Sunday, August 31, 2008
another day shopping with the kids
I owed a few of my girls $5 each for some extra extra help. So today, since all the older ones, and Paul, were gone, I took them out and about. Margaret, Kathryn, Evelyn, Suzanne, Sonja, Jonathan, Charlotte Claire, Camille, and I. We headed to the ToysRUs first, since I had some coupons that expired today, and I have yet to grow up, so it is my favorite store. I realize though, that it is hard for Mr. Jonathan. He just sees all the possibilities, and goes beserk. Not asking for anything, no he knows that is wrong. He just fusses if he wants to go all the way back to look at something again. Or show me what he wants for Christmas. At one point, he told me he wasn't going to stop crying until I went back to the truck I told him that was okay, but cry just a bit louder. I took the fun out of it for him, I guess, because he stopped pretty quickly after that.
Then we went to Target for some more 3-subject notebooks, and some cat food...and other necessities....and our favorite, the Slushie and Popcorn Special, as Sonja calls it. Try taking that many kids for slushies and popcorn at the Target concession, and you will have some fun. I guarantee you will be tempted to ask a stranger for help. I mean, I saw all these people with TWO HANDS, and they weren't even using them!!!! Margaret filled up all 7 slushies, while I carted the 7 popcorns over to the cart that unfortunately Miss Charlotte Claire somehow managed to escape from, with the help of one of her unsuspecting sisters. I was carrying Camille, and trying to keep Miss Charlotte Claire from climbing into a highchair, since we weren't planning on staying very long. I bought a new lawn chair, so 2 carts, kids with slushies, my new chair, we managed to make it to the van, leaving behind a trail of popcorn.
We sat in the van for a while, eating and talking....then Suzanne announced that the toy I had let her buy with her birthday money wasn't working anymore. It was one of those things with all thejnail like sticks, where you put your hand or face in it, and it leaves the impression....anyway, we had to go return it. Then, the dreaded grocery store. See, when you live 35 minutes or so from the good stores, you have to take advantage when you drive that far. The kids weren't too surprised, they would actually have been shocked if I didn't drag them in there. After a bathrooom stop and ordering 2 pizzas for dinner, we did our shopping. A few of the girls didn't spend their $5 yet, so when one of them spotted the giant stuffed animals on a top shelp, for $6.25, all heck broke out. You can't pull out just one....and suddenly, every child with me wanted one so, no way! 3 of the kids who actually had money got to get one. Yes, we who want to get rid of some of this junk around here, bought 3 huge stuffed animals. But on the plus side, they are so soft and cute.
We came home and had our pizza, which I was so thankful for, as the kids were tired and wild and happy and silly, and Camille had to sit on my lap, trying her darndest to grab everything. She suceeded one time, my plate went flying, and my pizza went upside down on the floor. Evelyn picked it up, I ate it.
All the older kids are home now, from their youth weekend, so I am going to go and talk to them now....
Then we went to Target for some more 3-subject notebooks, and some cat food...and other necessities....and our favorite, the Slushie and Popcorn Special, as Sonja calls it. Try taking that many kids for slushies and popcorn at the Target concession, and you will have some fun. I guarantee you will be tempted to ask a stranger for help. I mean, I saw all these people with TWO HANDS, and they weren't even using them!!!! Margaret filled up all 7 slushies, while I carted the 7 popcorns over to the cart that unfortunately Miss Charlotte Claire somehow managed to escape from, with the help of one of her unsuspecting sisters. I was carrying Camille, and trying to keep Miss Charlotte Claire from climbing into a highchair, since we weren't planning on staying very long. I bought a new lawn chair, so 2 carts, kids with slushies, my new chair, we managed to make it to the van, leaving behind a trail of popcorn.
We sat in the van for a while, eating and talking....then Suzanne announced that the toy I had let her buy with her birthday money wasn't working anymore. It was one of those things with all thejnail like sticks, where you put your hand or face in it, and it leaves the impression....anyway, we had to go return it. Then, the dreaded grocery store. See, when you live 35 minutes or so from the good stores, you have to take advantage when you drive that far. The kids weren't too surprised, they would actually have been shocked if I didn't drag them in there. After a bathrooom stop and ordering 2 pizzas for dinner, we did our shopping. A few of the girls didn't spend their $5 yet, so when one of them spotted the giant stuffed animals on a top shelp, for $6.25, all heck broke out. You can't pull out just one....and suddenly, every child with me wanted one so, no way! 3 of the kids who actually had money got to get one. Yes, we who want to get rid of some of this junk around here, bought 3 huge stuffed animals. But on the plus side, they are so soft and cute.
We came home and had our pizza, which I was so thankful for, as the kids were tired and wild and happy and silly, and Camille had to sit on my lap, trying her darndest to grab everything. She suceeded one time, my plate went flying, and my pizza went upside down on the floor. Evelyn picked it up, I ate it.
All the older kids are home now, from their youth weekend, so I am going to go and talk to them now....
Saturday, August 30, 2008
everything's relative
For me, to have a day with a nice little quiet time with a cup of coffee and minimal interuptions, would be special. For someone busier than I am, say a mom who works all day, a quiet little time would be extremely luxurious. Likewise, for me, a mom with 16 kids all still at home, this weekend with all the younger ones is relatively easy and slow-moving. 7 of the older ones are at a youth conference. Benjamin is at work. Paul is at a meeting. So, after doing some work around here this morning,(shining the front of the refridgerator, cleaning the door, and screen door, vacuuming, cleaning up the shoes, cleaning counters, etc), it was time for lunch. Camille was in a nap, and it was such a nice little lunch. It was only Margaret (11), Kathryn (10), Evelyn (9), Suzanne (7), Sonja (6), Jonathan (4), and Charlotte Claire, (2)....and of course me, the young and beautiful mom. ha. Anyway, I let them all have diet Pepsi, which is a treat, and we had some hot wings (Ben works at a pizza place, and there are perks), crackers with peanutbutter, grapes, and sourcream and onion chips. When the older ones aren't here, the younger ones revel in the attention. Then, Charlotte Claire went in for her nap, and I went outside and sat in the sun for an hour while the kids played badminton and splashed around in their little pools. Then I went in the hot tub with Kathryn for a while.....Camille had woken, and Margaret had now, everyone is awake, and Kathryn is serving them ice cream sundaes.....see, it is all relative. It is by no means a piece of cake to have just 8 kids here, but compared to the normal, it is.
