We are getting a new (new to us, anyway!) vehicle! Now you know how much I love our minivan, despite it's troubles, but it's getting on in age, 2008, almost 160 thousand miles, and well, we drive a lot! So...a 2019 Mitsubishi is coming our way. We bought it online without test driving it, can you believe it? Life is strange these days, with no-contact solutions to mitigate spread of certain viruses. To be fair, there have been these ways of vehicle commerce for a while now, before Covid, but it just makes more sense now. When you express buy, you do not get the pleasure of throwing out low ball offers and going back and forth while the salesperson pretends to run it by his boss. You just click "buy this vehicle", and pay for it. Maybe I'm wrong, and lots of other people have given lower offers and gotten better deals! But you know me, I googled the heck out of local prices and this was a good deal. It has only 7 thousand miles on it. It has leather seats and lots of bells and whistles, 4-wheel drive, and woo-hoo, third row seating, where some lucky kids get to smush in, so it seats seven. Of course a new minivan would have been nice, but with the snowy winters we get, 4 wheel drive will be sweet, and most minivans are front wheel drive, except for the Toyota Sienna, it's AWD. But too pricey.
We'll probably pick it up today, so magical. Back in the day, you had to go to motor vehicles yourself, now you just pay and they do it all, add it to the insurance and everything.
Yesterday, Abigail and I went on a little adventure to buy two balance bikes on Facebook Marketplace. They were two for $35. I looked them up, and wow, new they are pricey. Wulf is a bit too small for them now, but he's growing fast!
And new: our pool has a hole in the liner! I had suspected, the water level goes down more quickly than just evaporation, and sure enough, I found a gash where the old ladder had been. dang it. We're going to get a few pairs of good goggles, so Paul and maybe Jonathan can go down there and fix it up. I feel like I love the pool too much, and sort of knew something like this would happen. I just hope we can repair it...
Also new: Sam and Grace and little Grant left, it's so quiet here. He's such a joy, always so happy, wakes up in the morning all spunky and interested in everything...they're back in Virginia.
He helped me make popcorn...oooh, stovetop popcorn in coconut oil, with butter and salt...
Emily and Margaret with Wulf, and Evelyn came for dinner last night. We had hot sausages and burgers grilled by Paul, sweet corn, salad, watermelon and sweet cherries. Then, a dip in the pool. Adrian and Jonathan came home from a friend's house and joined us.
Our week at camp in the Adirondacks is coming up, yay! We can't use the boat this year, sadly. It was Paul's dad's boat, and now it belongs to his brother, and well, his brother happens to be planning to use it while we would like it for the cabin. We do have kayaks, and the camp is equipped with a canoe and a rowboat. Adrian is trying to borrow a boat from a friend, however...so we'll see. (I would definitely pay the friend). Or, we can rent one for a few days.
First world probs, even though you can't say that anymore, because it's a direct connotation that there are indeed Third World countries, which is now an insult.
Oh well. It's a glorious summer day, and there is much to do...
Congratulations on your new car. I have a 2000 Nissan Sentra. Bought it brand new back on 4th of July 2000. It's been a great little car. We don't drive as much now and so sold my husbands car, since I do all the driving now.
Always enjoy your posts, and family.
Have a great week. God Bless
Come by and visit when you get a free minute.
Hi Della! Your new vehicle is LOVELY!! You’ll feel like the queen whipping around in that! I have a 2012 Hyuandai Santa Fe and her name is Sophie (I name all my vehicles.....must be an Aussie thing 🤣) and she has 65,000 miles and still going strong and will keep going for a long time! She’s an ‘all wheel drive’. She drove us to Arizona 5 times with no problems. I have to tell you something........my insurance company called to let me know I’m getting $50 off my vehicles insurance for 3 months because of the lock down with this virus I would have done less driving. This is true, but have you ever heard of an insurance company doing something like this? Me neither........
You are going to have such a good time at the cabin with the gang! Sounds wonderful. I’m going to Calgary on Sunday to spend 4 days with my daughter there and my other daughter will be there too. Lots of love and laughter!!
