that is the important thing that Jonathan had to come out and tell me from bed. They are too excited for words. They have a string of clear Christmas lights strung up in their room....if they don't settle down soon, I might have to be a I just hope hope hope they behave and go to sleep. I hate being the meanie.
We got out the Christmas stuff....we can only find 14 stockings. Aaron thinks he knows where his is....Sonja just came out to bring me a book Jon had in he came back out too....anyway, we got lights up in the living room windows, and some in the dining room, and our little village sest up, and some others things seems unreal somehow, that we are decorating for Christmas already. We have to clean out the Christmas Tree corner this week. It is all organized and sorted, and shouldn't be too hard. We just have to find room in one of the bedrooms for 3 dollhouses and tons of furniture and accessories.....
All the little girls had their showers, and their hair brushed out and detangled, and daddy gave Jon a haircut. We had spaghetti for dinner, my ace-in-the-hole dinner.....I don't like that I used it already. Because you KNOW I don't know what's for dinner tomorrow, or the day after....I spent so much time and energy preparing for Thanksgiving.....we had the leftover dinner on Friday, which we had to suppliment with dinner rolls, to stretch the potatoes and stuffing....and then last night we made homemade pizza.....I think the daily dinner is the hardest thing about having a big family. Especially if you like to eat relatively healthy. I am just not a planner. I try and try, but I am just last-minute me.....and I still do that wander-into-the-kitchen-at-4 o'clock thing, and everything is frozen solid.......
Oh no, Jon is crying. They are not settling down.....okay, he is heading back to bed, again, he bumped his and has a huge lump on top....he and Sonja were fooling around, imagine that. Emily the nurse is home now, and she said he is probably fine. I sort of bug her by saying things like, "You're sort of a doctor, what do you suppose is wrong with Sam's foot?"...
I have been thinking alot about feeling sorry for myself. The thing is, people have feelings, ups and downs, and especially women are influenced by basically, if I feel weepy or sad without reason, I can't really help it. But in all that, thoughts come, and I always can choose whether to allow them to stay, or to think better things. So, I feel sad, and I start blaming it on Paul for not being as nice to me as I think he thing I know, I am convinced that he just doesn't love me anymore....poor me. Or I start thinking that I have WAY too much to do.....and I color the whole day black in my mind.....oh, and the next day wil be no different....poor me. So today this was just outstandingly clear to me, this whole thing with my thoughts. And for that I am thankful. God is good.
Here are some things that really touch my heart:
1. Seeing my older boys play with Camille.
2. Today, Aaron held his little newborn second cousin....I almost cried.....
3. Today, I held little William.....I almost fact, I sort of did cry. Newborns just do that to me...
4. When one of the kids shares voluntarily......
5. Jonathan calls me, "mother"....almost always with a question mark after it....
Camille is toddling around the room, more and more, and you would think that none of has ever watched such an amazing event.....Mom, Mom, she is walking!!! Yes, it is a miracle. And No, I do not remember ever having such a cute chubby little sweetie learn to walk.....Although it must have happened some 15 times before.....
Sunday, November 30, 2008
lazy sunday afternoon
Christmas-time has sneaked up on me again. Only 25 days 'til Christmas. Of course I can only find 2 of the 3 light sets I bought after Christmas last year for 75% off....we have three windows in the living room, we can't very well put lights in just two of them...they are special lights, too. Oh well.....Molly brought up a big tangled bunch of lights for me to sort throught.....for some reason, my heart is just not in it. I am just plain tired. Sometimes I am tired of being tired, and tired of always being behind around the house.....I haven't recovered from my night of no sleep, and I have let alot of things go aroud here, being gone shopping, then being gone yesterday.....and today to, I am behind on things and tired. I guess I just need to get up and get moving, and give some hugs and kisses, and get some holiday spirit. I don't want to get old and grinchy yet....
Saturday, November 29, 2008
saturday morning....
This is how my morning has gone so far.....Camille woke up.....Daddy so nicely got her for me, and I snuggled with her and nursed her and she is so funny! I shared a bowl of Life cereal with her, and had some coffee.....the other little kids started trickling out of bed....they are watching cartoons.......and WE ARE GOING TO THE CANDY FACTORY!!!
Does anyone else have the problem where they open their big mouths and promise really fun things to their kids, then have to follow through, even though they don't feel like it? Well, that's me. I get these ideas, like, going to the open house at a local chocolate company......and it is months away.....and the date gets closer, and they do not forget......and now, that date is TODAY! And it is snowing, and I am tired, and I shopped for hours yesterday.....and I have to take them......I am sure it will be fun. It is about 40 minutes away. But I can't complain about the gas prices. It is almost frightening to pay under $2 again. Now all those people who got rid of their cool pick-up trucks for those awful little hybrids are probably miserable....
Okay, my favorite television special of all time: "How the Grinch Stole Christmas".....the original 1/2 hour version, the cartoon one. Back when I was little, before dvd players, when you only got to see it when it was on tv, we waited and waited for this one.....we quoted it all year round.......when Emily was little, we had the book and tape, and she had it memorized....(we didn't have a tv yet, didn't get one until she was about 12 years old. She grew up on Little House Books, Anne of Green Gables, and every other book she could get her hands on.....)
So, to prepare for outing, I need to get them fed and dressed and brushed. And lecture them about their best behavior......when you bring like 10 or 12 kids somewhere, people notice. So they can't get away with normal kids stuff, like touching things or knocking things off the shelf.
Does anyone else have the problem where they open their big mouths and promise really fun things to their kids, then have to follow through, even though they don't feel like it? Well, that's me. I get these ideas, like, going to the open house at a local chocolate company......and it is months away.....and the date gets closer, and they do not forget......and now, that date is TODAY! And it is snowing, and I am tired, and I shopped for hours yesterday.....and I have to take them......I am sure it will be fun. It is about 40 minutes away. But I can't complain about the gas prices. It is almost frightening to pay under $2 again. Now all those people who got rid of their cool pick-up trucks for those awful little hybrids are probably miserable....
Okay, my favorite television special of all time: "How the Grinch Stole Christmas".....the original 1/2 hour version, the cartoon one. Back when I was little, before dvd players, when you only got to see it when it was on tv, we waited and waited for this one.....we quoted it all year round.......when Emily was little, we had the book and tape, and she had it memorized....(we didn't have a tv yet, didn't get one until she was about 12 years old. She grew up on Little House Books, Anne of Green Gables, and every other book she could get her hands on.....)
So, to prepare for outing, I need to get them fed and dressed and brushed. And lecture them about their best behavior......when you bring like 10 or 12 kids somewhere, people notice. So they can't get away with normal kids stuff, like touching things or knocking things off the shelf.
Friday, November 28, 2008
why is it called black friday?
Sweetie pie shows up in most of the she is yesterday....
Evelyn Joy yesterday, full and tired....and maybe a little angry at whoever took this picture?
Thanksgiving: a good chance to dress up ....Abigail....
I want that camera!!