Actually, I think I have it easy. I have to remind myself that this is my job. I am not here to serve myself. The more time I spend with these guys, the more attention I pay to them, the better they listen, and the better it is around here. Of course, I did talk to my sister on the phone for a long time while I sat in the sun. The kids have to also know that mom has a life, no matter how pathetic.
Yes, it is all relative. I believe that there is a certain level of happiness that can be achieved, and how much we appreciate how things are, and how thankful we are determines this. A person can obviously have tons of money and not be happy. But give a child who doesn't have much a ten dollar bill, and you have joy. I mean, if I had all the free time in the world, I couldn't imagine that I would appreciate it as much as those stolen hour times of sitting in the sun....and if it was always quiet here, I would hate the silence. (at this time in my life, silence is my favorite song - my mother, in her lonely years when we all grew up and moved out, told me repeatedly that someday I would long for all this chaos)......there is a verse in the bible, "A sated soul loathes honey, but to a hungry soul, every bitter thing is sweet." (I'll have to look up where that is, I think proverbs.).....
We have a sunny day, in the high 70's here in the northeast, with a nice breeze blowing. The next several days are supposed to be like this. And this morning, I honestly said: "I wish it was raining out today!!" Know why? So I could get something accomplished around here. Oh well, sitting in the sun is lovely.
Well, I am needed. The kids are eating their ice cream, and I need to supervise. Evelyn is out there saying, "Never use your manners, kids!", and "In four days, guys, your lives are over!" (school starts).......
Actually, I think I have it easy. I have to remind myself that this is my job. I am not here to serve myself. The more time I spend with these guys, the more attention I pay to them, the better they listen, and the better it is around here. Of course, I did talk to my sister on the phone for a long time while I sat in the sun. The kids have to also know that mom has a life, no matter how pathetic.
Yes, it is all relative. I believe that there is a certain level of happiness that can be achieved, and how much we appreciate how things are, and how thankful we are determines this. A person can obviously have tons of money and not be happy. But give a child who doesn't have much a ten dollar bill, and you have joy. I mean, if I had all the free time in the world, I couldn't imagine that I would appreciate it as much as those stolen hour times of sitting in the sun....and if it was always quiet here, I would hate the silence. (at this time in my life, silence is my favorite song - my mother, in her lonely years when we all grew up and moved out, told me repeatedly that someday I would long for all this chaos)......there is a verse in the bible, "A sated soul loathes honey, but to a hungry soul, every bitter thing is sweet." (I'll have to look up where that is, I think proverbs.).....
We have a sunny day, in the high 70's here in the northeast, with a nice breeze blowing. The next several days are supposed to be like this. And this morning, I honestly said: "I wish it was raining out today!!" Know why? So I could get something accomplished around here. Oh well, sitting in the sun is lovely.
Well, I am needed. The kids are eating their ice cream, and I need to supervise. Evelyn is out there saying, "Never use your manners, kids!", and "In four days, guys, your lives are over!" (school starts).......
Friday, August 29, 2008
nice cloudy day
Some of us here really like the cloudy weather. We took a trip to pick up Abigail from college, she commutes with some of her cousins, about 25 miles each way. Their schedules differed today, and she had physical therapy at 3:00, so off we went. I brought: Molly, Samuel, Kathryn, Evelyn, Suzanne, Sonja, Jonathan, Charlotte Claire, and Camille. We went early so we could go to the dollar store and Big Lots. A few of the girls had dollars, so they got to pick something to buy in the dollar store. Sonja had a giant Tinkerbell pencil (I tried to talk her out of it!) and a necklace. She handed the cashier the $2, and I told her she needed more for tax. She said she didn't need any tax, thank you. Sorry, Sonja, tax isn't optional. I think she was thinking "tacks", and wondered why we thought she was buying some.
We went to BigLots and got some summer stuff 75%off for next year. Goggles, a couple of inflatable pools, and some flip-flops. Apparently, girls can never have too many shoes.
We picked Abigail up, the guy behind us looked so ticked off that he actually had to wait for the girl with crutches to get into the van. Sorry, Bud!
Then I took them to McDonalds. Two things each from the $1 menu. We went in the restaurant to eat, and I totally forgot that we had to get Abigail to physical therapy. I suddenly remembered, and had to hurry them to the van, which was a bummer because they were having so much fun. And being good, too. And, I was thinking of getting a coffee and enjoying the kids....
Well, we came home and Sam made me a cup of instant while I nursed Camillle. Not too bad, I guess. Now the dreaded dinnertime is looming. I am going to try to start with the menu planning again. I have alot of options tonight, as I just did grocery shopping yesterday. And since we went to the farmer's market, we have plenty of good fresh fruit and veges to eat. Things used to be alot easier, as far as meals go. There's no way I can serve leftovers, not for this many people. There just are never enough leftovers. And the idea to make a double batch of dinner, and freeze some for later - how could I fit that much in the pot? Anyway, I am sure when the weather gets cooler and I am home more, I will plan a little better. See how I fool myself?
All of our older kids, from Sam on up, except Benjamin,will be going to a youth conference this weekend. They will stay for the weekend. Abigail and Aaron may commute, though. So maybe Paul and I will have a little more time together. The younger ones go to bed much earlier. If you didn't check out the link to my church,, now is a good time to look at it. There is an article about the children that I found very helpful and encouraging.
It always seems like it takes way more patience to deal with these guys than I could possibly ever posess. But God would not just give us these children, and then leave me high and dry. When I ask, He helps. He is opposed to the proud, gives grace to the humble. So when I see the way I am, I am in a good spot. He will help me.
We went to BigLots and got some summer stuff 75%off for next year. Goggles, a couple of inflatable pools, and some flip-flops. Apparently, girls can never have too many shoes.
We picked Abigail up, the guy behind us looked so ticked off that he actually had to wait for the girl with crutches to get into the van. Sorry, Bud!
Then I took them to McDonalds. Two things each from the $1 menu. We went in the restaurant to eat, and I totally forgot that we had to get Abigail to physical therapy. I suddenly remembered, and had to hurry them to the van, which was a bummer because they were having so much fun. And being good, too. And, I was thinking of getting a coffee and enjoying the kids....
