summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Saturday, March 19, 2011

saturday at home

Paul is home. He got here and rescued the refridgerator. Right in the middle of the girls' waffle party. My nieces didn't seem to mind. I minded a little. He pulled it out from the wall and oh my goodness the dust and dirt and refridgerator magnets under there....he used the hair dryer to melt the chunk of ice that was blocking the air from getting to the fridge is a temporary fix, but the defroster in the freezer needs fixing still.

The girls are all outside playing and doing gymnastics and swinging on the swingset. It is only 34 degrees out, but it is partly sunny. The little girls have nice warm jackets and boots, but the older girls say gymnastics have to be done in bare feet.

Waffles...oh they were good. Mirielle saved some batter so the two little girls could have some this morning...I made another batch so the rest of them could have some more....why oh why couldn't simple carbs be totally and completely healthy and non-fattening? I could live on waffles and bagels and toast and potatoes....

Tonight the moon is going to be Super. A Supermoon. Really. It is going to be close to the earth in it's orbit, closer than it has been since 1993. At the horizon, around 7:30 here, it should appear extra large. I hope it is clear enough out here in central New York to be able to see it.

The things I don't want to talk about: Libya, Japan and the nuclear reactors....

Benjamin is doing well. He got an 88 on his latest test, so he now gets to wear civilian clothes on the weekend and leave the base. He says he is going to be smart and not go out and get drunk. He doesn't want to lose any privleges or waste any money. He has a future and a hope, and he knows it. Finally!!! It just makes me so thankful and glad that he has his head on straight and is trusting in God!

Kathryn is making peanutbutter and jam sandwiches for a picnic lunch outside. She says it is nice out there, no wind and sunny. I guess it is all relative. It has been such a long harsh winter, they didn't get out there so much. It is now 38 degrees, so they are enjoying it.....

Today is another Dome day...Paul is not going this time, which is nice. Ashley and Joseph and Aaron and Mirielle are going though. They are going to Starbucks first, which for some reason makes it all worth it.

I am going to go for a walk. No excuses, I am going right now.

1 comment:

Tereza said...

Glad he is home! Love reading about your busy life!