summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, July 18, 2024

the drama queen...

Yesterday, I went out and about all by myself.  First to the library, then the thrift store, where I found a $3 dress that I didn't feel like trying on, and a nice wok. (The dress looks TERRIBLE on me!)  Then to a grocery store for a pound of bacon, two small packages of 85% burger for buy one get one free, and one dozen bakery donuts.  I filled the gas tank because I had twenty cents off per gallon, then went to Aldi.  I got eggs, lemon juice, sour cream, and a watermelon.  I was walking through Aldi, perusing and deciding, I don't need all the snacks and junk because the kids are going to Norway on Saturday for nine days, Charlotte Claire going to Germany from there.  It hit me like a punch in the gut, that's she's really leaving for a year, and how much things are changing around here.  Sonja will be married next month, leaving a gaping hole in our little family life.  Adult children are amazing, but it's just not the same once they move out.  So I cried me a little river inside, walking down the Fun Aisle at Aldi.  

The cashier was speedy fast, so speedy fast that he chucked my watermelon right into that cart, and when I went to bag things up, it was cracked right open.  When I went back over and showed it to him, no apology, just throw it in that trash can and go get a new one.  So I did, thinking it was good I bagged the groceries inside the store and at least didn't have to come all the way back in.  I chose a new watermelon, then headed for the exit, which is only through where the registers are....I think the people who were heading to get in line thought I was going fast and trying to cut them, then that I left the store without paying for my stuff...but then, who cares what they think?

Once I loaded my car, I checked my phone, and Evelyn had called...she wanted me to get bread crumbs, so back into Aldi I went.  I also grabbed some beautiful peachy colored roses, and a yellow mini rose plant, because they were so pretty.  

One more stop for sweet corn, then to Emily's to deliver the roses....I don't know why, just thought they needed some flowers.

Home....ahh, home.  It was a big afternoon, Margaret was coming with the kids, and Evelyn was coming to make "chicken sandwiches that are better than Chick-fil-A", she said.   I sliced up some chicken breast and put it in dill pickle juice to marinade, then did a quick house clean up with Miss Sonja, who tackled the refrigerator.  The best part of the day was taking Wulf and Tennyson out swimming.  :)

We were in the pool when I decided to call Kathryn and invite her over, I knew Darius had gone with Jonny to Pennsylvania to pick up some new tires.  The boys were very excited, and it helped get them out of the pool, ha, they were having so much fun.  

Adrian and Daruis have a sister, Rosie, who is staying with Margaret and Adrian, she has a tiny little doggie.  She's a shitzu named Juniper.  She didn't mind the chaos, or our dogs.  Sunny forgot she was here a few times and re-barked, but while wagging.  

I husked the corn, Char cut up the watermelon, Cam assisted Evelyn in breading all the chicken while Ev ran the air fryer, and I manned the stove to deep fry some.  I sliced tomatoes and layer out the lettuce, while the girls got out plates and toppings and sauces.  

By the time we were done with dinner, it was Break Down O'clock for some of the little ones, so we let them choose donuts (halves), and sent them home with them.  Wouldn't you know, Jon and Darius stopped at Krispy Kreme , Jon came home with two dozen?  ugh.  (I did not eat ANY. )

By the time everyone went home and we cleaned up, I was done, ready for bed.  Char and Cam were watching a show I haven't watched, Sonja went to see Oscar, so I said my goodnights...then Jon came home and I had to sit and talk to him about his day.  

So exciting, my life!  I stayed up reading, then was plagued by aching feet and legs, but I did sleep okay after a while.  Not having Paul here is strange indeed.  

This fine morning, I'm going to Walmart or Target with Kathryn, as she needs some snacks for Norway, and to get her oil changed.  I have laundry to do, but I know Jon put a load in this morning, so I'll have to move his over.  I won't complain though, glad to still have some kids here at home still ha...

Have a really good day...!


Billie Jo said...

My friend, I love knowing what your day looked like. I love the love you have for your people! The chicken sandwiches sound delicious, and I laughed at "Break Down O'clock!!! So true! I teared up when you spoke of crying in the store. I find myself doing the same thing at times. Those busy days with little ones at home, belonging to us still and not yet to the world, passed too quickly. Darn it! Prayers for your travelers! And for your heart.

Terri D said...

You are always so busy, but it's good busy! You always find good things at Aldi and I always think I need to go to Aldi - and then I don't think about it until I read your next post. Happy Friday and weekend!!

Linda said...

(((grinning)))--wishing you a beautiful weekend, my friend.

Marilyn said...

Hi Della! WOW lots is going on in your life at the moment! Big changes for sure. What is Charlotte going to be doing in Germany for a year. My goodness but good for her. Always good to have a gap year I think and do something productive and helpful. That was nice of Suri, wasn’t it? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ They can be so gross sometimes 😬 I was taking my Tillie for a walk in a beautiful winters day, the snow was melting the sun shining and she went way over in the field and was rolling around in the wet snow. I thought “aaawwwww look at her enjoying the lovely day” till I saw her!! She had rolled in sloppy manure or dog poop. It was all over her 😳😳😳 oh my!

Your lemon cake sounds delicious with all those ingredients. I’m going to make one soon as I have a bag of lemons that will be past their prime soon………much like myself!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Have a great day😊

Marilyn from Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