Well, we came home and Sam made me a cup of instant while I nursed Camillle. Not too bad, I guess. Now the dreaded dinnertime is looming. I am going to try to start with the menu planning again. I have alot of options tonight, as I just did grocery shopping yesterday. And since we went to the farmer's market, we have plenty of good fresh fruit and veges to eat. Things used to be alot easier, as far as meals go. There's no way I can serve leftovers, not for this many people. There just are never enough leftovers. And the idea to make a double batch of dinner, and freeze some for later - how could I fit that much in the pot? Anyway, I am sure when the weather gets cooler and I am home more, I will plan a little better. See how I fool myself?
All of our older kids, from Sam on up, except Benjamin,will be going to a youth conference this weekend. They will stay for the weekend. Abigail and Aaron may commute, though. So maybe Paul and I will have a little more time together. The younger ones go to bed much earlier. If you didn't check out the link to my church,, now is a good time to look at it. There is an article about the children that I found very helpful and encouraging.
It always seems like it takes way more patience to deal with these guys than I could possibly ever posess. But God would not just give us these children, and then leave me high and dry. When I ask, He helps. He is opposed to the proud, gives grace to the humble. So when I see the way I am, I am in a good spot. He will help me.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
300 posts?
Yes, I have written 300 posts. Where, may I ask, did I find time for that?
Well, today was a grocery shopping day. The day started with eggs and bagels. The girls had two cousins over for a sleepover, and predictably, they were up late and up early. So, I made them breakfast. Then the decision: who to take shopping? I don't want to say anything to put my older kids in a bad light, but some of them balk at taking the little ones shopping, which is understandable, and then some of them don't want all the younger ones left home, to baby sit for, again, understandable. So what's a mom to do? We need food, and more importantly, we were totally out of LAUNDRY DETERGENT. This alone is worth a trip to the store. Especially since the little girls just cleaned their room....
So, I had a little fit for myself, as my mother used to say. I didn't mean to. I just yelled that I would not leave any of the kids at home if they were going to be a burden, they were not a burden, and I won't have them treated that way. And if I want to take them all with me, and someone thinks it's too difficult, fine, stay home. I can manage. This little yelling spree ended with me crying. I actually can't do too well on my own, well - I can if I have to, but help is nice. The kids don't like seeing mom cry. Of course. And mom doesn't like to cry in front of the kids. So we decided that Camille would stay home, as she was ready for a nap. And we took 3 younger kids. We went to Wegmans, B.J's, and Walmart. blah, blah, blah......
I try really hard to balance out what I ask the kids to do. I am very consious of that. Honestly the girls do more than the boys, and are resentful of that sometimes. I need to work on that
more. God has blessed us with many children. So of course that means alot of work. I know some families that let their kids off with little or no responsibility, and it doesn't go well with the kids as they grow up. One large family that I know, the mom is extremely capable, does most everything herself, then relies on the girls when she needs help, the boys don't do anything. Anyway, I am going off on a tangent (that's one of our favorite games around here, Off on a Tangent, which you probably never heard of, since we invented it). I try to balance what they need to help with, with freedom to do what they want to.
I might have to go up and pick Abigail up at college tomorrow becauses she needs to go to physical therapy. Who shall I bring with me?
Well, today was a grocery shopping day. The day started with eggs and bagels. The girls had two cousins over for a sleepover, and predictably, they were up late and up early. So, I made them breakfast. Then the decision: who to take shopping? I don't want to say anything to put my older kids in a bad light, but some of them balk at taking the little ones shopping, which is understandable, and then some of them don't want all the younger ones left home, to baby sit for, again, understandable. So what's a mom to do? We need food, and more importantly, we were totally out of LAUNDRY DETERGENT. This alone is worth a trip to the store. Especially since the little girls just cleaned their room....
So, I had a little fit for myself, as my mother used to say. I didn't mean to. I just yelled that I would not leave any of the kids at home if they were going to be a burden, they were not a burden, and I won't have them treated that way. And if I want to take them all with me, and someone thinks it's too difficult, fine, stay home. I can manage. This little yelling spree ended with me crying. I actually can't do too well on my own, well - I can if I have to, but help is nice. The kids don't like seeing mom cry. Of course. And mom doesn't like to cry in front of the kids. So we decided that Camille would stay home, as she was ready for a nap. And we took 3 younger kids. We went to Wegmans, B.J's, and Walmart. blah, blah, blah......
I try really hard to balance out what I ask the kids to do. I am very consious of that. Honestly the girls do more than the boys, and are resentful of that sometimes. I need to work on that
more. God has blessed us with many children. So of course that means alot of work. I know some families that let their kids off with little or no responsibility, and it doesn't go well with the kids as they grow up. One large family that I know, the mom is extremely capable, does most everything herself, then relies on the girls when she needs help, the boys don't do anything. Anyway, I am going off on a tangent (that's one of our favorite games around here, Off on a Tangent, which you probably never heard of, since we invented it). I try to balance what they need to help with, with freedom to do what they want to.
I might have to go up and pick Abigail up at college tomorrow becauses she needs to go to physical therapy. Who shall I bring with me?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
one week 'til school
And we don't like to talk about it. We filled the backpacks early this year, because of the way I have been gradually picking up supplies - I need to see what we still need. Apparently, two of the backpacks I had in my closet were very hot. Just to die for. Pink baby cordoroy M.U.D.D. one strap messenger bag style bags. I got them for like $2 each at Toy'sRUs months ago....and the trouble they caused here. But for now everyone is happy with what they have. One of the girls gave Jonathan their last year's backpack, and I put crayons and stuff in there. Then Charlotte Claire wanted one too, and we had an extra, so we put some crayons in there. Which seems a bit dangerous, I will have to watch that child. A two year old with markers, pens, pencils, or crayons is considered armed and dangerous.
It looks like someone has been playing with my camera again. Mr. Jon and Kathryn.
I did not take this picture, either. Nor did I do this little hair-do.....

