Little Miss Camille Anaya
Charlotte Claire taking a snooze during the SuperBowl.
Little sweet little was quiet in here the other day for some reason, and I got the most horrible thought, "this is a foreshadow of things to come..." I know, that sounds rather Dickens-y and almost evilish, but....these kids are growing up, and in two years I will be home alone with Rosie-The-Bad-Dog.
This Little Piggy needed his blood pressure taken...
I still have not gotten on that treadmill again...blah! I need to. Would someone please kick me in the rear?
Anyway, I think it is kind of funny that three comments were all about husbands/marriage. I honestly still feel bad about a stupid misunderstanding, and I find myself going back to it in my mind like when you chip a tooth or get a new crown, and the tongue just cannot leave it alone....I don't want to be mad, or sad, or offended... Why should I have demands on him that he be different? He is a very good man, and I truly love him. I do not want to get bitter and hold on to things. To Paul, talking is over -rated. Unless it is one of the rare times he wants to talk. He has no patience for the details. I, on the other hand, have so much to say that I even bore myself sometimes. Well, sometimes he likes to talk about everything, just not as often as I do.
Oh well. Tomorrow is another day. Nevermind that it is Monday...
I'd like to add about the husband issue. I have the same problem with mine, and it frustrates me silly. I can understand that most men are of few words, but what does annoy me is when they are wanting to talk talk talk, we listen and are interested and respond positively/supportively.. but when we want to talk talk talk, we get that look as if to say "Oh just hurry up already".. so I really do know where you are coming from there!!
NOw I want chocolate!
I feel the same way about marriage...its not what I expected~like the "soulmateishness" I envisioned and saw in romantic movies:):) BUT they ARE such good men...someone should teach young girls about this stuff.....movies, books, and media all portray good marriages in such a way that the man is always "enraptured" by the woman...carrying her in the palm of his hands. In real life though a good marriage is envolves sacrifice....and learning to accept our husbands for who they are and appreaciate their good qualities and kind of turn a blind eye to the rest (of course I'm not talking about abuse etc but generally good men who dont measure up to the "romantic" and perfect ideal)
Anyways I really really appreciate your "realness" about this....I think women in general need to hear it....and we need to realize that we women arent so perfect either!
Cathi, you have it nailed. Sounds like you are describing Paul and I. Not that I want to bash him on here, that isn't my point at need to keep track of who from your area is going to Norway, and ask please for chocolate. I would send you one of ours, but my kids would not like that. When Aaron went a few years ago, he brought back a stack and made it last all year....he would bring up a bar every once in a while and pass it around...yes, we are all addicted to chocolate.
I thought I would say something about the husband thing too! Now I have read your blog long enough to get the feel that you are just venting. We all need that, and do wish sometimes for more. Completely normal.
Seems like for me I am in a different boat. I have always felt like what on earth did I do to deserve this man? He is so handsome, so hard working, and does so much, and I am less than average, short, stout, and well feel like the house is never perfectly clean and meals? Well sigh, I worry that some day he will say, you know what? There is more out there. Not that he behaves that way, BUT look at what he brought to the marriage and what I have brought.
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I am sure that I have your sympathy, and I bet even a few words of wisdom...
If we stop interpreting our lives, our spouses, and our children by the world-aka the television, we may just realize that what we have is fairly normal. Yes even a large family is normal. I know of a family with 19 kids(not the duggars, but ones that get no spotlight, because they are mormon in a mormon area).
Husbands and wives-we are all made so different. Just as God tells us in the Bible. Each of us is important and yet we have differing roles, responsibilities and missions. Some men and women have blurred these as society and worldly ideas conflict with His...but husbands have much on their plate to ensure we are safe, fed, clothed, and protected. Now if you have daughters(i know you do) then you realize the burden he carries is heavier as the world is increasingly telling them to forego morality etc, and be free...more so than the sixties seventies eighties and nineties. They are challenged to not even need a man...and times are vomit in the world.
We must cherish friendships and places where we can and are allowed to vent so we can get back on course to stay the long we know who made us, why he made us, and what our purpose is.
forgive me!
I love your honesty and your sharing of your life. Makes me feel like we are neighbors and I chat with you over the fence.
I promise to return to blogging, to share more of my old you will see you are much more normal and real than you know!
Oh I know you aren't bashing him.. you are just letting it out of your system, which is a great thing to do! I just wish there was a button we could push on them labelled "I will listen and be interested in what my wife wants to talk about" LOL
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