summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

off to the dr we go...

I have to call the dr for Margaret. Her face is so swollen she can't see. She wants to take more Benedryl, but I want to make the appointment first. I don't want to have to drag a half-sleeping 12 year old. If I can't get in 'til later, then I'll give her more Benedryl.

Today I have Margaret, Kathryn, Sonja, and Jonathan home from school. Charlotte Claire and Camille are up now, and just the older ones have had breakfast. The little girls had their orange juice though.

We had a nice meal of spaghetti and garlic bread last night, and the boy who was supposed to wash the pans never got to it. Do I leave them all day for him? After all, he was doing homework. And I cannot stand dirty pans sitting around. Maybe I'll just wash them and remind him next time to do it when I say, NOT "Later, Mom".....

It is a nice warm cloudy day. I really like the coziness of a cloudy day. It is so much better to be in the house doing general picking up and cleaning and taking care of the kids when it is cloudy. Sunshine demands that I go out in it, and causes me some discontent. Yes, I know the discontent is not really the sun's fault. But anyway, I enjoy the cloudy weather. When Charlotte Claire got out of bed this morning, she asked, "Mommy, is it going to kno today?" No honey, no snow yet, I hope.

Mirielle and I are going to pick Joseph up at the airport tonight at midnight! I am thinking of asking her if we should go early and go to the store to get something for a nice meal to make for Joe tomorrow night, as I don't think he'll like going to the store after his long flight. He has been gone since the end of June. He might go back for a year if he gets his work visa, but I don't know his plans yet. Whatever he decides is fine, but between you and me, I would rather have him here, thank you. But then that is just me and my selfishness. I really want what ever is best for him.

Camille is having a tantrum....time to go.

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