Can't complain about that!
Here are a few of my favorite things:
(the pic of the grandkids!)
Now, we have two more grand babies, in addition to the five in the above pic, and it's so nice to have them together, baby cousins:

Feeding time! Baby Achilles and little Ophelia!
So yes, today is my birthday. I don't know how I feel about being so old. I mostly don't feel it. I remember my mother saying she didn't know she was old until she caught a glimpse of herself in a mirror, and realized the old lady was her. I also remember, as clear as if it were yesterday, the day she sat here at my kitchen table, with my mother-in-law. My MIL asked my mom how old she was, and she said, "I'm double nickels.", the same I am now. Double nickels. She passed away at 69, and the older I get, the more I realize how young that actually is. Life doesn't come with any guarantees, and if we woke up this morning, we have something to be thankful about.
Tonight, we're having a party on the deck!!!!
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!!! Funny, I have the same thought as your mother, smiles.
Looking good, Della! smiles
Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦
🎶Happy Birthday Dear Della, Happy Birthday To Youuuu🎵♥️♥️♥️♥️Susan
You look absolutely lovely at 50. I think as your mom did. I see an old women in the mirror and wonder who is standing behind me, and then I say, Oh it's me!!
happy birthday Della!
my oldest son just turned 10. I think you share a birthday!
I remember starting to read your blog when Camille was a baby..
I thought having 16kids was a huge blessing, I still believe so, but I am even more amazed at the grand kids. It is so wonderful that you get to see so many of them on a regular basis, like a second wave of little ones. And a little less hectic maybe?
I just had baby n°5 a couple months ago and got back into reading your blog more regularly. It is so encouraging to read your rumblings, I love that you are not turning it into a business blog with titles such as " 7 tips for potty training etc."or other such clic-bait oriented BS.
Reading your blog brings me peace, and I feel more "normal" when I am in awe of the gift of motherhood, even if it is hard at times.
I will always remember the way you say "I need to fight my sin" I read it hear, I can't remember where or when but I thought that was such a perfect formulation. I say it out loud in front of my kids too.
I accept more messes than my personnal inclination because they are only little once, and really time flies.
Anyway, Happy birthday!
I wish I had your address, I would send you local coffee so we can virtually share a cup. You can send it to me via email if you want ;) I'm in the USA now, not in France, so packages are a lot more reasonnable :)
Thank you Linda, Marilyn, Susan! Wanda, I do the same thing! Being around all the teenagers all the time, sometimes I forget I'm old.
Tiphaine, thank you! Your oldest is ten, how can that be! And now you are a mama of five, congratulations!!!! I don't need to tell you how fast it goes by, but do enjoy the days. Honestly, when one does realize that in all those crazy moments that it is totally possible to get help from God to be more patient, then the kids can have a blessed childhood. Because there ARE crazy moments. You can organize and make lists and prepare, but when you have kid, there is going to be crazy. Thank you for commenting, and if you want to email me at dellamom16@yahoo.com, send me your address and I'll send you mine, I can get you some local coffee too! Anyone else want to do an exchange?! What a good idea!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! How lovely to be surrounded by children and grandchildren. I don't have grandchildren yet, but am looking forward to it, can't be long now 😂
Looking good on your 55th!
Happy birthday !!
Happy Birthday Della,
Your rocking it. God bless you!
Happy birthday Della!
Dang, you look good for 55! Not that 55 is ancient , but you know what I mean, ha ha:) You look young:) Happy Birthday!
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