This pic is from two years ago, but it's a good one for National Daughters Day, even though that was yesterday. (I am also a dollar short, if you must know.)
So yesterday I promised my two little girls, who are in seventh and eighth grades and aren't so little anymore, that I'd pick them up at the end of the school day. The bus ride is long and hot, and the day was a beauty, umbrella sky and warm sunshine. Our plan was to hang out at home for a bit, then go to Target.
We went to TJMax first, as I am looking for a area rug for in front of the t.v. console-thingy. I realized how raggedy the old one was. I didn't find one, but the girls each found something, and although they might seem spoiled...they didn't really go back-to-school shopping. They're good girls, they don't just get something to get something.
I got an outfit for little Wulf, and had to restrain myself. The girls were stopping me, I want to buy all the things for the grand kids.
We went into Target, and yes, I did get something for Anya for her birthday.
(no, I didn't really buy it)
Sonja, Charlotte Claire, and Camille are so much fun, and Suzanne deserves a million for staying home and looking after Anne. Anne doesn't nap, I guess she won't sleep at night if she naps, so she's a small child who just turned three, and she gets very tired in the afternoons. She would have done okay if we brought her but we also would have had to hurry, as she gets picked up usually around five. I did feel bad that Suze stayed back, but she said she didn't mind.
Dinner was ready when we got home, because those pork chops that I had marinating were put into the oven by Suzanne, and I put some potatoes in the microwave, and made some tossed salad quick. But, Sonja is doing independent gym now, and has to get her hours in each week, so I had agreed to go to the pool with her. Once we got home from shopping, I didn't WANT to go to the pool. No sir. I wanted to eat dinner and chill. But I went. We stayed in the deep end, and I treaded water, exercised, swam around, for half an hour. It felt fantastic.
Happy me after the pool. I loved it so much, it renewed my interest in going. I told Sonja that when she needs to go to get those hours, and I balk and make excuses, to just MAKE ME GO. I know I'll end up loving it, the feeling of moving and working those muscles. I forgot how nice that is.
I also have to mention that I hadn't eaten since dinner the day before, except for about ten almonds I had in the car on the way home from the stores.
I also am doing my push-ups every day. It isn't much, but I figure if I make it habit, it'll be good for me in the long run.
While we were swimming, Miss Mirielle was at an awards ceremony, and I don't know much about it, but Abigail snapped this pic of her:

Isn't she so cute? She is an oncology nurse, working in a chemo/infusion clinic at the hospital, and she got a care award for excellence I'm sorry I don't know more of the specifics, but Mare is one of those people who doesn't realize how nurturing and smart and amazing she is. The patients who get her for a nurse have gotten a good one. She's certified in chemotherapy, it's like a nursing specialty, works full time and is going for her Master's, and will probably teach.
Emily has picked up a teaching job, as well as seeing patients as a Nurse Practitioner. She teaches nursing students. I am proud of my girls:)
Abigail is doing well too, my accountant. It's interesting how different my girls are from each other!
Have I mentioned how proud I am of Char and Cam? They get up each morning all by themselves (I am up too, but I don't wake them up, they are very self-sufficient!). They wash and take care of their own clothes, pick out their school clothes, pack their lunches, get their homework done right after school, and get themselves all ready and out the door on time each day. For girls who were homeschooled for FIVE YEARS, that's pretty darned good. And they're doing fine in school. I needn't have worried if they learned enough, they're doing well.
Today is a rainy day, and it's cozy in here. I am drinking my coffee in my comfy chair. Life is good. :)
I am not a fan of water and pools, but my family sure loves them! I am glad you went and enjoyed yourself. I hope you go again soon. It sounds as though your girls are doing well.
Hi Della! That is just a beautiful photo of you and all your girls. A lovely one to have for sure. Maybe swimming is your thing? My sister in law loves to swim laps for half an hour then sit in the hot tub. I’m not a swimmer.........I’m glad the little girls are liking school. It must be very different for them I think, especially getting up and out so early to get the bus, getting lunches etc. Good for them! Have a good day! We have a light smattering of snow this morning 😬🙄
Marilyn from Canada
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