summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

8 of still up...oh yeah, sam and joe too....

These little girls are still going strong at almost ten o'clock. They are so cute and sweet. Rosie the pee-pee queen is in her cage for the night. I am ready to zone out any time now. It isn't so much the sleep I crave at this time of night, it is just that I am ready to stop being ALERT. With Camille, the alertness has to be turned on high at all times...even when someone else has her. At the restaurant yesterday, we were getting ready to leave....the girls showed Camille the fishies in the fishtank, and then I was counting out a tip (I felt so guilty about the huge mess and the wasted food, I left a pretty nice tip) and I noticed all the girls, and WHERE is Camille? She was no more than 5 feet away, thankfully, with both hands in the big box of fortune cookies, grabbing. It was so funny...I was glad she was so close by, and the girls were laughing hysterically at her grabbing the cookies....then a few of them decided to have a, stop, no, those are not part of the buffet....or are they? I did end up with a few in my purse, (I didn't take them, they did) and today when I needed Sonja to do me a favor for a little prize, I gave her a fortune cookie....

Well, it is getting that time....the girls are fighting over a toy....they need to go to bed.


Tereza said...

Loooooooong summer we come! It's hard to go to bed when it's do hot in the house and so bright outside!

Cassandra said...

I can just imagine the handfuls of fortune cookies, what fun LOL

Cassandra xx

true blessings said...

I love the way you write, you seem very funny,I can almost hear you talking,maybe you should consider making videos.