I started going on walks I think eight years ago in March, when I had that awful doctor's appointment. Yes, I knew I was fat, after all, I did give birth seventeen times, and had morning sickness which raged in the first few months, and never disappeared throughout any of the pregnancies, and guess what I craved? Everything. Everything bad that is. My sister-in-law craved salads. harrumph. I wanted Cheerios (with milk and sugar!), oatmeal, toast, bagels, chocolate chip cookies, waffles. You have to remember that I did go through these pregnancies rather sleep deprived too, because I had so many other kids. When I tried so hard for a nap and ugh, it didn't work because the youngest didn't sleep when the others did, or appointments, or or or...I had some cookies with my coffee. A little something, because poor me, right? And so on. So that one doctor's appointment, I had lost a bit of my last pregnancy's baby weight, but was exactly 70 pounds more than I am now. My blood pressure was creeping up, and that scared me silly. I was there because of severe acid reflux. I had treated it myself for two or three years, and the tums or over the counter antacid tabs weren't helping anymore.
The doc wasn't too concerned about the blood pressure, I was fat, after all, and was prescribed meds for the acid reflux. I walked out of there with a determination to get healthier.
So I cut calories, mostly extra carbs, and started walking. Guess what? I never took those meds, and within two weeks, my acid reflux was gone. It still shows up every once in a while, but I think low car did it!
It's been an up and down journey, these 8 or so years, but I am not giving up. I decided to walk this morning, and wow, didn't manage to talk myself out of it! My knee is an issue, but it only ached slightly today. The weather won't always be this gorgeous in the winter, so I won't go out when it's too slippery or when the snowbanks make it too hard to get out of the way of cars, but I'm planning to do it when I can, combined with swimming.
See, I am just like the rest of America today! All psyched up to improve myself!
I am excited to catch up with my kids about their fun in Ottawa, and maybe bring them ice skating. No, I don't have the confidence to put on a pair, but maybe someday...
Beautiful day for a walk, my friend.
I am starting out slowly...drinking more water! LOL
Have a wonderful start to the new year.
Congratulations!!!! I am "pleasantly" plump, as I prefer to say it...but you know, the dr. likes to say "obese" which is an awful word to use and I struggle everyday with the thought...but I am not going back to the old lifestyle (anorexic and bulimic, just keeping it real). I walk everyday 1/2 mile up the blasted hill on campus (they make us commuters park a 1/2 mile away)...anyways...sorry about that-I got off track. CONGRATULATIONS. Smiles
P.S. Isn't is sort of surprising not to see much snow? smiles
Good for you Della! It all starts with the first step.........A saying I heard once and it has stuck with me over the years is ‘If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got!’ I say that to myself often actually........It’s nice you are having such lovely weather. Ours is very mild too, but we do have some snow on the ground. You have a lovely day!!
Marilyn from Canada
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