summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, July 22, 2024

it's not the same... tell stories without pictures.  My computer is being a butthead, not sure if it's the battery issue or something else, but I cannot load pictures.  

Three of my girls were in Paris for the day, on their way to Norway, and oh the pictures are so lovely!  They made it safely from the airport to the city, even with closed roads and sidewalks, navigated over 16,000 steps, then took the train back to the airport.  

Jonathan left here yesterday with a car load, drove to JFK to take off to Norway, the girls left from Boston, and went via Paris.  Evelyn drove them there, so nicely!

Sonja went to work for a 12 hour shift last evening, and I was here all alone with the doggies and kitties.  It was a strange feeling, but it was fiiiine.  (I've only read two books in bed, ha...)

Yesterday was a day of catching up.  Plans of a lake trip and wineries fell through, so I puttered around and did some cleaning.  Sonja had worked three 12s, so she slept a good part of the day, but when she woke up she joined me in the pool.  I grilled burgers, sausages, and warmed up the ribs for dinner, then she and Oscar went up to the lake.  I don't mind being alone, but it's strange.

This fine day, I have to go to the dump.  Paul is always the one who does this, but obviously he's not here, but in Hungary.  Sonja is willing to help me, so that's good.  

I'll spare you the gory details, but the highlight of my weekend was that Suri romped around in the woods next to our property, and found a snack....I didn't know she was eating some poor unfortunate dead animal, until she got the house.  I can't even begin, so I won't, but there were things moving.  It was possibly the most disgusting thing I've ever ever seen.  I promptly gave her some dewormer with some food, which the piggy girl gobbled right up, then she repeated her performance a few more times randomly.  Sam was here for one of them, and helped me clean it up.  Thankfully this one was on the deck, we were able to give it a good rinse after cleaning it up.  

Dogs are a lot of work, even when they're good dogs.  I do feel safe with them here though.  They keep the  bad delivery people on their toes.  

Sorry if you were eating brekky.

My new battery should be coming soon, maybe Oscar will install it for me, maybe my pictures will load, maybe it's a totally different issue.  Your guess is probably better than mine.

So yes, life is changing here at home, with Char gone...Jon and Cam will be home in a week.  Camille filed the request for an age override for the New York State equivalency test, and will hopefully be able to take that soon.  It'll be the first year with no one getting on the bus, and no one homeschooling.  

The other day, I made a low carb lemon pound cake.  It sounded so good.  Reality?  meh.  I used almond flour and coconut flour, and four eggs, and some monk fruit/alluose to sweeten it.  It had sour cream in it, and real lemon juice and zest.  I made a glaze for it with zest and fresh squeezed juice.  meh.  So last evening, I cut some up into cubes, and ate it with a Too Good yogurt (no artificial sweeteners, no added sugar), and some sugar free whipped cream (no added sugar, just cream).  It was very good that way.  

The ribs from the smoker:  mmm mmm good.  Seasoned with steak seasoning overnight, then 200 degrees for two hours, added brown sugar and apple cider vinegar, wrapped in I also added this spicy maple syrup to, oh it was good.  250 for two more hours, then unwrap and smoke for another hour with some bbq sauce.  I used Stubbs mixed with some sweet Memphis, lots of pepper.  

Anyway, the pool hours are earlier this month because of a swim program for kids, so I have to get moving.  Have a really good day!


American Housewife said...

Good Morning!
Not sure if this is the picture upload issue but every so often G**Gle (who owns Bl***r) won't let you upload anything without giving them 'permissions' again. Last week on my sites I couldn't upload until I changed my general computer permissions to allow them cross-cookies again. (Which makes me angry because the cross cookies are the trackers... but if you don't allow them, you can't upload). Since this started for me the same time you said it started for you, it's probably just in your privacy settings for them.

Anonymous said...

I was THINKING about eating breakfast…. Jkjkjk. I told Bill how you were basically alone for a while and he asked what you were doing. Without even thinking I said Oh, she’s got a couple of books, at least for tonight!!

Terri D said...

Lots going on and you have your people spread out all over the world!! Wow. I'm glad you have the dogs and hope they are done being sick!! Sending hugs!