summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, April 4, 2022

not too long ago, not too far from here...

 ...there was a big white van, at a big huge mall, full of kids.  They parked, and mom wanted a pic.  They no doubt were thrilled, but mom probably said someday you'll be glad we took pictures.

This is only ten of the sixteen.  The older ones (Emily, Abigail, Benjamin, Mariel, Joseph, Aaron) weren't with us, just the ten youngest.  Molly in the brown tank, Sam behind (didn't he look thrilled?), Margaret holding Charlotte Claire in the black tank, Kathryn holding "baby" Camille, Evelyn near Sam, Suzanne hugging Sonja, and little Jonathan...

These days are considerably quieter, although there is a sense of excitement around here.  Nine of the kids are going to Norway for Easter-time.  Five are going to a special youth program, Jon is staying through for the conference too, and Emily, Abigail, Mariel are going for the conference.  Char and Cam, and Evelyn and Margaret will be back home before Easter, so we will still have a celebration...but that's a whole different story.  Kathryn will be going to Norway too, they are excited to be seeing her.

Paul and I are not going to Norway this time, but we are leaving in the dark cool morning to go to California tomorrow.  

That seems about warm enough!  I'll be by the pool, if you need me.  

Speaking of "pool", I have to leave here to go to my water aerobics class....bye for now!


PamL said...

We have that same van! :) We bought it in 2006- and we still have it- well, actually, my 23-year-old converted it to his "home" and is living in it in FL while he pursues his dream of being a professional golfer. (He caddies for $$ and plays in tournaments). We enjoyed that thing so much, but the last few years, it spent a lot of time sitting in the driveway as more of our older kids got their own cars and drove separately. It almost seems like a dream when we all went somewhere together! I was just about to get ready to get rid of it when my son said, "Don't ever sell the van- I'm going to live in it!" Ha ha- this was the kids that was so embarrassed by it that he said he was never going to drive it. I say never say never!! :) It is so fun to go down memory lane!

Linda said...

Grinning....I shall duck when I tell you this, but yeah, it's that warm here in Florida, LOL. Have a beautiful trip if I don't see you before that. smiles