Yesterday, I stayed home. So why was I so busy? I had promised the kids a special breakfast. And I knew my mother-in-law was probably coming over. So I had to get up and get moving. I put on the tea-kettle, and cleaned counters, and picked up, cut up some oranges, made toast and bagels, got out the cocoa and tea bags, set the table nicely....then Camille woke up, got her changed and nursed and into the highchair. The food wasn't fantastic, but it was fun to sit at the table with them and have tea. We always eat dinner together, but breakfast and lunch during the summer, sometimes, sometimes not. Now, the older ones slept through all this. It was just Kathryn, Evelyn, Suzanne, Sonja, Jonathan, Charlotte Claire, and Camille. Then Gramma came over with two huge tins of lasagna, and a frosted vanilla cake with sprinkles. She sat and visited for a while, while I wished I had gotten up earlier. I hadn't swept the floor yet, and when you have this many people here, it looks like it hasn't been swept in a week, when really it was just earlier the night before. No one ever stops over when I have it clean and sparkling.....
It looks like someone has been playing with my camera again. Mr. Jon and Kathryn.
Yesterday, I stayed home. So why was I so busy? I had promised the kids a special breakfast. And I knew my mother-in-law was probably coming over. So I had to get up and get moving. I put on the tea-kettle, and cleaned counters, and picked up, cut up some oranges, made toast and bagels, got out the cocoa and tea bags, set the table nicely....then Camille woke up, got her changed and nursed and into the highchair. The food wasn't fantastic, but it was fun to sit at the table with them and have tea. We always eat dinner together, but breakfast and lunch during the summer, sometimes, sometimes not. Now, the older ones slept through all this. It was just Kathryn, Evelyn, Suzanne, Sonja, Jonathan, Charlotte Claire, and Camille. Then Gramma came over with two huge tins of lasagna, and a frosted vanilla cake with sprinkles. She sat and visited for a while, while I wished I had gotten up earlier. I hadn't swept the floor yet, and when you have this many people here, it looks like it hasn't been swept in a week, when really it was just earlier the night before. No one ever stops over when I have it clean and sparkling.....
The weather was perfect for drying laundry outside yesterday, so I did several loads of bedding. Then, the little girls cleaned their room last night, which consists of putting everything in a huge pile in the laundry room doorway. For me. Thank you, girls.
Then, yesterday, we went out in the hot tub for a while. And I got to sit in the sun for a bit before Miss Camille woke up. It seems like I just putter around, take care of the kids, and the day flies by. Nothing major accomplished. But one thing I mentioned we are working on: listening better. It is my job and responsibility to teach these guys to listen. I am not talking about strict discipline. Just basic listening the first time. For example, the child puts his hand in his milk at the table. Mom says not to do that again. Child does it again. (Rats, thinks the mom, now I have to do something!) There is where laziness can set in, which is very bad for the child. Encouraging them to listen, praising them when they do, and taking action when they don't, basic parenting. I have heard many mothers, when I am out and about, cutting down their kids, saying how bad they are. The other day at Walmart, I had 7 kids with me. A mom sitting outside with her 3 or 4 said to her kids loudly as we walked by, " Look at those kids. There are 6 of them, and they aren't bad kids like you are!" Or when the mom says to me, "Mine are awful, they don't listen..." I know kids have different personalities, and some are much harder to deal with than others, but if you are lazy in your parenting, don't blame it on the kids. One of the needs I have it to be more patient, more longsuffering.
Having kids: Easy.....they're lovable and sweet, but raising them to be good, responsible adults is a work. And now I have Charlotte Claire on one side of me and Jonathan on the other, waiting for me to read "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie", and "The New Potty" bye for now....
Monday, August 25, 2008
corn on the cob
Camille has a new love. She sat contentedly in the high chair for the longest time tonight for dinner.
I don't know who gave her another one.
My son Joseph told me tonight that he read my blog, and that it is boring. He also said I have way too many run-on sentances, and too many ......s. I guess I have gotten lazy and sloppy. Joseph said I should write about something interesting. Like what? I am sorry my life is so mundane, Joe.
My sister-in-law just stopped by, and dropped off some "crocs", some very nice socks, some undershirts for the girls, and some things for Camille from the Children's Place Outlet. The girls are excited. And socks are so nice to have, you can never have too many. Or actually enough.
Aaron is healing up a bit, not complaining, just taking it easy. I have to take him to his follow-up appointment next Friday. I wonder if he realizes that all the kids will be in school, and Abigail in college, so we will have to bring Jon, Charlotte Claire, and Camille with us.
The kids just aren't settling down very well again tonight. We need to do something different before school starts, I think.
i survived walmart, again...
this time with 7 kids, 11years old down to 2.....without Camille, it was do-able....with Camille it would have been do-able too, just screamier.....we went to the dentist (probably a little like I imagine hell would be, the dentist waiting room, complete with a water dispenser, and 7 kids, who are all very thirsty all of the sudden).....then to lunch at the Chinese buffet.....we had so much fun....the girls kept saying a line from a movie, then Jon said it wrong, and it was so funny....we could not stop laughing......their restaurant behavior is pretty good....even Charlotte Claire was one point she decided she wanted Jon's plate..I thought she wanted something off the plate, and she kept saying, "No, Jonny's plate!", in the interest of peace, I gave her the whole plate....with Jon's approval, of course....he can be reasonable sometimes.....
