We're leaving for the cabin on Saturday, so I thought I'd get my shopping done this morning after dropping Jonathan off at work. He actually dropped himself off, then I got out and drove, because he's all about driving these days.
Price Chopper has London Broil for $2.49 a pound this week. That's cheaper than I've been paying for burger! I also got some pork chops for $1.89 a pound. The pork for the pulled pork was pricier, but I didn't feel like going to a third store. The snack table is coming along quite well:
I rather enjoy shopping by myself. I find myself apologizing to thin air, saying that I'll hurry, but have to just look at one thing in this aisle. I did make a friend in Price Chopper by cluing her in that I had asked the meat dept. guy if there was any of the $2.49 meat left, and he said he'd bring some right out. This lady was putting some of the higher priced stuff in a plastic bag, after looking around...so I figured she was looking for the sale stuff, and she was so thankful I had let her know! We got to chat while we waited for the meat dept. guy, it's hard to talk in masks, but we managed.
I also made a friend in Aldi, she was taking forever and a day looking at the steak while I hummed and zoned out behind her, she turned around, saw me, jumped a bit, and said, "Why didn't you say something, waiting for so long, I was just taking my sweet time..." I told her that I'm actually not in one bit of a hurry, and I sounded just like Chris Trager from Parks and Rec. Anyway, we chatted a bit too, she was so nice. Her mask was totally underneath her nose, and I loved her for that.
Home, ah home. I cleaned the floors, did some laundry, went swimming, oh dear is the pool nice today! Paul successfully repaired the leak, yay!!! I just LOVE the pool, I really really do.
Some of my kids (Emily, Abigail, Benjamin, Mariel, Evelyn, Sonja, Jon, Char, and Camille) are doing something fun this weekend, but I'm not saying much about it. It's totally legal, and directly in conjunction with health department guidelines, but I still don't want to say much about it because you know, there might be a Karen lurking, who would want to cause trouble. The kids have been busy preparing for it, and I'm helping tonight and tomorrow with it. :)
When at the register today in the store, I did issue a disclaimer to the cashier about the sheer volume of food (so much meat!) I put up there on that conveyor belt, I told her that I have 16 kids and at least 11 of them will be at a cabin next week...I didn't mention it will include 2 or 3 spouses, and 3 or 5 grandchildren...(Molly has to work, but might come up for one night!).
I'm also leaving some good stuff here for Joseph and Bethany, who are staying here to watch our doggies and keep up with the pool.
I am only doing three meals, dinner on Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
Saturday, there will only be a few of us there, we're having the London Broil, baked potatoes, and salad.
Sunday: a few more people there, grilled lemon-garlic pork chops, applesauce, thin green beans
Monday: pulled pork, homemade macaroni and cheese.
I'm also bringing some eggs and bacon, lots of snacks, English muffins...but the other kids will take care of the other meals.
Anyway. Summer is so nice. I am blogging in my bathing suit, bare feet of course, going to take another dip in the pool, then maybe grill some burgers...in my bathing suit...love it.
No Price Chopper here, just a Wegmans. HEY, I am so jealous of y'all going on vacation, smiles. I hope you take lots of photos, my friend, smiles.
I actually got up the noive to venture out to price chopper today!! I went for the steak and grapes.. they were out of both, the meat department was CLOSED, and it was only 5!! I thought, not a big deal, I'll just get a raincheck! But, no!! My very first trip to a store since March and it was almost a waste of time 💩💩💩 I missed it, but it's not worth the trouble (yes, I made my own shopping cart 🤔😷👏) The walking around felt great, those one-way aisles are killers! So, no steak and grapes for us! I do believe that they could print out rainchecks easily and hand them out.. after all, I was handed my receipt!!!
Linda, Wegmans is a good store, but every time I go into Aldi, I realize how much I overpay everywhere else. But Wegmans has the best seltzer water, and those 60 calorie no-sugar-added frozen fudge bars...mmm.
Cheryl, you went to a store! Wow!!! The meat goes really fast, but you know, I can give you a steak! I'll drop it off later.:)
You are so cute. I also like to chat with people in the store....but it isnt as easy with the darn mask on!
You must be a brilliant meal planner-I have issues cooking for more than four people; ha!
Hey, Karen, leave our friend alone and let her discuss things that don't include YOU. :)
Have a great weekend.
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