summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, May 16, 2013

sunny spring day...

And I made it to the pool this morning. And last evening, too. I told Paul this morning that I wasn't going to go, I need to switch things up, ect. And that I can't go tomorrow because I am going to the science museum with the third graders...Paul said, Go to the pool! Just switch up how you swim or something. So I decided he was right, and went.

Today I am picking Samuel up and taking him to a notary so I can sign permission papers for him to play in a huge airsoft tournament this weekend near New York City. Tomorrow, Abigail is taking Evelyn, with some other girls from church, to Michigan for the weekend. They are going up through Canada, so I had to sign papers for that, and dig out her birth certificate. Then Kathryn and Suzanne were invited to go to Ottowa for the weekend to visit my niece Janet....

Busy busy busy, I tell you. After my field trip tomorrow I will be heading back out to work at the baseball stadium.

This is the season of busy, when you have elementary school kids. End of year picnics to send snacks too, kindergarten graduation to send cookies in for,end of the year concerts, field days where they need certain color shirts, and of course the barrage of field trips. This is the first year I have been really free to go on them. Anyway, we have a kindergarten graduate, the last of sixteen....and two college graduates, Mirielle and Aaron.

In the midst of all this, I have the two cutest distractions I could possibly have, unless of course someone gave me another baby. Little kitty is adorable! When the kids brought him home, I was seriously like, "okay, more work." But. This kitty is a sweetheart. He follows me around with his little tail up in the air, bouncing and swatting things, meowing to be picked up. He is a cuddler and a purrer. He never misses the litter, and doesn't cause any trouble. He sleeps with Suri, attacks her mercilessly, and pounces on people's feet. And Suri, she is of course my little buddy.

I met a lady at the pool this morning who homeschools her four little boys. I asked her some questions about it...and when she found out how many kids I have, she said, "Wow! And you look like you have it all together!" Now, that is the most hilarious thing I have ever heard. Part of me was like, "I do? I look like I have it all together? Ooooh." But I know the truth. Ha. I can do lots of things okay, some things terribly, but nothing perfectly. I forget things, and I never seem to have everything caught up at the same time. I can do lots of laundry, then realize the windows haven't been cleaned in...well, I don't remember. Socks? ha. don't even talk to me about socks. Yes, we have lots of them. And yes, the kids wear matching ones. But most of our socks are swinging singles. All hanging out in a big laundry basket together.

Anyway. I do admire those who seriously do have their act together, I personally know a few people who do.

But I am not sure they would have dropped everything and gone out for coffee with their brother if their house looked like mine when my brother called, and I went with him.

I was thinking the other day that if I KNEW I only had like a month to live, would I do things I hate to do but feel obligated to do, like wedding/baby showers, graduation parties,...? Then I realized that although I perhaps have lots more than a month to live, my days ARE numbered. I have already been here for almost 48 years! Time isn't unlimited, spread before me in abundance. Then I doesn't really matter if I spend my time doing things I hate doing...if I am doing things out of a good heart, and if I have a good spirit, and a mind to be a blessing...if I don't give into my grumbling and complaining, and instead be thankful...then it doesn't really matter.

So. I could be a lot busier than I am. I could, for example, get up out of this comfy chair, and get moving. I suppose it doesn't matter that I have already washed several dishes and pans, swept floors, put two loads of laundry through, served some breakfasts and made some lunches, showered some kids and brushed out their hair, remembered permission slips and helped with spelling words, walked and fed the dog, fed the kitty, cleaned up spilled water from the kitty....dang, I am ready for a nap!


Anonymous said...

"Anyway. I do admire those who seriously do have their act together, I personally know a few people who do.

But I am not sure they would have dropped everything and gone out for coffee with their brother if their house looked like mine when my brother called, and I went with him."

Well I think it all depends on your priorities. Those who "seem to have their act together" as you say, they may have a clean house and all things caught up at the same time but really, is that the most important thing in life? I don't think so. I think the priority should be on spending time with the children, friends & family because that is what feeds the soul and what will be remembered, not perfect housekeeping.

Kristi said...

Great choice to drop everything and go have coffee with your brother. Bet it was all still there when you returned. I very much enjoy your blog.