Wow, here is the young and beautiful and exhausted, she can drive with no sleep!

hmm......(I hope they don't mind this one....)

I want that camera!!
Fast forward to today: but first, how we got to today....Went to bed last around 11:30.....Camille woke up to nurse.....then woke again....then again....and I was fast asleep, when - Abigail came in and woke me up. It was 3:30, time to get, out the door we went before 4:00am...
First to Wal-Mart to price match some things....which I am not at liberty to write here.....Molly and Aaron, and Abigail went off to get things, according to plan. I stayed in safe places with Miss Camille, who didn't seem too fazed to be in Wal-mart at that unGodly hour....there are always those rude lady was swearing very loudly as she pushed past me, and I yelled right at her, "Merry Christmas!"....I mean, if you are SHOPPING FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, is it not hypocritical to be so miserable? Most people are pretty nice though. Today, a grandmotherly lady who had her act together, as opposed to me, who was zoning out, sort of adopted us, and made sure we kept close to her in line, so no one got between us. A few times when the line moved forward, she actually pulled our cart forwards....she was very sweet. And she bought a huge tv for over $800, cash. Wow. Then, after we waited in line for mini-forever, and paid for everything, I discovered a $4 item, that was in with Camille and not paid for...the kids said to just put it back, but I was buying it for someone, and wanted to get it....the lines were snaked back into the store....things looked grim...and I urged Molly and Aaron to just go back to our cashier and see if she started the other person's order......the nice lady who was behind us just said to put it on her tab, she would get it, and Merry Christmas. I sensed that she really wanted to do this, so instead of protesting, I just warmly thanked her. I think she learned quite a bit about us from being behind us for mini-forever......anyway, it was very sweet and the kids were touched by it....Here are Mali and Aaron, and Camille, catching up with her sleep....
Wow, here is the young and beautiful and exhausted, she can drive with no sleep!
hmm......(I hope they don't mind this one....)
Sweetie pie....Aaron and Mali thought it was funny to keep making sudden loud noises and disturb her sleep....she would jump and just sleep on....they are big brats.
I don't know what's going on here....

I hope this isn't on their wish list...

I don't know what's going on here....
I hope this isn't on their wish list...
Okay, we went to Walmart....then to Wal-greens, then to McD's for breakfast...we met my brother and his wife, and two of their daughters there....very pleasant...and the coffee, oh heavenly....then to AC Moore, a huge craft store, (they had some good sales, than a coupon for 30%off total purchases), then to Radio Shack, then to Rite-Aid...then some gas for the big hungry van....then on to Target......then to Price Chopper....while we were in there, Mali and Aaron were in the pet store next buying two fish....they brought them into Price-Chopper.....then, we headed home....and drove by these guys you can see, they are waving at us, because I honked and waved and gave them the thumbs-up....
Then I felt like a grand hypocrite, for our van was full of over $300 of Walmart stuff....oops!
One more stop...the Sunoco...they participate in the rewards gas program with Price-Chopper....I got 20 gallons of gas for 40 cents. Yes, forty cents.....yay!!! Of course that means I spend an insane amount of money at Price Chopper, but the free gas is nice.....
In closing, I just want to say shame on those awful impatient-turned-vicious shoppers who trampled the poor Wal-mart employee this morning, and injured 3 people, including a 28 year old pregnant woman. How awful. I wouldn't be surprised if this ended or changed the Black Friday experience.......
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
and what am I thankful for??? #16 . baby Camille
.#15. Charlotte Claire

#14. Jonathan Robert.....
#13. Sonja Kathleen

#12. Suzanne Eleanor

#11. Evelyn Joy

#10. Kathryn Grace

#9 . Margaret Cheryl....

#8. Samuel James

#7. Mali Rose

#6. Aaron Royce

#5. Joseph Michael

#4. M.

#3. Benjamin Paul

#2. Abigail Marie

#1. Emily Anne

#13. Sonja Kathleen
#12. Suzanne Eleanor
#11. Evelyn Joy
#10. Kathryn Grace
#9 . Margaret Cheryl....
#8. Samuel James
#7. Mali Rose
#6. Aaron Royce

