summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, September 6, 2019

just checkin' in...

It's getting downright chilly in the mornings, and with the excitement of going back to school dwindling, the girls are a bit more sluggish in the morning. They have a little bit of homework each night, and with packing lunches and picking out clothes and taking showers, their free time is not what it used to be.

Anne will be here in a few minutes, it'll be just her and I today. It's Jonathan's last day of work though, yay!

Anne with Sunny. She bugs the life out of the doggies, but they don't mind too much. The worst they do is get up and move. Anne thinks they like to read stories with her.

I miss Kathryn already.

Suzanne with Kap, the other day. It's not fair to be so far away from your little girl when she's pregnant.

Today is a blank slate. I know it will include play dough, coloring, and going outside to play in the play houses, the trampoline, the swing in the front yard, and with the toys on the deck. There will be stories read, and we'll listen to a few songs on my phone. Yesterday, we turned on ballet music and danced on the deck. So we won't be bored.


Blods said...

Hi Della, As ever, a big thank you for blogging so regularly, I love reading all your posts and hearing about your lovely, large family. I have one request of you: if you ever decide to make your blog private for some reason, would you please give us some warning and the opportunity to provide you with an email address so you can allow us to continue to keep reading. A few of my favourite blogs have become private for some reason (eg,Lyn at Escape from obesity) and I have no way of contacting the authors to obtain the necessary permission to continue to access their writings. I would really miss your posts. Thanks in advance, Love Blods (UK) xx

Martha said...

I've lost track of who is who and what you are up to. Gone are the days when I could stay home and have a leisurely cup of coffee and chat with my blog friends. Some days I wonder if I will ever have that again, or if I will always get up early and wander off into the world to snuggle little ones and cook up yummy lunches that children don't want to taste, just in case they aren't good. I am grateful for what God has put into my life and how He blesses me each and every single day. He is very good.

16 blessings'mom said...

Blods, don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I am also bummed and saddened that Lyn went undercover. It's weird, because years ago I scoffed at the idea of internet "friends", but now I am actually a bit hurt when those blogs go private and I am left out! I shall remind my sister of my password, in case anything happens to me, so she can check in here. (I've tried to get her to guest post, but she won't!)

Martha, I am awed at how you have adapted to getting out there into the working world. I was flipping and turning it in my mind to do this year, but still have one homeschooled boy here, 15 year old Jonathan. Char and Cam went to school this year, 7th and 8th grades! And I'm babysitting for little Anne. It's funny, isn't it, how life turns out? I was in the E.R. with Kathryn the other night (she had kidney stones), and she was apologizing that I was there and missing the huge-0 gathering at my house. I told here that years ago I decided that life isn't doing what you want, it's liking what you do. That's so cliche, but when you actually apply it, and consciously decide just to be thankful wherever you are or whatever you're doing, life becomes much brighter. God can do mighty things when we're thankful.