We went to a really fun playground yesterday! Jonathan does his school work in the morning, and sometimes we go out and about. He is a good sport about Anne, and we both get a kick out of her. She thinks everyone she meets is a friend.
I ran into the thrift store yesterday, and it only made me want to go back another day when I can browse more. :). I did get a huge board book with animals in it, Anne loves it, and a pair of Osh-Kosh gray camo overall shorts for one of the grandsons for next summer.
We also went to Walmart because Jon needed a few things. I took Anne over to see the Christmas trees. I bought a Christmas decoration, in September, a white clapboard looking sign with tin cut out letters spelling "joy". Slap me silly. Walmart has some nice decorations this year! I was impressed. The old-fashioned Christmas vibe, the farmhouse-y feel, is so cool. I want to buy all new stuff, ha. (The little red pick up truck, oh dear, it had two trees in it, AND: a black lab. If it wasn't $18...)
Anyway. The Halloween stuff has been on the shelves since July, so it's rather ordinary to buy Christmas trinkets in September, although shh, I did leave that one particular item in the van when we carried the rest of the stuff in.
Today is nice and sunny, and we plan to spend lots of time outside. Anne is in her element outside. She likes bugs and is interested in everything. She will play in water for hours, so we'll put some clean water in the little pool. She'll water all the poor plants, and dump water and "jump in muddy puddles!", like Peppa Pig.
Congratulations on the weight loss Della, it's noticeable now, you must be very pleased Best wishes Blods xx
Oh thank you! That's so kind of you to say. It's a suffering, to be sure, not eating all the yummies, but I am feeling better and am not giving up! I have grandchildren to stay young for, ha!
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