"See, I wrote my name on my hand, it says Garlotte Glaire!", said Charlotte Claire....
Jon likes the glue best.
It is really snowy today. The wind is blowing and the snow is going sideways. I do not believe that I have looked out the window once today without seeing it snowing. I am thinking about getting Jon a cookie sheet full of snow to play at the table with...because it is cold and windy out there.....
Okay, yesterday evening I wrote what brings me joy....now I think I'll write what makes me sad...
1. When the kids get a toy and it is cheap and it breaks, and it breaks their little hearts. I gave Mr. Jonny, who is 4 years old, a ping-pong ball gun for a prize at the party yesterday, and you would've thought I gave him a million bucks....but it didn't work. Tearwater tea.
2. Old people in the grocery store. Period.
3. When I pass out candy to like a million kids, and the inevitable straggler comes in and: it is all gone.
4. Hearing about kids on the bus being mean to other kids....and hearing about the kid on the bus who is poor, and brought his lunch in a cracker box one day....
5. When a child has an ice cream cone, and the icecream falls off. Or their candy falls on the ground......once I bought my daughter, who was 4 years old, a box of Chiclets gum in Walmart. She opened it before I was done checking out....ping, ping, ping....gum falling on the floor.....(Of course I bought her more!!)
6. Hearing that one of my kids dropped their lunch tray at school.
7. When they wet their pants at kindergarten.
8. When I forget to study spelling with one of them, and they get a 40%....
9. When someone is sick and misses a birthday party.
10. Kids getting yelled at in Wal-Mart.
11. Parents swearing in front of their kids...(shut up, Cheryl...oh, I mean, BE QUIET)
12. Slobby kids that look like their parents don't love them...
13. When the new box of cereal is gone before Sam got a bowl of it.
14. When the bubble bath gets dumped down the drain....
15. Divorce.
16. Abortion.
17. People fighting.
18. People who are lost in hopelessness and frustration.....
19. People who turn their backs on God.....
21. Thinking about and remembering my late parents....
Well, I have some thinking to do: I have way more sad things than joyful!
These things are not in order of saddest to least sad, or the other way around, as I think #19 is probably the saddest....
you forgot number 20
lol :)
it should be
20. living too far from heather for us to hang out :)
well you forgot the prams in things that brings you joy... (I still wonder how you forgot to mention it!)
Heather, if I have established one thing with this blog, it is that I cannot count.... and yes, #20 is that it is so sad we live so far apart...I think my sister and I, and your sister and you would have quite a fun time together...and prams: how could I forget those? Guess what: I didn't really forget....I just thought I mention those SO often....
Re: #11.. You know that I only find it acceptable to swear in front of one's kids if they are at least almost 19 AND it is being spoken in good fun.. otherwise, I may tell someone: that's not very nice to swear, let alone in front of or at your kids.. (then I'll jump into my van and drive away fast). And why is Be Quiet so much nicer than Shut Up??
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