Then we went to Blockbuster.....there is a new Bob the Builder Movie.....yay.....then to the dreaded Wal-Mart to get the dreaded school supplies.....I think I got everything except the index cards and the mouthguards......not too bad.....Margaret got sneakers, Evelyn some shoes, and Kathryn some shoe/sneakers....and I got them a few packages of Hannah Montana pencils, and some water colors for Jonathan and Charlotte Claire for when school starts.....
I never buy bologna, I think it's gross....I used to eat it as a child, now, yuck....but Suzanne saw it in the store, and wanted I said okay....she carried it through the store, then fished it out of the bag as we loaded the van, and all the kids were eating it on the way home.....I just was amused that they like it so much.....Oscar Meyer knows what kids like, I guess.....I just think of it as salty, fatty, un-nutritional.....
Wal-Mart has such a good supply of fresh fruits and veges right now, at excellent prices....corn, 10 cents an ear....we got 35 ears, so everyone can have 2......tomatoes, peppers, peaches....I would love it if these things were yummy and cheap all year.....
Then we went to Blockbuster.....there is a new Bob the Builder Movie.....yay.....then to the dreaded Wal-Mart to get the dreaded school supplies.....I think I got everything except the index cards and the mouthguards......not too bad.....Margaret got sneakers, Evelyn some shoes, and Kathryn some shoe/sneakers....and I got them a few packages of Hannah Montana pencils, and some water colors for Jonathan and Charlotte Claire for when school starts.....
I never buy bologna, I think it's gross....I used to eat it as a child, now, yuck....but Suzanne saw it in the store, and wanted I said okay....she carried it through the store, then fished it out of the bag as we loaded the van, and all the kids were eating it on the way home.....I just was amused that they like it so much.....Oscar Meyer knows what kids like, I guess.....I just think of it as salty, fatty, un-nutritional.....
Wal-Mart has such a good supply of fresh fruits and veges right now, at excellent prices....corn, 10 cents an ear....we got 35 ears, so everyone can have 2......tomatoes, peppers, peaches....I would love it if these things were yummy and cheap all year.....
back to reality
Two of the girls have dentist appointments today, and Abigail has to go to physical therapy for her knee....and I was thinking last night when I couldn't sleep, that maybe she could get a temporary handicap permit....I got up earlier than the children, hopped in the shower, then got all the school lists, and made them into one giant list...unfortunately, this is only the list for the 4 elementary kids....the two middle schoolers will have to get me theirs, and the high school kids usually find out from the older kids what they REALLY need.....sometimes if you buy everything, you don't end up using it all.....What I really hate: the teachers who want zip-lock baggies and disposable cameras.....I am glad I bought a pile of backpacks last year at Target for 75% off.....I hope I have enough of them in there....last year, I went and bought them full price, and it was painful. It's nice for them to have new ones, if they can....
I have to make an appointment to take Aaron for a follow up visit at the hospital we were at....he's supposed to be seen in a week, which because of Labor day, would be the day before school starts......5 hours of I better get moving on getting the kids ready for school......
Charlotte Claire has learned to talk, and I don't know if I like it....she just woke up, and said, "Mommy, baba...." Evelyn said that she would get it, and Charlotte Claire said, "NO, Mommy get it!"......great.....I didn't exactly get glowing reports about the kids from the older girls, and I feel bad about it. I guess I see my kids through those parent glasses, the ones that make our own kids so sweet and beautiful, and smart beyond their years....and the older kids see kids who cry about everything, and fight all the time....last night though, they reasoned that if 5 kids cry 2 times a day, and get in 3 fights each, you multiply that, and it equals you have to add all the older kids who NEVER acted like that when they were younger, yelling at them to knock it off.......
So, we are going to really work on listening and getting along better with each other....and I know it starts with me:say what I mean, mean what I say....back up what I say, patiently follow through.....not just say something 10 times and ignore it when they don't we have work to do....mostly they are good, and they usually listen......oh, those mommy glasses.....lovely.
I have to make an appointment to take Aaron for a follow up visit at the hospital we were at....he's supposed to be seen in a week, which because of Labor day, would be the day before school starts......5 hours of I better get moving on getting the kids ready for school......
Charlotte Claire has learned to talk, and I don't know if I like it....she just woke up, and said, "Mommy, baba...." Evelyn said that she would get it, and Charlotte Claire said, "NO, Mommy get it!"......great.....I didn't exactly get glowing reports about the kids from the older girls, and I feel bad about it. I guess I see my kids through those parent glasses, the ones that make our own kids so sweet and beautiful, and smart beyond their years....and the older kids see kids who cry about everything, and fight all the time....last night though, they reasoned that if 5 kids cry 2 times a day, and get in 3 fights each, you multiply that, and it equals you have to add all the older kids who NEVER acted like that when they were younger, yelling at them to knock it off.......
So, we are going to really work on listening and getting along better with each other....and I know it starts with me:say what I mean, mean what I say....back up what I say, patiently follow through.....not just say something 10 times and ignore it when they don't we have work to do....mostly they are good, and they usually listen......oh, those mommy glasses.....lovely.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
home where I belong.....
This is Camille hanging out in Aaron's hospital bed before we left this noon.....
She just looks so relaxed....