Sorry to hear about your pool............hopefully Paul can fix it. What a thing to happen after you get the lovely deck too. Fingers crossed. 🤞Have a super day!
Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦
Hey! It must be time for everyone to buy a car! LOL We bought one last week, not a new, but new to us. 2017 Ford Edge. And the same way, online. I think its odd and I'm at an age where I don't trust "just click the button" and buy it option. LOL I want to test drive it and I want to know what is wrong or not wrong, but, we went and we picked her up and it was nice. EXCEPT : when I opened the back door there was a pc of rubber hanging down! WTH! And well, I checked the other said and sure as heck it was hanging, so they fixed it quickly. But other than that it was very nice.
Nothing like a new car to learn all the bells and whistles! Congrats!!
And the pool... UHG.... We feared the same thing, losing water, but hubs did something and put the thing a ma jig on wrong! Whew!
New liner, isn't horrible but not great. And its hot as holy heck out there! Not a time for problems. Good luck!
Have a good week! :)
Sweeetttttttttttt car! Smiles....I also love the bike. I am so jealous your going to the Adinrondocks (I can never spell it, sigh). Have a great trip!
Wanda, Marilyn, Rose, Linda, thank you! Marilyn, my daughter Abigail has an orange Hyundai Santa Fe, we love it, wanted one, but we want that 3rd row seating, and that's hard to find in the Santa Fe. We name some of ours too, but we haven't been too creative in a while, we just have The Red Van, The Blue Van, The Truck, now the girls are calling this one Sylvie, because she's silver. Rose, it is so strange to click and buy! Our Mariel has a Mitsubishi Outlander, and I love driving it, so we knew we liked it already. We drove it around before signing the papers, and it was dandy. Linda, the Adirondacks: SO NICE! You should go there! Find a cabin in a state park, or go buy a tent! It's just beautiful there. Wanda, we had a Nissan Sentra, bought it for three of the college kids...they all graduated from college, gave the car back to us, and dang it, our daughter totaled it just a few months later. It wasn't worth much, but it was such a nice little car, good gas mileage, and handled well. Anyway, I LOVE getting comments, thank you all!!!!:)
Hi Della - I have been reading and enjoying your blog for several months but have never commented. After reading about your pool problem I wanted to tell you that we tried two waterproof tapes on several small holes in our pool liner. Flex tape worked much better than Gorilla waterproof tape to seal up the holes. I put a piece of the Flex tape on the exterior and interior of the pool and it doesn't even need to be dry, it bonded very quickly.! I bought the tape at Lowe's but I think you can get it on Amazon. Also, you can watch tons of Youtube videos of people fixing their above ground pools! Blessing, Shirley in Washington
Hello, Shirley! Are you in Washington state? I've been out there several times, four I think. Mount Ranier is my favorite, I've been there three times:). It's lovely there, but near the Seattle area, so much traffic! My son was stationed at Ft. Lewis McChord, then settled in the area for a few years before moving back to NY. If I have the wrong Washington, ha, I've been to D.C. multiple times too, because a different son was stationed at Arlington in the Old Guard, Army, and still lives nearby, in Fairfax Virginia. In any case, hello, and thank you for the good advice! I will keep you posted on the pool repair, he hasn't even attempted it yet....we had to go pick up the new car, then of course I had to take the girls shopping in it! Now Sonja K. has it, if you can believe that, 18 years old, with my new car! But she's doing cleaning at church with the other kids, so it's not like she drove it to a party or something, right? Anyway, it's nice to meet you, and I'll pass on the tips to Paul!
I have a sequoia that I love. We bought it in January 2003. This month we should hit 350,000 miles on it. No major problems, just little things every so often (that still cost a lot, but). I love driving new cars but hate the thought of actually buying someone new.
Hi Della - So nice of you to comment on my comment! I am thankfully in Washington State, near to the Seattle area but not in Seattle (again thankfully!) We live in a smaller community on land that my husband grew up on, it was a dairy farm. Mount Rainier is beautiful today! I hope your pool is an easy fix! And enjoy your new car! Blessings, Shirley
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