#5. Joseph Michael
#4. M.
#3. Benjamin Paul
#2. Abigail Marie
#1. Emily Anne
and # 17, pumpkin pie...
And of course the apple pie....
And all the usual things, like family, friends, home and hearth......oh, and the chocolate pie, and the lemon-merangue pie that Emily made this morning...
The kids graciously co-operated with my mission to take their individual pictures today.....except for M., who called me from Canada today, whom I miss, I took a picture from the beach in the Adirondacks.....and it's blurry, which is how she would like it. I try to respect her wish for anonomity, or however that's spelled.....
The turkey is done, the potatoes, all peeled and cut, and forgotten, just got put on the stove....oh well. And I realized a few minutes ago, I have to go make the stuffing....I need to get some kids moving to get the table set, the olives and pickles smells just heavenly in here. The smell of a turkey roasting, especially when you've only had some Wheat Thins for lunch, is heavenly....
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.....
a day off, ha
The kids had today off from school for Thanksgiving break. So, we made pies. Emily went out and got some apples, so we made 3 apple pies, 6 pumpkin, and one large chocolate pie. We have the crust ready for a lemon merangue.....
So after rolling out dough, and overseeing the girls mix up the pumpkin, and generally clean up little messes, it was onto other things. I sorted out the toys that just seem to get thrown into the dollhouse bins, and it was actually fun....while I was sitting on the floor sorting, I set up one of the big dollhouses.....I really haven't grown up yet. Then I thought I would get a chance to sit down, and Camille really wanted me.....anyway, time to make dinner. We had soup from last night, I had made a six quart pot, I added a few cans of vegetarian vegetable soup to it, we had salad, applesauce, and some of the kids had some leftover rice. And for dessert: we tried some of the pie....we had alot of leftover pumpkin stuff, and baked it without was an excellent dessert.....Camille thought so too...
Well, the treadmill is very popular. Camille has to be in someone's posession when it is in use, which has been almost all day. Those little girls are going to be in shape! I took a turn, too. I really like it. It is a big sturdy nice one, with incline, and a built-in fan. So far, only two injuries. Sam went flying, he had it on way too fast and was fooling around, and Charlotte Claire went on it when Evelyn was using it, and hurt her thumb and toe.....which is kind of good, if you know what I mean. She knows now that we are serious that she needs to stay away from it when someone is using it......
I am so very thankful that we got it, I think it will make winter more bearable. Does anyone else feel like they are going to jump out of their skin when they are stuck in the house, and have no excercise except vaccuming? When it is too cold to go out? Last night, the kids fell asleep so fast after we tucked them in. I think they got they got plum tuckered out!
Paul got out of work a bit early tonight, and he went right in and helped the little girls (and Jon) clean their room. What a nice daddy. They are not allowed to bring papers, pencils, crayons, markers, ect, in there....ha. As soon as it gets clean, they start playing school and office. And they are having so much fun, I hate to be the big meanie.....they are really looking forward to having it painted. For some reason, there is alot of writing on their walls. Names, like Margaret, Kathryn, Evelyn, Suzanne, and Sonja.....and some abc's....and a few little pictures....and oh, the tack-marks. A while ago, Suzanne went beserk with her pictures and made a whole art show in there. There were over 50 pictures taped to the, now that we are re-painting, a few old rules need new re-inforcement. I mean, they wouldn't even think of writing their names on the living room least so far....and hey, none of them know WHO did it anyway.
The hot tub is turned way up, and I am looking forward to a nice relaxing soak sometime this evening. I don't know if I'll wait until the little ones are in bed or what....
Today: I had to really remind myself that getting some down time is not my goal on earth. It really seems like the focus of my day sometimes, then I realize how much I am longing to just relax.....and it makes me sort of resentful about all I have to do around here. But in theory I believe: it is not doing what you like that makes you happy, but being happy in what you do. But when all you want is some time out, try telling yourself that!
Today: 2 wet beds, one load of darks, one load of lights, one load of towels.....which reminds me, I need to switch over some laundry still.
Today: While I mixed and rolled out pie dough, I talked Evelyn, 9, through the steps of mixing up the pumpkin pie filling......she cracked the eggs, opened the evaporated milk, opened the cans of pumpkin, measured, mixed......pretty good. Emily and Kathryn, 10, peeled apples. Abigail washed all the pie pans....(how can they get dusty sitting in the cupboard?).....and as you can probably guess, we laughed and talked and fooled around and had a great time.....Camille was in her nap, and Charlotte Claire was being a nuisance, trying to get her hands into the flour.....
Oh my goodness, the Wal-mart ad for Friday is pretty tempting: $8 fleece lined sweatshirts for the whole family....(my boys want them)....jammy-pants for $4, princess Barbies for $5.....and the bicycles, $29! The glitch: starts at 5:00am. Not that I mind, I have been there at that time for several years now on post Thanksgiving Friday. Even last year with a 3 week old baby. But this year, I have to either send Abigail with a list, or get Camille dressed at 4:00 and drag her along. What would people think? She just wakes up for me too often for Paul to want me to leave her home. She doesn't take too kindly to anyone but me in the night....I am thinking about bringing a big comfy pram, to keep her safe and cuddly in case she just wants to sleep more. I can't imaging sitting her up in the cart-seat at that time of the morning/night.....
That early morning shopping is great fun for me. It must be something like winning a prize when you score the cheap items before they run out. It is a massive hunt, with bloodthirsty shoppers waiting behind the yellow caution tape until the clock strikes 5:00, carts crashing, grabbing, shoving....I will stay out of the fray with little Camille, and send Abigail The Brave to stalk the prizes....Aaron and Mali want to go too, this year, which might just be good strategy. I know, I know, Christmas is not all about $69 cameras and $8 jeans....
We usually end up going to a few other stores in quick sucession, before the early bird special are over. Then, out to breakfast, though we usually pick McDonalds, for speed and convenience. We gloat over all the trophies, rehash the rude shopper encounters, and I try not to think about how much I spent, saving so much money.....
So after rolling out dough, and overseeing the girls mix up the pumpkin, and generally clean up little messes, it was onto other things. I sorted out the toys that just seem to get thrown into the dollhouse bins, and it was actually fun....while I was sitting on the floor sorting, I set up one of the big dollhouses.....I really haven't grown up yet. Then I thought I would get a chance to sit down, and Camille really wanted me.....anyway, time to make dinner. We had soup from last night, I had made a six quart pot, I added a few cans of vegetarian vegetable soup to it, we had salad, applesauce, and some of the kids had some leftover rice. And for dessert: we tried some of the pie....we had alot of leftover pumpkin stuff, and baked it without was an excellent dessert.....Camille thought so too...