Aaron didn't want this picture taken......
Charlotte Claire has been just as sweet as can be.....she picked up this lunchbox, and said she's going to school......

Margaret, Sonja, and Kathryn.....(those are Abigail's crutches, I call her invalid #2)......

The kids missed Camille more than they missed me.....
It is good to be home....very good. The girls were glad to have me home, too.....when I said the girls have more energy than me, I forgot that Abigail is still on crutches, and will be for a few more she's going to go back to college on Wednesday, and carry all those books and her computer is beyond me.....
Charlotte Claire has been just as sweet as can be.....she picked up this lunchbox, and said she's going to school......
Margaret, Sonja, and Kathryn.....(those are Abigail's crutches, I call her invalid #2)......
The kids missed Camille more than they missed me.....
Aaron sat at the table and ate dinner with us tonight, which was a yummy one, thanks to Paul who went to the store and got some good stuff when he filled Aaron's prescriptions.....(run-on sentance?) We had burgers on the grill with fresh tomatoes, and fresh local cantaloupe, and salad with fresh peppers, and really was good...and maybe I enjoyed it so much because: Camille was in for a nap, and we were all together...
But, dinner tired him out, and he is sleeping already.....
another morning here
Camille is just waking up in her little pink bed, and the three older girls are stirring, but making no move to actually get up...I have been down for a shower, and am all ready to go....but I thought I'd be lenient on them this morning....
I love this huge house so much, I had a dream last night that Paul and I moved into an apartment with all 16 of the kids, so we could renovate our house easier....and I suggested we just build a new one instead...but in the dream, we decided that would be too hard, because we still would have to do all the fixing up of the present one, in addition to building a new one....
It was hard enough 16 years ago when we built our house, we only had 5 kids when we started....I was young and energetic, and held down the fort all week without Paul, we were together only on Sundays, and whenever I went over to the building site, where I was absolutely no help with 5 kids, 6 and under.....
Our house seemed monstrous when we moved in, with a playroom, and a huge workout room....first floor laundry.....but now, every spare room is a bedroom, and we are getting crowded.....I am not complaining....I just find that discontent working its way in when I see huge spacious houses like the McHouse, and when we are in Aaron's hospital room with 98 channels of junk, several which are like home makeover, and home I decided when I get home I'll do this and that.....but know what I'll be doing when we get home? Getting ready for the big event that occurs every September, which I stay in denial about for as long as possible....I mean, why ruin your summer thinking about the end of it.....? But then, I suffer as a last minute shoe and sneaker shopper, and the night before school starts, filling those 9 (this year) back-packs.....the college kids can do their own stuff, though inevitably Ben will be asking for some notebooks and pens......But, we have alot of clothes, and I have put away some shirts for the girls.....and they can start school in sandals....they are always neat and clean, that's important.....
So, I won't worry about that stuff yet....there is nothing I can do about it now, anyway.....for today, I am hoping Aaron's x-ray shows the extra air behind the lungs has been absorbed, and they think he can go's kind of funny, because the nurse yesterday didn't think for sure he'd be ready today, but the dr. was so much more clinical about it...if the x-ray's fine, he can go....the nurse had many more things he should be doing before going home....oh well, we'll find out soon enough.....I am just going to have to train the little girls to wait on him when he gets home.....when he is in pain and it hurts to talk, he'll just say something like, "Juice!", or "Water", or "Cover my legs!"......and I comment on how spoiled he's gotten, and how long it will take to unprogram him.......
But all in all, we have really been thankful for the time with him, and for our older kids at home taking care of things....the little girls have a dentist appointment tomorrow morning, so if we go home today, I'll be jumping right back into "real life"....
Well, Molly is coming alive, and Camille is getting sick of singing in her little pink bed....
I love this huge house so much, I had a dream last night that Paul and I moved into an apartment with all 16 of the kids, so we could renovate our house easier....and I suggested we just build a new one instead...but in the dream, we decided that would be too hard, because we still would have to do all the fixing up of the present one, in addition to building a new one....
It was hard enough 16 years ago when we built our house, we only had 5 kids when we started....I was young and energetic, and held down the fort all week without Paul, we were together only on Sundays, and whenever I went over to the building site, where I was absolutely no help with 5 kids, 6 and under.....
Our house seemed monstrous when we moved in, with a playroom, and a huge workout room....first floor laundry.....but now, every spare room is a bedroom, and we are getting crowded.....I am not complaining....I just find that discontent working its way in when I see huge spacious houses like the McHouse, and when we are in Aaron's hospital room with 98 channels of junk, several which are like home makeover, and home I decided when I get home I'll do this and that.....but know what I'll be doing when we get home? Getting ready for the big event that occurs every September, which I stay in denial about for as long as possible....I mean, why ruin your summer thinking about the end of it.....? But then, I suffer as a last minute shoe and sneaker shopper, and the night before school starts, filling those 9 (this year) back-packs.....the college kids can do their own stuff, though inevitably Ben will be asking for some notebooks and pens......But, we have alot of clothes, and I have put away some shirts for the girls.....and they can start school in sandals....they are always neat and clean, that's important.....
So, I won't worry about that stuff yet....there is nothing I can do about it now, anyway.....for today, I am hoping Aaron's x-ray shows the extra air behind the lungs has been absorbed, and they think he can go's kind of funny, because the nurse yesterday didn't think for sure he'd be ready today, but the dr. was so much more clinical about it...if the x-ray's fine, he can go....the nurse had many more things he should be doing before going home....oh well, we'll find out soon enough.....I am just going to have to train the little girls to wait on him when he gets home.....when he is in pain and it hurts to talk, he'll just say something like, "Juice!", or "Water", or "Cover my legs!"......and I comment on how spoiled he's gotten, and how long it will take to unprogram him.......
But all in all, we have really been thankful for the time with him, and for our older kids at home taking care of things....the little girls have a dentist appointment tomorrow morning, so if we go home today, I'll be jumping right back into "real life"....
Well, Molly is coming alive, and Camille is getting sick of singing in her little pink bed....
Saturday, August 23, 2008
this may be our last night here
The girls are so good with Camille, taking her out for some "down" time....and they like to relax in the shade, was warm, humid, sunny here today, but with a nice breeze...
She doesn't LOOK like a handful.....

