summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

have you ever...

Watched the movie, "Groundhog Day"? The day keeps repeating itself, as the main character gradually acknowledges his own faults.

This morning, I feel such d'eja' vu. Snow day! again. The snow is swirling so thickly around the house right now...

First there was a two hour delay for school, then it was cancelled...those words, " closed..." bring such excitement, even though we only have two girls left in public school....snow day!!!!

But winter is loooong. It goes on and on and on, ha.

(It's snowing even harder now)

We live in the middle of the white stuff.

It comes down off the lake, and wow, we get snow.

I am thankful to live where we do, where the view from each window is like a framed nature print. It's almost a white-out now...

But enough about snow and weather, but wait, one more thing: pray for better weather tomorrow, as Emily, Abigail, Mariel, travel with me to Boston to catch our flight to Iceland - Norway. From winter to winter to winter, ha. Tomorrow, yay!

Of course I can't find my favorite leggings. I found so many good things when I cleaned my room, but I cannot find my favorite leggings. It's always something.

This morning, the "something" was that the kitty cat knocked down two of my nice Corelle mugs, shattered them all over the tile floor. There were eight mugs, I got them all at the thrift store, one of my super happy finds, they're the porcelain kind, white, big and pretty. Now there are six. Our old mama cat likes to knock things off the counter. CRASH, she runs away, with a big grin on her face. This happened while I was still in bed reveling in that I didn't have to hurry to get up, but it's not as if you can discipline a cat. I just gave her a dirty look, and she smirked.

Anyway. Suri wanted to go out...

She likes to roll around in the snow.

The kids are waking up, I have clothes to go in the dryer, and I have to think about packing.

But here's a nugget of wisdom from my fourteen year old homeschooled son: "Mom, you should never compare yourself with other people, only to what God speaks to you."


Robin said...

What an amazing young man your son is!

Marilyn said...

Travel safe tomorrow and have a GREAT time. Take lots of photos 🥰

Marilyn from Canada