Well, the treadmill is very popular. Camille has to be in someone's posession when it is in use, which has been almost all day. Those little girls are going to be in shape! I took a turn, too. I really like it. It is a big sturdy nice one, with incline, and a built-in fan. So far, only two injuries. Sam went flying, he had it on way too fast and was fooling around, and Charlotte Claire went on it when Evelyn was using it, and hurt her thumb and toe.....which is kind of good, if you know what I mean. She knows now that we are serious that she needs to stay away from it when someone is using it......
I am so very thankful that we got it, I think it will make winter more bearable. Does anyone else feel like they are going to jump out of their skin when they are stuck in the house, and have no excercise except vaccuming? When it is too cold to go out? Last night, the kids fell asleep so fast after we tucked them in. I think they got they got plum tuckered out!
Paul got out of work a bit early tonight, and he went right in and helped the little girls (and Jon) clean their room. What a nice daddy. They are not allowed to bring papers, pencils, crayons, markers, ect, in there....ha. As soon as it gets clean, they start playing school and office. And they are having so much fun, I hate to be the big meanie.....they are really looking forward to having it painted. For some reason, there is alot of writing on their walls. Names, like Margaret, Kathryn, Evelyn, Suzanne, and Sonja.....and some abc's....and a few little pictures....and oh, the tack-marks. A while ago, Suzanne went beserk with her pictures and made a whole art show in there. There were over 50 pictures taped to the, now that we are re-painting, a few old rules need new re-inforcement. I mean, they wouldn't even think of writing their names on the living room least so far....and hey, none of them know WHO did it anyway.
The hot tub is turned way up, and I am looking forward to a nice relaxing soak sometime this evening. I don't know if I'll wait until the little ones are in bed or what....
Today: I had to really remind myself that getting some down time is not my goal on earth. It really seems like the focus of my day sometimes, then I realize how much I am longing to just relax.....and it makes me sort of resentful about all I have to do around here. But in theory I believe: it is not doing what you like that makes you happy, but being happy in what you do. But when all you want is some time out, try telling yourself that!
Today: 2 wet beds, one load of darks, one load of lights, one load of towels.....which reminds me, I need to switch over some laundry still.
Today: While I mixed and rolled out pie dough, I talked Evelyn, 9, through the steps of mixing up the pumpkin pie filling......she cracked the eggs, opened the evaporated milk, opened the cans of pumpkin, measured, mixed......pretty good. Emily and Kathryn, 10, peeled apples. Abigail washed all the pie pans....(how can they get dusty sitting in the cupboard?).....and as you can probably guess, we laughed and talked and fooled around and had a great time.....Camille was in her nap, and Charlotte Claire was being a nuisance, trying to get her hands into the flour.....
Oh my goodness, the Wal-mart ad for Friday is pretty tempting: $8 fleece lined sweatshirts for the whole family....(my boys want them)....jammy-pants for $4, princess Barbies for $5.....and the bicycles, $29! The glitch: starts at 5:00am. Not that I mind, I have been there at that time for several years now on post Thanksgiving Friday. Even last year with a 3 week old baby. But this year, I have to either send Abigail with a list, or get Camille dressed at 4:00 and drag her along. What would people think? She just wakes up for me too often for Paul to want me to leave her home. She doesn't take too kindly to anyone but me in the night....I am thinking about bringing a big comfy pram, to keep her safe and cuddly in case she just wants to sleep more. I can't imaging sitting her up in the cart-seat at that time of the morning/night.....
That early morning shopping is great fun for me. It must be something like winning a prize when you score the cheap items before they run out. It is a massive hunt, with bloodthirsty shoppers waiting behind the yellow caution tape until the clock strikes 5:00, carts crashing, grabbing, shoving....I will stay out of the fray with little Camille, and send Abigail The Brave to stalk the prizes....Aaron and Mali want to go too, this year, which might just be good strategy. I know, I know, Christmas is not all about $69 cameras and $8 jeans....
We usually end up going to a few other stores in quick sucession, before the early bird special are over. Then, out to breakfast, though we usually pick McDonalds, for speed and convenience. We gloat over all the trophies, rehash the rude shopper encounters, and I try not to think about how much I spent, saving so much money.....
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
my children.....
Mali and Aaron want a sheep for Christmas. Since I know darn well it isn't going to happpen, I played along. Find out how much trouble they are first, I told them within Daddy's hearing......"Oh no, we are NOT getting a sheep....", he said not mildly. I told the kids that if they started with horses and sheep, they may end up with a puppy.
Emily Anne, the nurse: She is plugging along, driving her 30+ minutes each way in the snowy mess, and going to classes....she has BOTH Wednesday AND Thursday off from work. And: she wants to make pies. How lucky can I get?
Abigail: She is also braving the rough weather each day, going North into snowville. She had a challenging ride home last warmed up a bit and rained, then snowed some more....she is really excited for Thanksgiving, and of course FRIDAY, the funnest (should be a word) shopping day of the has become tradition for her to shop with me - we have a plan: I stay with the cart, and she scoots through the crowd and grabs stuff.......
Benjamin: I do not see my handsome oldest son nearly enough. He will be home on Thanksgiving, and that will be nice....
M. : Still in Canada.....and I still miss her. She is having dinner Thursday with a Canadian/American couple and their 7(?) kids, a girl from Germany, and some other girls her age.....sounds like a good time...
Joseph: He still needs a haircut. He is tremendously helpful sometimes, but mostly he plays his guitar, plays Xbox, draws......
Aaron: He wants an Ipod Touch for Christmas. He isn't going snowboarding this year, because the friend who usually takes them is way to busy with college......
Mali: Her glasses have been broken for a while, so tonight, even though I really want to stay home, we are going to Wal-Mart, the store I love to hate, to get them fixed. I will also get some spackle for the little kids' bedroom, and some paintbrushes....we have the paint. (They couldn't agree on the color, then my brother offered me a can of a pinky salmon color, really good paint, he had bought too, problem solved. It will be pinky salmon color.)
