So, he told me to load up on ibuprofen, because this next procedure is going to hurt. He really said that. I got to choose to do it in the office, or over at the hospital, and duh, I chose the office. It's got to be cheaper, and it seems less...less serious. It didn't happen yesterday, no, that would be too simple, I instead have to wait for two weeks, just biding my time and living my life, and not thinking about tombstone sayings, although I do think I'll stick with the simple statement, "She Tried.", as my son Aaron suggested several years ago.
This whole thing is a trial of patience, because it takes a few weeks to get into the dr. in the first place, then this appointment was two weeks later, then the next one in two weeks...if it IS cancer, it could be having a pretty big party in all this time, don't ya think? Catch it early, they say. You'll have a much higher survival rate, they say. Reality: We're booked solid, but we can maybe fit you in two weeks from tomorrow....
But this whole thing is also a trial of faith. Do I really know and believe that the hairs of my head are numbered? And think of the treasures to be gained!
But on a happier note, just look at these best friends...

Sunny and Little Orange Guy just love each other. Orange Guy just rubs against Sunny purring, and curls up and sleeps with her. They chase each other around the house, but never are rough with each other. Sunny will just give the kitty a bath, and kitty will purr and snuggle. I don't know why I get such a kick out of it. And you know how kitties like to attack anything that moves, this kitty attacks wagging dog tails, and the dogs don't do anything about it.

Kitty started rabbit kicking Sunny's face, and Sunny was just like, "Really? Really?"
But back to my doctor's visit: I am not really planning my funeral. I am not actually THAT dramatic, but the thoughts do wander, and people DO die, and one of my best girlfriends died of breast cancer when we were 32 years old. I am also going in for my yearly mammogram, then the next week to the breast cancer specialists...poked and prodded, I tell you. Ain't nobody got time for that.
But in it all, there is real life, and real life is a gift. Even when someone takes the last can of seltzer and leaves the empty box, and when the last person who eats puts the rest of the corned beef in a baggie in the refrigerator but leaves the empty crockpot on the counter without even giving it a rinse. Even when you get home from the grocery store to find out you are out of milk and it's supposed to snow for the next three days.
My daughter Margaret is having a baby soon. I am cordially invited to the birth, which I am honored and thrilled about. They each called me last night after midnight, her husband Adrian, and her. She was having sharp pain, so I said to just go in and get checked out. They said they would text me if it was anything...around 2:30 Adrian texted and said baby is fine, and it isn't time yet. So I finally fell asleep. Tired is my middle name, I tell you.
One of these nights it WILL be time, and I hope it isn't snowing, they live a good half an hour north of here.
And now Anne is here, we have taken a trip to the library, and stopped into the grocery store for milk, cheese, and oranges, and are home again...
You are going to be just fine I really hope and pray so..thinking of you..
Oh sorry for your news, Della. I can tell you that this is what I had. Right before I was complete with menopause I had heavy bleeding. Uncomfortable, heavy and some times painful. Hard to do much. I had the internal ultrasound and I knew the tech was concerned. She wouldn't let me know which ticked me off! Doc called and said and I kid you not..... "Rose: This is Dr L.... there is nothing to worry about!" What are you talking about doc?? Geeze... she could have been more gentle. But I went and saw the specialist and he said I was so close to being completed he wasn't going to do anything.... unless I continued to bleed. Thank God I did stop! In a mere 2 weeks I was done. No more of anything. But of course my lining was so thin he knew I was just about through menopause.
I still worry. And I hope your procedure goes Ok.... I know about that pain. Make sure you clear your schedule that day and keep your feet up and try to relax.
I wish you lots of luck!!!
Asking Lord Jesus to give you complete healing Della. ♥️♥️♥️Susan
Do NOT...just do NOT let the dumb devil steal your joy! You r in my prayers. I hv been there, done that. Yes, i HAD a uterine tumor, but did surgery, a little chemo, some radiation, and now 2 yrs cancer free! Praise God! But u can not let those negative thoughts in! Just keep that demon under your feet and STOMP STOMP STOMP! Remember God did not give us a spirit of fear! Get your prayer team going bc they prayed me through my tough year! But just don't let that dumb devil steal ur joy!
