summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

monday again???!

Time's fun when you're having flies, as Kermit The Frog says. Rosie is still with us. I have not had any luck with re-homing her, but I have a place I am calling when it opens today which accepts all animals. I want to ask them how likely it is they will place her in a home with her tendencies, versus putting her down, and if they are honest with me and say it ain't gonna happen, I will take her to my vet and have her sent to the Happy Hunting Ground. Because that way at least I will be with her.

It is interesting to go through this. I can't look at her without tearing up and feeling so guilty, even though SHE is the Bad Dog, not me. She has no idea, and she isn't really bad, I know that. I love her fuzzy little birdbrain head, and her big goofy paws. I love how she tilts her head to the side when she doesn't understand the question, and how she sighs her big sigh when she obeys me to Go Lie Down. And the way her big head goes Clunk! on the floor.

But life isn't all sadness, we have had a certain set of twins here quite a bit, bringing us joy!

Sam playing with baby Sebastian, baby Linnea, and Joseph with Swanson Kitty.



kristine barr said...

what about a muzzle?

Mary said...

I am so sorry for what you are going through with Rosie. I can't imagine how hard it must be.

It is not at all my business, but I was just wondering if you had space on your property to build Rosie her own place and let her live the rest of her life there. That way you could spend as much time with her as you wanted, but you could keep her away from the kids. Then she wouldn't be a danger to anyone because she wouldn't be in the house.

I'm not in any way trying to tell you what to do with her. I am just trying to help you find a possible solution to a very sad situation. I will be praying for you through this. I am so very sorry. I know you love her. God bless you.