silly girl....

pretty girl....
Aaron, showing interest in some tv....his oxygen off, his i.v. painkillers taken away, he's on his way to getting better...we got him out of bed 3 times today for little walks, and two of those times we got him in a wheelchair afterward and outside for some fresh air...he didn't want me to take a picture of that, though.....

After watching the Kenya guy win the marathon in Bejing, we said goodnight to Paul and Aaron, and headed back to the McHouse......Margaret accidentally knocked the menu wipe-board off the counter, and these crazyeye magnets fell Molly had some fun...

silly girl....

Camille thought she was too funny....

Isn't this place beautiful? With 14 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms, we could fit very nicely here, our family.......

Here is the view from the second floor landing....

So, here we are, back at the house....Camille is sleeping, and once again, the girls are in the playroom....they didn't ask for quarters, so I guess they are tiring of the burping game...
silly girl....
pretty girl....
After watching the Kenya guy win the marathon in Bejing, we said goodnight to Paul and Aaron, and headed back to the McHouse......Margaret accidentally knocked the menu wipe-board off the counter, and these crazyeye magnets fell Molly had some fun...
silly girl....
Camille thought she was too funny....
Isn't this place beautiful? With 14 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms, we could fit very nicely here, our family.......
Here is the view from the second floor landing....
So, here we are, back at the house....Camille is sleeping, and once again, the girls are in the playroom....they didn't ask for quarters, so I guess they are tiring of the burping game...
This is quite an interesting city, huge.....we went to a grocery store today while Aaron took a nap, all six of us squished in the was interesting in the store, because it is in a Hispanic neighborhood, and we were certainly in the minority.....I enjoyed it, and I think it's good for the girls....we live out in the country, and these guys don't even know how to cross a is a big big world out there, and I like to go out and see it every chance I get....If I were extremely wealthy, I would take my kids traveling all over....and when I do get a chance to travel, I like going to the grocery can really get the feel of an area by the grocery Norway, the clerks sat on high stools, like in Aldi....and many of the stores there aren't doesn't get hot enough often enough......anyway, on and I go, as usual.....
Thank you so sincerly, again, all of you who have thought of Aaron, and prayed for his recovery...he is doing much better....we still can't make him laugh, though....I am the worst perpetrator....when he got out of bed today to go for a shower, I remarked how it looked like the surgeon had added a few muscles to his chest, and oh my goodness, he stuck on a few hairs, too....MOMMMMMM........okay, okay, I'll shut up.....
here in aaron's room
He has been feeling pretty sick....He has gotten up a few times....the nurse is supposed to be in here in a few minutes to get him up and try walking the hall, but he feels queasy......
I stopped at the Tim Horten's and got Aaron his favorite kind of donuts, chocolate glazed, but he doesn't even want the box near him..maybe later.....meanwhile, I won't even look at the box...
Several times a day, the lullabye music resonates through the hall, celebrating the arrival of another newborn makes me want one. There are also a few sick babies on the floor, and I find myself wanting to hold and rock them....I wish I was younger and life was longer, and after my kids were grown, I could be a neo-natal nurse.....or a midwife....but I'll probably end up with tons of grandchildren, which will also be heavenly......
It is strange to be on hiatus from normal life. I am glad we brought Camille with us....I would feel really guilty being away from her.....with the others, I am confident that they are being taken care of as well as I could do, if not better, as the older have more energy than I do....and when I get home, I know darn well they are going to act up, kids subconsciously punish parents for leaving....
I stopped at the Tim Horten's and got Aaron his favorite kind of donuts, chocolate glazed, but he doesn't even want the box near him..maybe later.....meanwhile, I won't even look at the box...
Several times a day, the lullabye music resonates through the hall, celebrating the arrival of another newborn makes me want one. There are also a few sick babies on the floor, and I find myself wanting to hold and rock them....I wish I was younger and life was longer, and after my kids were grown, I could be a neo-natal nurse.....or a midwife....but I'll probably end up with tons of grandchildren, which will also be heavenly......
It is strange to be on hiatus from normal life. I am glad we brought Camille with us....I would feel really guilty being away from her.....with the others, I am confident that they are being taken care of as well as I could do, if not better, as the older have more energy than I do....and when I get home, I know darn well they are going to act up, kids subconsciously punish parents for leaving....
Friday, August 22, 2008
back in my room with camille in bed, aaah....
Molly doesn't seem to be getting too sick of helping with Camille....and Camille doesn't seem to be getting too sick of being at the hospital....she cannot get down anywhere, so the girls take her outside a few times a day, right outside the hospital, there is a green area...probably full of pesticides....
Here are the silly girls out near where we park the car....if I told you they are calling this the McDammit house, would you think they are bad girls? They get me laughing so hard, I could hardly walk up the steps last night.... they thought if would be hilarious to make a donation, in an English accent, and refer to it as that....or write it on the check....Molly was calling Camille "Humpty Dumpty"....I said, "Please don't call her that know what happened to Humpty Dumpty...."""for some reason, this was the funniest thing in the world.....I guess when you've been at the hospital for 9 or 10 hours, and you are tired and silly.......
These girls can share the food from Aaron's hospital trays in about 35 seconds flat. He is not eating yet, and I hate to see they take the tray into the lounge, and divvy it up....Paul and I hadn't had much to eat today at all, so he ordered a bacon pizza from the place on the corner, and when Aaron was all tucked back in bed, and dozing, we walked down to pick up the pizza, and ate it outside at the sidewalk is a beautiful, warm night, and it was nice.....then Paul walked us to the car, said goodnight, and went back in to stay with Aaron....I know the kids at home miss me, and I miss them too, but I do like being here for Aaron....if you have teenagers, especially if you have young children too, you will understand: there comes a point when, aside from money, meals, and transportation, they don't really "need" mommy anymore....sure, they talk to me, we try to keep things open, but I mean "need"....and right now, I can take care of Aaron a bit, and I am enjoying it.....I hate to see him in pain, but I am glad to wash his face and get him a drink....he is still my little boy, and I love him, and hardlly get a chance to show it....and I'll tell you something, when he's feeling better, and he reads this, he is going to kill me....
Yeah, so he got out of bed, two steps, and into a chair, helped by two nurses and daddy.....and there he sat, in such pain he almost threw up.....he sat for an hour, moved his legs a little, took a few drinks, then we got him back in bed.....they want to wean him a bit from the intravenous drugs, because the oral meds last longer, and don't make him as drowsy or queasy....but he hurts, so he keeps pressing that button! He needs to eat more, but doesn't want to....but he was awake and more alert a few times today, and he has a good attitude, so I'm sure he'll be fine. It is hard to see him suffer. When I say I enjoy taking care of him, I do, but don't get me wrong....I don't like to see him in pain....
Well, I need to rest.....I am sorry if this is boring and redundant...I cannot think of anything else to write about, because here I am....but one thing I know, when I get older, and all of the kids are moved out, and I have nothing to do, I would like to volunteer at a R.McDonald house.....
good morning
I guess it is a very good morning. I am here in Aaron's room, and he has made some progress. His oxygen has been taken away, and his level is 92 without it....he has a little thing to help excercise and expand his lungs....his epidural was also removed this morning, which will be painful for him, but he needs to get up sometime and walk....right now he's sleeping again...I guess we need to get him to eat something so he can take some medication orally, the effects last longer.....all he ate today is half a cracker....
The girls are continuing to have a good time....last night, they went to the playroom when we returned to the house...I put Camille to bed and settled down with a stupid book for some peace and quiet.....they played WII, and drank 3 cans of soda each (Audrey only drank 2), and had a major burping contest....they came laughing up to the room at 1am again...but they weren't loud....and the playroom is down in the basement, so they didn't disturb anyone....
Thank you for everyone who is thinking of Aaron, and praying for him....and thanks for reading's weird, I started this blog because I just love to write, and it's interesting to look back on....but now it seems that I have new friends, and I like that....
Everyone at home: be good, and listen to your older sisters....and Ben, be good too....
The girls are continuing to have a good time....last night, they went to the playroom when we returned to the house...I put Camille to bed and settled down with a stupid book for some peace and quiet.....they played WII, and drank 3 cans of soda each (Audrey only drank 2), and had a major burping contest....they came laughing up to the room at 1am again...but they weren't loud....and the playroom is down in the basement, so they didn't disturb anyone....
Thank you for everyone who is thinking of Aaron, and praying for him....and thanks for reading's weird, I started this blog because I just love to write, and it's interesting to look back on....but now it seems that I have new friends, and I like that....
Everyone at home: be good, and listen to your older sisters....and Ben, be good too....
Thursday, August 21, 2008
hi to jonny, and happy birthday to evelyn joy
Hi Jonny! I told you on the phone I would put up a picture so you can see me....(as soon as I said it I regretted it, but whoever is reading this to Jon , skip this part)....I miss you guys...
And today is Happy Birthday to Evelyn Joy, 9 years old...Evelyn, we will have a birthday party next week....and make sure you ask Mariel for your movie...she hid it away for your birthday...I love you guys.
Aaron had to turn over onto his side, and he is not comfortable....but he needs change position, so as to not get sore....
Well, bye again for now....
Aaron had to turn over onto his side, and he is not comfortable....but he needs change position, so as to not get sore....
Well, bye again for now....
tired baby
Okay, today in the parent waiting room, Margaret hiding.....
Audrey isn't afraid of a camera though....and she shouldn't be, she is lovely....

Margaret in room last night, hiding from me again....

Do not ask.....

Sit-ups? I tell you, the spirit of silliness was in the air at 1am....meanwhile, Camille slept...