Samuel: Samuel is way taller than me now, and he is only 13 years old. He is at that awkward stage, still a kid, but growing fast.....sometimes out of the corner of my eye, I think he is Paul.....and Jonathan called him "Daddy" the other day.....He wants sweatshirts, and a Nintendo DS for Christmas.....hmmm.
Margaret: She will be turning 12 right before Christmas....she is so much more mature in many ways. She hasn't been a "child" for years now. I think I'll let her get some paint for her, Kathryn, and M.'s room today....
Kathryn: She is my biggest helper. She is 10 years old. She has a sense of humor, and likes going places with me. She doesn't ask for much, and is thankful for what she does get......
Evelyn: She just got her hair trimmed, and it is still tangly. She likes to brush it herself....her freckles are receding since the warm sunny weather is gone.....She is gung-ho to paint her room...
Suzanne: She is doing so well in school, except for some of those spellng tests. She went to the pizza place on a field trip.....
Sonja: Sonja is one of those kids who just seems to learn to read with no effort at all. She seems like an only child sometimes, the way she stomps to get her way....
Jonathan: Well, I started this post this morning, got interrupted, and since then I have been very busy: we went to Wal-Mart to get Mali's glasses fixed, taking Kathryn, Evelyn, Suzanne, Sonja, Jonathan, and Camille. And Mali. We got our painting stuff, and some milk and bagels....and looked at the toys.....Jon did not ask for anything, but when I decided to actually spend $15 dollars for a pair of snowpants for Sonja (brown ones, so we can pass them down to Jon), he flipped. He just started sobbing that he needs some too......and he said he felt like he was going to throw up....but then he got a hold of stop, drive-through at Burger-King to redeem 6 free fries coupons......and nothing else.....I ran into the dollar store while Mali stayed in the van with them and their fries. Then home. Oh, the trip home. Kathryn threw a flashlight, which hit Suze in the eye, which caused much pain and noise. And the driver threatened to pull over.....and oh, the silliness. Those girls....anyway, we got home. Sonja had lost a shoe, Camille lost a bottle, and a bootie, and things had to be carried in....I carried Camille, my purse, and like 3 bags up the deck steps and into the house, and WOW! Jonathan had gone in the door, and puked. (sorry, Cassandra! you may want to skip a few lines here).....All over the sneakers and boots, and yes, some of the Jon is sick. He is a four year old, though, and he bounces between barfings.....actually, he only got sick one more he is all tucked into bed....
Charlotte Claire: She is a happy girl tonight because she got some hand-me-downs from her cousin.....she tricked me today. She sneaked her diaper off. Then, she surprised me by peeing in the booster seat while she helped me prepare the dinner.....(I peeled and sliced the carrots and potatoes, and she put them in the bowl of cold water. She did splash.)......I am not ready to potty train her. She is pretty interested, but I am holding out until she REALLY wants to do it. Then it will be much easier.....
Camille: She is the light of my life right now. I enjoy them all, but she is just so sweet. Her hair is getting longer, and curly. She is silly. In WalMart, I kept putting the smiley face sticker on my nose, and she just chuckled about that. She isn't quite walking yet, but she is walking around the furniture, and takes a few steps here and there....she is very careful.
Wow, is that all of them?
Emily Anne, the nurse: She is plugging along, driving her 30+ minutes each way in the snowy mess, and going to classes....she has BOTH Wednesday AND Thursday off from work. And: she wants to make pies. How lucky can I get?
Abigail: She is also braving the rough weather each day, going North into snowville. She had a challenging ride home last warmed up a bit and rained, then snowed some more....she is really excited for Thanksgiving, and of course FRIDAY, the funnest (should be a word) shopping day of the has become tradition for her to shop with me - we have a plan: I stay with the cart, and she scoots through the crowd and grabs stuff.......
Benjamin: I do not see my handsome oldest son nearly enough. He will be home on Thanksgiving, and that will be nice....
M. : Still in Canada.....and I still miss her. She is having dinner Thursday with a Canadian/American couple and their 7(?) kids, a girl from Germany, and some other girls her age.....sounds like a good time...
Joseph: He still needs a haircut. He is tremendously helpful sometimes, but mostly he plays his guitar, plays Xbox, draws......
Aaron: He wants an Ipod Touch for Christmas. He isn't going snowboarding this year, because the friend who usually takes them is way to busy with college......
Mali: Her glasses have been broken for a while, so tonight, even though I really want to stay home, we are going to Wal-Mart, the store I love to hate, to get them fixed. I will also get some spackle for the little kids' bedroom, and some paintbrushes....we have the paint. (They couldn't agree on the color, then my brother offered me a can of a pinky salmon color, really good paint, he had bought too, problem solved. It will be pinky salmon color.)
Samuel: Samuel is way taller than me now, and he is only 13 years old. He is at that awkward stage, still a kid, but growing fast.....sometimes out of the corner of my eye, I think he is Paul.....and Jonathan called him "Daddy" the other day.....He wants sweatshirts, and a Nintendo DS for Christmas.....hmmm.
Margaret: She will be turning 12 right before Christmas....she is so much more mature in many ways. She hasn't been a "child" for years now. I think I'll let her get some paint for her, Kathryn, and M.'s room today....
Kathryn: She is my biggest helper. She is 10 years old. She has a sense of humor, and likes going places with me. She doesn't ask for much, and is thankful for what she does get......
Evelyn: She just got her hair trimmed, and it is still tangly. She likes to brush it herself....her freckles are receding since the warm sunny weather is gone.....She is gung-ho to paint her room...
Suzanne: She is doing so well in school, except for some of those spellng tests. She went to the pizza place on a field trip.....
Sonja: Sonja is one of those kids who just seems to learn to read with no effort at all. She seems like an only child sometimes, the way she stomps to get her way....
Jonathan: Well, I started this post this morning, got interrupted, and since then I have been very busy: we went to Wal-Mart to get Mali's glasses fixed, taking Kathryn, Evelyn, Suzanne, Sonja, Jonathan, and Camille. And Mali. We got our painting stuff, and some milk and bagels....and looked at the toys.....Jon did not ask for anything, but when I decided to actually spend $15 dollars for a pair of snowpants for Sonja (brown ones, so we can pass them down to Jon), he flipped. He just started sobbing that he needs some too......and he said he felt like he was going to throw up....but then he got a hold of stop, drive-through at Burger-King to redeem 6 free fries coupons......and nothing else.....I ran into the dollar store while Mali stayed in the van with them and their fries. Then home. Oh, the trip home. Kathryn threw a flashlight, which hit Suze in the eye, which caused much pain and noise. And the driver threatened to pull over.....and oh, the silliness. Those girls....anyway, we got home. Sonja had lost a shoe, Camille lost a bottle, and a bootie, and things had to be carried in....I carried Camille, my purse, and like 3 bags up the deck steps and into the house, and WOW! Jonathan had gone in the door, and puked. (sorry, Cassandra! you may want to skip a few lines here).....All over the sneakers and boots, and yes, some of the Jon is sick. He is a four year old, though, and he bounces between barfings.....actually, he only got sick one more he is all tucked into bed....
