summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

um...hello, winter!

I had a dr. appointment this find chilly morning...and I was pretttttty surprised how cold it was out there. It doesn't seem real, the snow that falls in November.

Jonathan and I went for a nice cold walk. He wanted to turn around, and so did I, but I was a mean-y, and kept us going until we reached the stop sign. He lived.

Camille saw snow, and wanted to decorate for Christmas. I don't like dusty decorations from keeping the up too long, so I hold off until after Turkey Day.

And...I found this picture.... My sister Cheryl and I, from a few years ago.

Today I had to go to the dermatologist for a suspicious thing on my is not serious, just a little pre-cancerous growth that seldom actually turns cancerous...and if it did, it would be slow-growing and easily treatable...but just to be certain, the dr. used liquid nitrogen, which is also ironically called, "cryosurgery", and I did almost cry. Dang it hurt! I felt like Camille, I wanted to just whine about it.

I also got a prescription for some cream for the psoriasis on my arms. I had them send it to Walmart pharmacy, big mistake. It was supposed to take 20 minutes. Ha. One hour and a half. Now, I don't HATE wandering around Walmart all by my lonesome. But it did cost over a hundred bucks. Well, tea, barbecue sauce,milk and yogurt and bananas....and a few Christmas presents. Two light fixtures from the clearance aisle weren't exactly necessities, but two of the bedrooms have only lightbulbs hanging from the ceilings because the light fixtures have broken, and I feel like there should be an interrogation when I walk into one of those rooms. Anyway. I bought myself new razors, and some baby soap for the princesses, and lip balm and index cards for Kathryn, some reduced price cinnamon buns for the kids' after school snack, and some chocolate almond milk for me.

Anyway....home, out for a walk, and now having a nice little Put-Me-Feetsies-Up session, which needs to end so I can fix some dinner. We are having barbecued pulled-pork and veggies, some brown rice.

Have I mentioned how much I miss Paul?

And have I mentioned that I am thankful that this thing on my forehead wasn't deadly? I thought, on my solitary ride home, about my awful window in the kitchen. It's the one window we have replaced since building this house almost 23 years ago. Paul did it himself, and um...I love Paul muchly, but he...never mind. Let's just say the trim never got done. It doesn't look pretty. And sometimes it bothers me. But on my way home today, I thought....if I were dying, what would it matter if I have an ugly kitchen window? Now that I am probably not going to die today though, I would like it fixed:) Sometime. I think of things like this that bother me, and I think, "It did not kill me yet, so it probably won't". Oh, things can start to bother me though! Something HAS to be done about it!!! Then, nothing gets done...and here I am.

Yeah, rambling, I do that very well. Tangents, whims, rambles....I guess I am good at something!

And I go, to get a few things done.

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