Oh, this is her today in the lounge, in the stroller....cute?

so sweet

this is what she was doing when the girls were doing calisthenics on their beds....good baby!

a bit blurry....

but don't let the pictures of the sleeping baby fool you, her nap in the lounge lasted 20 minutes tops.....she has been awake since 8 this morning, and it's 4:20 in the afternoon.....she is getting difficult....I need to go see if I can nurse her in a quiet room....good news: Paul is coming up tonight...and he is bringing us some dinner....we ate cereal this morning, and shared Aaron's lunch tray 5 ways (Camille liked the potatoes).......we've had some peanut butter crackers, and a few cookies, and the girls have had icecream, but we are getting hungry....the hospital cafeteria is too expensive.....yesterday, we each had a sandwich (cheesburger or chicken), shared some fries, and had some pudding (shared with Camille), and it was $22......we are not doing that again....and that was drinking water......anyway, I have to go see baby....Aaron is sleeping again, and one of his machines is beeping one beeped for 40 minutes...I called the nurse, and she never came, I finally went down and told them....oh, she's on lunch....come on, this is a pediatric floor, there must be someone covering her....if Emily the nurse is reading this, sorry! Don't mean to insult the whole profession!
Margaret in room last night, hiding from me again....
Do not ask.....
Sit-ups? I tell you, the spirit of silliness was in the air at 1am....meanwhile, Camille slept...
Oh, this is her today in the lounge, in the stroller....cute?
so sweet
this is what she was doing when the girls were doing calisthenics on their beds....good baby!
a bit blurry....
but don't let the pictures of the sleeping baby fool you, her nap in the lounge lasted 20 minutes tops.....she has been awake since 8 this morning, and it's 4:20 in the afternoon.....she is getting difficult....I need to go see if I can nurse her in a quiet room....good news: Paul is coming up tonight...and he is bringing us some dinner....we ate cereal this morning, and shared Aaron's lunch tray 5 ways (Camille liked the potatoes).......we've had some peanut butter crackers, and a few cookies, and the girls have had icecream, but we are getting hungry....the hospital cafeteria is too expensive.....yesterday, we each had a sandwich (cheesburger or chicken), shared some fries, and had some pudding (shared with Camille), and it was $22......we are not doing that again....and that was drinking water......anyway, I have to go see baby....Aaron is sleeping again, and one of his machines is beeping one beeped for 40 minutes...I called the nurse, and she never came, I finally went down and told them....oh, she's on lunch....come on, this is a pediatric floor, there must be someone covering her....if Emily the nurse is reading this, sorry! Don't mean to insult the whole profession!
posting again.....
I know, everyone is probably getting sick of this, but I have never had so much time with a computer.....When we arrived at the hospital this morning, Aaron was in so much pain, he was cold and sweaty...his temp was okay, but he was shaking...I was upset, to say the least....he was given some more painkiller, and after a while it subsided, but he is really hurting. He still has an upper back epidural, but can still feel alot of pain.....since he has the epidural, he hasn't been able to get up yet.....he is dozing again right now, and the girls are in the playroom with Camille....
Those girls are having a good time, as well as helping me tremendously with Camille....they played WII last night until midnight....then they came up to the room and got their stuff for showers....they delight in the fact that the house has 9 bathrooms, and I think they are determined to shower in each of them......
Those girls are having a good time, as well as helping me tremendously with Camille....they played WII last night until midnight....then they came up to the room and got their stuff for showers....they delight in the fact that the house has 9 bathrooms, and I think they are determined to shower in each of them......
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
hard to leave him....
but I had no choice....he didn't want us to leave him...but I could not stay with Camille....and they wouldn't let Molly stay with him because she's under 18....I asked them pretty please, but they have to abide by the, we said goodnight, left his glasses and mp3 player within reach, as well as Molly's phone, I told him to call me even if he didn't want anything....he is feeling alot of pain....and he's nervous about having the bar in. He's afraid that if he moves to much, it will shift...I assured him the dr. would have told us if that was the case, and I asked the nurse about it in front of Aaron, and she said she's never seen it happen....but I guess Mr. Computer was reading alot on the internet about the procedure, and found some things to worry about....he was not nervous or worried before the surgery, according to him, but now that it's over, I think he is in shock about how much it just was so hard to leave! Last night was different, he was in the ICU and the dr. himself suggested we didn't stay, as we couldn't very well get any sleep in there, and because Aaron was totally out of it last night....
Oh well, he knows we love him, and are only a few blocks away if he needs us....
It seems like I've been gone from home for a long time....I miss my little guys....
Oh well, he knows we love him, and are only a few blocks away if he needs us....
It seems like I've been gone from home for a long time....I miss my little guys....
okay, some "after" pictures
waiting room blahs....
i am typing this with 1 hannd while the incredibly spoiled sweety sleeps in my arms.....aaron is still in icu - it seems he has pockets of air behind his lungs - his lungs had to be deflated for the surgery - the dr said sometimes it happens, he isn't worried.....i don't when he'll be moved to a reg. room the icu only allows 2 visitors at a time....
the olympic volleyball matches are on, louder than arms are falling asleep....
ummm i have nothing to say, i really dont care. The last sentance was written by Margaret. I told her she could write something, and she couldn't think of anything....Molly has Camille now...I am doing one of Audrey's sudoku...If anyone from home is reading this, say hello to Charlotte Claire, Jonathan, Sonja, Suzanne, Evelyn (her birthday is tomorrow, 9 years old, and the drama of having me not there! poor girl..) Kathryn, Sam, Joe, and of course the major babysitter, M......and the couch-bound Abigail, who has to go see the orthopaedic dr. today...I hope Benjamin, aka Mr. Responsible, remembered to bring her, and drove carefully.....and also hello to Emily the nurse who is at work anyway......I miss all of you guys terribly....especially the little ones....
the olympic volleyball matches are on, louder than arms are falling asleep....
ummm i have nothing to say, i really dont care. The last sentance was written by Margaret. I told her she could write something, and she couldn't think of anything....Molly has Camille now...I am doing one of Audrey's sudoku...If anyone from home is reading this, say hello to Charlotte Claire, Jonathan, Sonja, Suzanne, Evelyn (her birthday is tomorrow, 9 years old, and the drama of having me not there! poor girl..) Kathryn, Sam, Joe, and of course the major babysitter, M......and the couch-bound Abigail, who has to go see the orthopaedic dr. today...I hope Benjamin, aka Mr. Responsible, remembered to bring her, and drove carefully.....and also hello to Emily the nurse who is at work anyway......I miss all of you guys terribly....especially the little ones....
up bright and early
the waiting is the hardes part.....Audrey did 7 Sudoku puzzles....
I guess W I I is fun....this is the playroom where we are staying....
Camille : Mommy, we need one of these things at home!

I wish my other kids could play on this schoolbus....
I have to get moving, we need to get to the hospital, where we can sit around and keep Camille happy while Aaron sleeps.....we slept okay last night, Camille only woke up once, but then at 7 this morning, she cried, then rolled back onto her tummy and found that magic thumb...what a good baby....but this morning, she is fussy....she hates Audrey this morning, and only wants know how babies can be....I think she is noticing that this isn't home.....well, I need to really get moving.....
I wish my other kids could play on this schoolbus....
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