summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, July 30, 2009

two years of blogging for me....

And I still love it. I remember when I started, I was pregnant for Camille, and I didn't know how to put pictures up. Aaron put the pics up of when she was born, and sometime after that I learned how myself. Sometimes when I sit down and write, I sort things out for myself, and put things in perspective. Daily life can seem overwhelming sometimes, and I can tend to focus on trying to get things under control instead of what is really important: getting saved in the situations.....there are so many opportunities to humble myself during the day! To be more connected to God....

My beautiful girls are coming home tonight! Mirielle and Mali! Paul is going to pick them up at the airport, the one they are flying in to is a good hour from here. I remember how long ago it seemed when Mirielle asked me if that was all right because the tickets were cheap...."sure, honey, fine"....then when it was all said and done, I was like, "What! We have to take you all the way over there!"....ha. short term memory. Anyway, Paul is going to get them...and tomorrow, we are all leaving for summer conference. I imagine the girls will have a mountain of laundry, or at least two suitcases anyway, so I should do what I need to do today.

Anyway, today I thought I would write a list titled, "Things I Love"....

1. I love how Charlotte Claire wants MOMMY to tuck her into bed at night. She has this Fisher-Price aquarium thing on the side of her crib (I got it at the Salvation Army a few years ago for $2 , and it still works....)...she always has to turn it to the music and lights, and have her blankets just so, and sleep with what ever toy or dolly she has been playing with...she sometimes has like fifty toys in her crib when I go to tuck her in....she does this thing where she wakes up really early and fills the crib with toys, then makes a nest on the floor and goes back to sleep....or she climbs out at night and turns on the light and plays....she is just such a funny little kid.

2. I love bargains. When something is buy one get two free, or 75% is just nice.

3. I love it when the kids start talking about how they are going to be good and get along better or keep their room clean from now on!! ha. But I still love it.

4. I love getting up before everyone else in the morning, and having some quiet. I also like staying up later than everyone else, but that is nearly impossible lately. They have been doing this Lord Of The Rings movie marathon, and they are still eating snacks and watching when I head to bed, this week.....

5. I love it when someone else cooks dinner once in a while....Paul did last night, sort of. His mom had brought over zuchini with sausage and tomatoes....he cooked pasta, and served the kids....I totally missed dinner, except for some of the clean-up.....(no, the little kids did not like the zuchini and sausage dish...but I LOVE it)

6. I love Rosie. Even though I seriously considered listing her on craigslist more than once, I love her like crazy. She makes me smile when she sits there with her head turned to the side, trying to figure something out....she never just squats and pees in the house anymore, but if she doesn't go before she comes in, she will pee in pure excitement just because she is happy...or if I tell her NO sometimes, she will pee...she came in the other day and jumped right up on my nice red couch! I told her NO, get down, so she rolled to her back and peed! Right on the couch! (see what I mean about craigslist?)........but I love her....she is just so loyal and happy and rewarding....

7. I love the two cats. I feel sorry for them, as they are terrified of far, my "introducing the kitties to the puppy" mission has been a dismal failure, nothing but scratches to show for it....

8. I love how excited the kids are about the summer conference. They have all these plans. Charlotte Claire says she is inviting her cousins Danielle and Seany-boy to her camper to play.

9. Of course I love my husband. He is kind and funny and handsome and sweet and reliable and responsible and forgiving and peaceful. He loves his guitar and his music and he takes it so well that he rarely gets time for them....he is a giver, mostly of his time, but also of his money.

10. I love a blank day. That's why I love summer so much....

11. I love my kids of course and my friends, and my church...and most of all, I love God. I love that He has chosen to bless me with His word, and blessed my with all of these kids.....

And in all these things, of course there are trials. Charlotte Claire is playing with a roll of tape, the cat wants out, the pup is hungry, the kids are waking up....this won't be an easy day, but it will be a rewarding day.....


Anonymous said...

congrats on 2 years!!
and thank you for sharing, as I said so many times, it IS encouraging. :)

Cassandra said...

2 years!!!! I have been reading your blog for almost 2 years!!! I started reading after Camille was born but i did go back to the begining and read all your posts from the start.... I remember i just used to lurk before i got the courage up to leave a comment :-)

Love your list! a great reminder of what to be thankful for :-)

Cassandra xx

cheryl said...

I can't believe it's been 2 years already!! Where on earth does the time go? Okay, so it doesn't go anywhere on earth..
I love the things you love list..
it's a good reminder to be thankful for the little things, actually for everything.

Darla said...

Oh I just love reading your blog! I'm rarely on anymore but love to come over here and read when I can! It reminds me to be thankful for what I reminds me to just keep going like I have 'cause someone else does, and loves it! I've been a little hard on myself lately and have really needed to hear that someone else has so many of the same situations and attitude as I have. It's a long story, of which I will spare you :), but lately I have felt more of a failure for being able to so often ignore the mess (since it IS so unpermanent) and just living the moment than being grateful I can. Then I read that you chose to be the same way and your older kids, who are older than my older kids, have turned out so, so good, and it encourages me to keep focusing on our family rather than the house! THANK YOU! :)

Oh, p.s., I also have been ready, more than ready, to list our dog on craigslist. We still have him 3 years later!