summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, March 30, 2018

new weight loss program...

It's called Getting Sick. I wish my appetite would stay like this, seriously. I am feeling so much better, but my tummy still aches a bit, and nothing sounds good. Nothing. And shh, I have this little pint-y container of Ben and Jerry's Pumpkin Pie ice cream in my freezer. I had bought it at Target a few weeks ago, clearanced, because apparently pumpkin stuff is not IN in the springtime. I got it in addition to a few of those Halo ice creams, the low calorie stuff. Well it turns out that my son Joseph likes the Halo stuff, so when I REALLY wanted it the other night, it was gone..but, the pumpkin stuff was there, and so, well, I ate half the container, which is TWO servings, and honestly, it took all the mighty willpower I possessed not to finish it off.

And today, even that sounds yuck.

I did have coffee this morning, and some lemon-blueberry almond bread, that I made and froze. (I sliced it up and put it in a freezer bag, now I can just microwave a few slices and have a low-carb brekky...add a little butter, and yum). I ate it, because I know I need to eat, but I didn't really enjoy it. I have heard of real live people who have it like this in general, and I have always envied them.

Anyway. Today, Char and Cam and I are going out and about. We just need to get out of the house. I am not feeling on top of the world, but we feel like going out.

We have plans for tonight, too, Master Chef Junior is on, and we're going to light the new candles the girls made yesterday. They seriously made candles yesterday when I was sick. I said they could. They microwaved crayons, and used wicks from ugly candles that they took apart...they broke my one cup glass measure, and the house smelled like crayons were melting, but no other damage, and their candles are lovely.

Not much else is happening in my little corner of the world...I am going in to the breast cancer specialists on Monday, :(.....not my idea of fun, nor what I like spending money on, but.

Yesterday the girls put the dogs' and cats' new flea collars on, the fifty dollar flea collars...multiplied by four. I am not getting a penny to say this, but the Seresto 8 month collars work! Finally, after years of having dogs and cats and fighting the fleas, these work! I hope they continue to work, too, because two hundred dollars worth of collars...blah. But they will last until the end of November.

Well, the girls are all's funny how things change, they take care of themselves so well, choose their own clothes...I remember when "getting ready" to go bye bye meant choosing out clothes for like ten I just have to give advice, maybe some suggestions to change something or other, help find a particular pair of leggings, but mostly just get my own self ready...


Carol said...

It is nice when they are able to do more things on their own, but I do miss it at times. It is all a part of God's plan that we raise them to be independent and able to do well on their own.

Carol said...

So very sorry you are sick as I have been under the weather as well.

Jo said...

Hi Della,
I can't even remember how I stumbled across your blog but I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy it. I've been reading for a couple of years but after reading about your recent trials just wanted to send you a little love. Get well soon xx

Jo, Adelaide, South Australia

16 blessings'mom said...

Carol, I will keep you in my prayers. Being sick is no fun, but it can accomplish many things, like mercy in my heart for others and a thankfulness for when I am well. Jo, hello! Thank you!

Marilyn said...

Hi Della! I hope you are feeling much better now.........takes a couple of days with that bug. We are flying home tonight........looooooong flight. Our flight was cancelled for this morning...........😡 of the joys of travel. Have a great day!!

Marilyn from Canada

Joybells said...

Today is Wednesday...I do hope you are feeling better, Della! What a trying couple of weeks you have had. You've been on my mind recently. Thanks for your honesty and unflagging positive outlook. Love you!

Joy from Salem