summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

sweet summertime....

Sometimes things don't work out the way I expect. Today, for example, I was so excited for the kids to get home from school to celebrate the last full day of school. Summer vacation, yay!!! It was a good day, with Davian here...Emily stopped by and took Sonja and Camille to the big mall in the big city. Joseph, Aaron, and Sam went to an End Of School swim party at one of their friends from church. The pool is getting cleaner and clearer, and nice and warm...then the girls got home from school. Oh my goodness, talk about WOW. One girl telling me something about another, me trying to talk to girl, girl blaming me, soda falling and exploding, different girl mad her new shoes are covered with soda, throws iced tea, stomps off....what the heck? I thought, "Man, it's gonna be a long summer." I tried to talk to a different girl about situation, she asks me why I am talking to her about it, and stomps off. So I swim around in the pool with Char, wondering where I went wrong. Shed some tears. Prayed about taking things right and being patient...then soda-girl yells out the kitchen window, "I love you, Mom!"...and I think, "maybe this summer won't kill me after all...."


Sheila said...

Awww, so sweet! Don't you just love those kid moments? Great Blog, your family seems wonderful!

cheryl said...

Interesting.. I'd just read the article by, I believe, Pippa Jacobs on the Brunstad website.. concerning patience!!! Then I read your post. It's so encouraging to see how God is working with those who long for His virtues!

Cindy @ Marriedtothemilitary {dot} net said...

awwwww I am so sorry.

My house has been filled with extra kids the last few days and it has been very stressful. My 16 year olds boyfriend keeps showing up, I have had my friiends daughters, and I keep bringing extra kids home from vacation bible school. I feel bad saying know as life has been rough on the kids. Hopefully summer gets better for both of us.