Charlotte Claire: She is a happy girl tonight because she got some hand-me-downs from her cousin.....she tricked me today. She sneaked her diaper off. Then, she surprised me by peeing in the booster seat while she helped me prepare the dinner.....(I peeled and sliced the carrots and potatoes, and she put them in the bowl of cold water. She did splash.)......I am not ready to potty train her. She is pretty interested, but I am holding out until she REALLY wants to do it. Then it will be much easier.....
Camille: She is the light of my life right now. I enjoy them all, but she is just so sweet. Her hair is getting longer, and curly. She is silly. In WalMart, I kept putting the smiley face sticker on my nose, and she just chuckled about that. She isn't quite walking yet, but she is walking around the furniture, and takes a few steps here and there....she is very careful.
Wow, is that all of them?
Monday, November 24, 2008
10 honest things about me
but first, I want to introduce the little man who has stolen my lucky sister's new and only grandson. So, my niece's son. (my sister and I raised our children together, my sixth and her 7th and youngest are the same age...we have daughters who are 18 days apart, and daughters who are 12 days apart.....we have had our fun...and I love her children like my own, and they are growing up into beautiful adults.....anyway....) This is William Elias, to be known as Will. I saw him, and I got teary-eyed. I held him. I unwrapped him and took his picture and wrapped him back up and cuddled him. I fell head over heals in love with him. I held him and cuddled him, then I had to give him back and go home. Oh, I would love one more.....
Here is a bewildered Charlotte Claire at our friend Toby's birthday party. Mostly boys were there. She hasn't been to very many people's houses, so she was pretty amazed.
Well, Renata wrote a nice post called, "10 honest things about me", and informally tagged those on her, I thought I'd try it....
1. I am lazy. I love to sit with my feet up, especially at the beach, or in the yard in the summertime....just to roast in the sun......
2. Winter started here so suddenly and forcefully that I miss summer....which leads me to mention that I love summer, but I hate getting TOO hot.
3. I like to get as much done with as little effort as possible.
4. I have so much I would love to do, but never get to.
5. I have to part with some of my 20+ strollers and prams, and it seriously makes me sad, because I love them.
6. I am fully gripped and aprehended by the gospel of Jesus. Sometimes, even when I feel so tempted to just get bitter and give up and be depressed, I hear Jesus speaking.....and I know, I JUST KNOW that I would be a fool to give in to it all. I believe that there is a door that can be opened in the mind, a door to thoughts of bitterness and destruction....(it is written about the bitter root, that we are to make sure that no bitter root grows up within us, for by it many would be defiled.....) We have a battle in the thought life.....we have to battle to keep our hearts and thoughts pure.
7. I see myself pretty clearly, I think, because God is good, and doesn't want me to be proud. So I know how I am, to an extent, how impatient, critical, judgemental, envious, complaining I am when other people say things like, "Oh, you must have the patience of a saint!"....., I truly cringe....if only you knew, I think..... I do not want to be like that, so, as it is written in Romans, I serve with my mind the law of God, I cleanse myself......and overcome sin, by God's grace, not because I am anything. This I truly mean.
8. I really really like quiet, and I really really hate sticky. So, I am surely in the wrong line of work....
9. Sometimes I do things that I tell the kids not to do, like have seconds of the good cereal, or use tons of toilet paper, or use a whole paper towel when a half would do. Or pick the biggest one, or walk across the kitchen floor with my shoes on.....or stand under the hot shower too long.
10. I do not like the cold weather, yet I love the coziness of being inside, and the lack of pressure to actually take the kids outside. I love the winter time cooking, the things like stews, soups, roasts......and the baking! I do love to warm up the house with a batch of cookies....I love it when I can be here when the kids get home, and have something special for them....
I know this is more than 10, but I thought of something else: I feel a strong urge to comfort other people. When a mama has a screaming toddler, I hope to heaven that the way I look at her isn't misconstrued as critical, no, I want to convey..."I know what you are going through....stop caring what people not discipline that child roughly because you are embarrassed...."Oh, and old people? I want to help all the old people. I really enjoy reaching things on the shelves for them. But mostly, mostly, the strongest urge I have concerning other people: I want them to see what salvation is. People walk around so bound by their sin, and they don't even know it. They think it is because of their circumstances, or other people's actions.... Jesus made a way through the flesh, and said, "Follow me.." Jesus was tempted, but never gave in. And I see people, their love growing cold, their tempers short, and oh, the way they talk to their kids....I turn into an idiot, and I just cry, I can't help it. Laws and rules can't help people. But God can. Just look at how in the book of Acts, Saul was so merciless against the Christians, sending them to prison....then Jesus spoke to him on the road to Damascus....and his heart softened, and he said, "What would you have me do, Lord?" People can change. No one is too far gone or corrupt for God to help.
back from the bahamas
Ha, just kidding. Our internet was down. A car hit a pole on Thursday night, knocking our power out, and frying our modem. So, the power came back, the internet didn't. Until bright and early this morning when Larry the Cable guy came....and me, who ALWAYS gets dressed in the morning, before showing my cheery face, was still in my nightie. (Camille was stirring, and I wanted to get out of there before her little eyes blinked open and saw mommy), I ran and threw some clothes on faster than I thought possible.
Anyway, this is where the cats sit to let us know how nice it is outside, and that they are thinking about coming back in....
Anyway, this is where the cats sit to let us know how nice it is outside, and that they are thinking about coming back in....
This is Mali (her spelling request), shopping....
No, they did not really buy this stuff. Just her and Aaron having fun....and yes, they put it all back.....
Here is Aaron shoveling the snow from the back of the truck in the grocery store parking lot, so we could put the bags in the back.....he saw me with the camera, and I almost got a shovelfull of snow on me....

