's coat. You won't find a better one, things just aren't made well anymore, unless you pay through the teeth...I mean, shoes used to be, if you want real leather, you have to pay premium for it...anyway, thank you for comments, I love it!

Deb said...

I'm old too but my bank didn't need to rub it in my face last birthday by sending me an invitation to join their Golden Years banking program. LOL! And at Cost Cutters I got the senior discount one time and they raised the age to 60. So I guess I'm not *too* old. LOL

16 blessings'mom said...

Deb, Cost Cutters raised the age? harrumph. I get the senior discount at the thrift store on Tuesdays, it's 55 and up, and 25% off your total (there's a military discount too). I wasn't offered it until I was well into being 56, I guess no one thought to ask me until then, which is nice, ha. (I didn't realize it was 55!). The only problem is that I ONLY want to go to that place on Tuesdays, AND, I always want to go there if it's a Tuesday! Anyway, we're not TOO old, just old enough.

Jan said...

I can't keep up with my teen granddaughters' modern "language" so I haul out the good old '70's sayings that we used when we were their age. "Far Out, Right on, groovy"-even a "Fab and Gear" thrown in from the early '60's. They think it's hilarious!

16 blessings'mom said...

Jan, love it! My sister used to say things were "uncouth", I think that was from the late sixties, early seventies...sometimes I'll say something like, "Sit on it, Potsie.", and the kids don't even ask...