I don't mean to sound as if i am chewing you out, just trying to b encouraging! You got this! 😀
Geeze..... I left a comment and I thought about it and I realized.... I am a dope! I'm sorry that was not very comforting to you and your health problems. I really do wish you well and to get every thing done as you can! I didn't want to scare you from the pain or anything! Good lord... that is the last thing I wanted to write!
So, again, I only wish you the very best and a good clean healthy out come from this horrible scare.
I experienced the same last year, going through postmenopausal bleeding, TVUS, endometrial biopsy, and ultimately a D&C. It was a scary time because my mother had endometrial cancer. Luckily, the path reports indicated no cancer, but they did indicate that I follow-up more frequently than usual.
The biopsy really does hurt, so definitely follow your doctor's advice about using NSAIDS before the procedure. Even with 800 mg of Ibuprofen taken an hour prior to the biopsy, the pain was much more than I expected.
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that all turns out well.
Hi is awful waiting for appointments, isn’t it? We need more good doctors I guess. It’s the same up here. At least we don’t have to pay.....thank goodness. My motto is to live each day to the fullest and you do. Praying all is well........
Marilyn from Canada
Chin up and prayers for you! I had a mastectomy due to breast cancer two years ago. After the surgery, my oncologist said "I want you to lose your uterus" so off to the gynecologist I went. After an internal ultrasound, I was told the uterine lining was very thick. I had a D and C at the hospital and everything was normal. Five months later at a follow-up visit, something showed up in the ultrasound. Another D and C, two polyps removed which pathology said was a "noncancerous mass" as I discovered most uterine polyps are noncancerous. I have since had a endometrial biopsy in the office which showed everything was normal. I know it's scary, but I believe everything will turn out alright for you!
Thinking of you x
You guys are all so kind, it seriously warms my heart that you'd all take the time to wish me well and include me in your prayers. This is strengthening, and honestly, it helps to hear of your experiences too. Women don't talk about these things enough. Thank you, and God bless!
I was told the exact same thing...I was also told it happens as you get through the end of menopause..The Uterus shrinks,thickens and you may start sporadically bleeding..My Doctor keeps on eye on things and so far so good...Keep positive thoughts and keep the Faith!!!!!
Della, I’m thinking of you and wishing you all the best. As always I so admire your grace & faith in the face of trial- it’s one of the most inspiring things about your blog :)
I love you and your honesty, Della.
I had an iffy mammogram years back and it kind of threw me for a loop until I had the second one and was assured everything was fine. I pray everything goes well for you. Not only are the hairs on your head numbered (It's a color by number thing, I believe), but He also holds you in the palm of His hand.
The waiting is so hard...are you getting a endometrial biopsy or D&C (or something else done)? If you don't mind me asking:)
I had an endometrial biopsy a few years ago for thick uterine lining with irregular bleeding (I was around age 39-40 and not in menopause), test was negative, but waiting 10 days for the results almost killed me, ha ha! Fast forward a few years later and my new Dr was concerned again so we're doing ultrasounds and watching it. I was supposed to get a D&C w/biopsy a few months ago but after a long bleed, the lining looked normal again, so we're just watching for now. My insurance is horrible, and that has a lot to do with not getting the D&C unless it's absolutely necessary.
Your situation is more urgent because if you're past menopause and it's not normal to have thick lining then (from what I've read). So anyway, I will be praying for you that it's not serious.
Michelle, it's an endometrial biopsy. I would like to save all the riga-morale and say just take the whole thing out, I am not using it anymore, ha. My insurance is also awful. We have a $2,500 individual deductible ($7,500 family), then have to pay 20% of everything. And as you know, twenty percent is a lot when it concerns medical stuff. But I do sincerely thank you, I appreciate your prayers so much.
Della, I'm thinking of you often and praying for you. 💗
Joy from Salem
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