Our treadmill is coming today. I had thought all along to put it in the livingroom, but now the kids are saying it will be noisy, and that they don't want to excercise in front of I don't know. We don't have much space, so our options are limited.....
Our treadmill is coming today. I had thought all along to put it in the livingroom, but now the kids are saying it will be noisy, and that they don't want to excercise in front of I don't know. We don't have much space, so our options are limited.....
The hot tub: Yes, it is outside. Paul built a sturdy little deck for it, and we had a nice little patio put in next to, it is outside the back door. And it has an insulated cover. And it has a heat setting to keep it from freezing. We keep it on the low side, and turn it up when we want to use it. And yes, the electrical bill has gone up. But it is so nice......when the stars come out....the only hard thing is to get out, and walk those few steps across the freezing patio, and into the house. But if it is heated up properly, the warmth stays, and I don't find myself chilled.
Thanksgiving: M. won't be here. Sad. She will be in Canada for dinner. She said turkeys are so expensive there that some people drive over the border to get, they have been 49cents a pound. I have mostly everything we need for dinner, except black olives. We have green olives, two kinds of pickles, celery, cranberry sauce, stuff for stuffing, several pounds of potatoes.....oh, I just remembered: I have to take the turkey out of the freezer! I also have everything to make pumpkin and chocolate pies, I need some apples if I want apple pies....Anyway, we aren't having any company for dinner, it will be the 17 of us. I had wanted to get a family picture, but with M. not here.....oh well. That's what happens when they go and grow up on me...
Well, busy day here....treadmill arrived, too heavy to carry in, is in driveway, so if you stop by, don't run it over....I haven't cleared a spot for it sister in law, or should I say my friend, stopped over surprisedly (is that a word? It should be!), and brought a few things I wanted to pick up for Christmas...she stayed a bit, and the kids just loved it. Too bad she didn't have her kids with her, she could've stayed a while.
I am going to a very special place: my dear sister has seven daughters. One of her daughters is married, and just had her first baby. My lucky sister got to be there for the delivery!!! I am going to visit Mr. William Elias for the first time!!! I am so excited, and proud of my niece. She is forever a member of a wonderful new club....she is a mommy.
As soon as I get back from the hospital, I have to pack up Jonathan and Charlotte Claire, as they are invited to Toby's 4th birthday party. We wrapped up his present, a Go Fishing Game, and stuck the batteries on top, surrounded by packages of Swedish Fish.....what fun....and Paul is going to a meeting tonight, and Emily is at work, and Abigail is going to a study group, Ben is going to work, M. is of course in Joe, Aaron, and Molly, be prepared to babysit.....I will pay you someday....I promise....and in between all this, I have two roasts (beef) that have to be cooked.....ahhh!! I need a clone. My sister is picking me up in half an hour, and here I sit. I should go prepare the meat, and brush my long tangly hair.....
Thursday, November 20, 2008
relaxing ha in the hot tub....
I live the good life. Most of the kids had a half day from school, so most of them didn't go at all. I mean, when the bus ride ends up taking more time than is actually spent at school, why bother? Margaret and Kathryn baked cookies, the peanutbutter ones with mini-p.butter cups on top. They cleaned up pretty good for being 11 and 10.
Oh, but the things that go on. Some of them went out to play in the snow. Charlotte Claire really wanted to go too. So, we dressed her all up warm and cozy, sent her out with the kids. Her boot fell off. Her mittens came off. She cried. She came back in. She was so upset, I snuggled under a few blankets with her and read her stories, her sister made her some warm cocoa in a bottle...she whimpered and whined, and kept telling me how cold it was out never would've know she was only outside for FIFTEEN minutes.
Anyway. I did take a little nap today. It was one of those yummy ones, where you wake up and don't know what day it is. Camille was still sleeping, so I sneaked out of bed, out of the room, and into the bathroom where I got into my bathing suit. I stopped into the living room where eight of them were watching "Lord Of The Rings" with all the lights off. I told them where I would takers. Good. Ha. I went out, it was just getting dark, the water was nice and hot and steamy, and the air crispy cold. I turned on the bubbles, and the steam felt fine to my sore throat, and I just relaxed and watched for the first star, and the ominous gray clouds floated by. Then Sonja came out. Okay. Pretty nice. Then Jon decided he had to tell me something. He was yelling out the kitchen window. Then he tried a different window. I yelled back that I'd talk to him when I got back he came out the back door in his bare feet.....
But can I complain? I woke up from my nap and went in the hot tub.
Then I went into the kitchen and cleaned up all the afternoon snack mess.
Now, it is dinner time. Will dinner make itself tonight? I am tempted to wait and see.
Then kid have a youth meeting tonight, but they are all busy doing things, and don't seem to care in the slightest that there is no dinner cooking. Hmm.
The only reason I am going to go out and rustle something up (which is no easy task when you have to feed at least 16 people) is I don't want Paul to come in from work and have to make dinner. He works hard enough. And let's face it, I have had enough luxury for one day.....
Oh, but the things that go on. Some of them went out to play in the snow. Charlotte Claire really wanted to go too. So, we dressed her all up warm and cozy, sent her out with the kids. Her boot fell off. Her mittens came off. She cried. She came back in. She was so upset, I snuggled under a few blankets with her and read her stories, her sister made her some warm cocoa in a bottle...she whimpered and whined, and kept telling me how cold it was out never would've know she was only outside for FIFTEEN minutes.
Anyway. I did take a little nap today. It was one of those yummy ones, where you wake up and don't know what day it is. Camille was still sleeping, so I sneaked out of bed, out of the room, and into the bathroom where I got into my bathing suit. I stopped into the living room where eight of them were watching "Lord Of The Rings" with all the lights off. I told them where I would takers. Good. Ha. I went out, it was just getting dark, the water was nice and hot and steamy, and the air crispy cold. I turned on the bubbles, and the steam felt fine to my sore throat, and I just relaxed and watched for the first star, and the ominous gray clouds floated by. Then Sonja came out. Okay. Pretty nice. Then Jon decided he had to tell me something. He was yelling out the kitchen window. Then he tried a different window. I yelled back that I'd talk to him when I got back he came out the back door in his bare feet.....
But can I complain? I woke up from my nap and went in the hot tub.
Then I went into the kitchen and cleaned up all the afternoon snack mess.
Now, it is dinner time. Will dinner make itself tonight? I am tempted to wait and see.
Then kid have a youth meeting tonight, but they are all busy doing things, and don't seem to care in the slightest that there is no dinner cooking. Hmm.
The only reason I am going to go out and rustle something up (which is no easy task when you have to feed at least 16 people) is I don't want Paul to come in from work and have to make dinner. He works hard enough. And let's face it, I have had enough luxury for one day.....
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
is this a living room or a gymnasium?
Sonja K.....
Aaron just oblivious to the chaos around him....

Suzanne with Jonathan...


Aaron just oblivious to the chaos around him....
Suzanne with Jonathan...
Kathryn with Jon....
Kathryn with Charlotte Claire....
Don't let these two fool you, Evelyn was crying earlier, at least 3 times, because her sisters are just so mean. And Camille has a fever of 102....

She didn't seem sick, she had just eaten dinner of plain spaghetti (she loves eating and playing with those spaghetti strands)....and some meatball cut up...., then some ice cream....she seemed fine....then after dinner, she felt very warm. I used the regular old fashioned mercury thermometer, which she did not like....she had her mouth open crying as I took it, so I only left it in her mouth for about 40 seconds. Which leads me to believe that she is even warmer than that.....

So, is it an illness? Her cough and cold turn into some nice infection? One of her million shots last week causing a fever? I read through all the pamphlets just now, and there are a few that cause fever a week later. The literature with the immunizations is written at about a 4th grade level. And I just don't want to start looking up possible reactions online. Too much to worry about. I will call the doctor tomorrow, though.
Don't let these two fool you, Evelyn was crying earlier, at least 3 times, because her sisters are just so mean. And Camille has a fever of 102....
She didn't seem sick, she had just eaten dinner of plain spaghetti (she loves eating and playing with those spaghetti strands)....and some meatball cut up...., then some ice cream....she seemed fine....then after dinner, she felt very warm. I used the regular old fashioned mercury thermometer, which she did not like....she had her mouth open crying as I took it, so I only left it in her mouth for about 40 seconds. Which leads me to believe that she is even warmer than that.....
So, is it an illness? Her cough and cold turn into some nice infection? One of her million shots last week causing a fever? I read through all the pamphlets just now, and there are a few that cause fever a week later. The literature with the immunizations is written at about a 4th grade level. And I just don't want to start looking up possible reactions online. Too much to worry about. I will call the doctor tomorrow, though.
Which sort of ends my dilemma, which was: 1. Go grocery and snowpants shopping this afternoon, which is too late now....I don't really like being out in the cold dark snowy night shopping....or 2. Go tomorrow with 9 or 10 or 11 kids, since alot of them have a half day and are staying home. I was actually leaning toward option #2, since most of them really wanted to go. But, now we are staying home, unless I take Camille to the doctor. I told the girls that even if she seems better tomorrow, she won't be in any condition to go shopping.
I was writing a comment on someone's blog, encouraging, I hope, about taking things one thing at a time. What tomorrow brings is really not my business. I have enough to deal with just moment by moment. Do not be anxious for tomorrow. That is written in Matthew. Most of us know that. So, to really take that to heart.....with being up so much at night, sickness...on and on....I sometimes think of a passage from a Dr. Suess book, can't remember which one (I bet Martha knows!) goes like this: "Can this go on all day and night?
It could, you know, and it just might!"
Really though, when I start to look at the big picture in the wrong way, and think I cannot handle day after day of what ever it is that is hard for me, then I am thinking wrong. Today is the day of salvation.
life is good
This is what I see when I look out my kitchen window over the sink. I really enjoy this aspect of living out in the country. This view is toward the south.
The three grills......

And, as a chief member of the procrastinators' club, I haven't gotten the boots out yet. The girls have been down in Abigail's closet rummaging, and have gotten some to wear.....but I don't know yet if they all have some that fit. I try to get boots in the spring on clearance, and guess the sizes for the next year, but the stores seem to know I am waiting, and clearance them when I'm not looking......
And, as a chief member of the procrastinators' club, I haven't gotten the boots out yet. The girls have been down in Abigail's closet rummaging, and have gotten some to wear.....but I don't know yet if they all have some that fit. I try to get boots in the spring on clearance, and guess the sizes for the next year, but the stores seem to know I am waiting, and clearance them when I'm not looking......
I decided I am going to just go and buy some snowpants. We have to get out what we have, and see who needs them the most. We always seem to be short at least one pair. At home, they can wear big ones, or these ripped ones we have, but their nice teachers like to take them outside at school.....I say, just stay in and read, but no, they want to go outside. So, that means not just getting them out the door all brushed, fed, and happy, but with their snowclothes in a bag too.
I can't even describe how last night went, sleep-wise, or should I say waking-wise.....? My cough has evolved into a painful, chest-aching cough....Camille's doesn't seem as bad, but she is still being awakened by the throat-tickling cough. Over and over and over. After being up several times, nursing her back to sleep each time, I brought her out for some medicine, again. The Dimetapp cough and cold drops didn't help at all, and had worn off. So I decided to try a very small dose of Benedryl sometimes causes drowsiness, and it does a fine job of drying out the nose....but I have a few kids who cannot take it because it makes them downright hyperactive. They literally can't, hmmm......I decided to go for it. She was fussy, and I was tired....and it seemed to work. I put her back in her little pink bed AGAIN, at 5:30, and hopped into my nice warm comfy bed....and woke up at 7:30, oops, hurry hurry, hurry...
And here I am. Alive. And thinking. God does not make mistakes. Maybe He wants to test me. Whatever the reason, I am bound and determined not to waste this day. It is written somewhere, I don't have time to look up where, Camille is awake, "What shall separate me from the love of Christ? "....and it lists the possibilities, and sleeplessness is in there....
and then this verse:
"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,
knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience,
But let patience have its perfect work,
that you may be perfect and complete,
lacking in nothing.
James, verses 2 -4
So, here I go.......
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Oh, how we need help in this life! Just think how awful to blame kids for my yelling! I read this article on
the title is, is so very helpful. If you need help dealing with life, if you are sick of anger....check it out.
Of course the other articles are good too, this one just really spoke to me.....
the title is, is so very helpful. If you need help dealing with life, if you are sick of anger....check it out.
Of course the other articles are good too, this one just really spoke to me.....
snowy morning....
Abigail will probably not love me for this....but this shirt is funny....Ab's off to college, her commute takes her towards Lake Ontario, and more snow.
My three little school girls looked so sweet this morning...
One of these three didn't want to co-operate, but when I said, "If you make that face, it will be forever in this picture,"...she smiled big. Can you tell how much I love tights?

Hurry, the bus is here! Aaahh. 
I have been on the go so much for so long, that I am finding it hard to believe how much I can accomplish when I am home more. Of course the down time with the kids is enjoyable too. Last night, Kathryn and I were sitting on the floor, and having Camille "walk" back and forth between us. She would reluctantly let go of a hand, take one or two steps, and grab for another hand....then Jonathan and Charlotte Claire wanted to get in on it...and when Camille walked to Charlotte Claire, she just lunged at her, and Charlotte fell backwards with Camille on top of her, they were both laughing like after that, each time, Camille chose to walk to Charlotte Claire. It was so funny. She knows where the fun is.....
I have been on the go so much for so long, that I am finding it hard to believe how much I can accomplish when I am home more. Of course the down time with the kids is enjoyable too. Last night, Kathryn and I were sitting on the floor, and having Camille "walk" back and forth between us. She would reluctantly let go of a hand, take one or two steps, and grab for another hand....then Jonathan and Charlotte Claire wanted to get in on it...and when Camille walked to Charlotte Claire, she just lunged at her, and Charlotte fell backwards with Camille on top of her, they were both laughing like after that, each time, Camille chose to walk to Charlotte Claire. It was so funny. She knows where the fun is.....
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