Molly is pretty her a bite of her cake....

Ignore the girl at the far end of the table, she saw me coming with the camera. She didn't want these to go on the blog....sorry! With Ben, M., Joe, and Sam missing, and one friend over, there were 15 for dinner. I have to figure the number when setting the table each that Camille is one year old, and eats food, we have to count her. She gets a plate! Tonight we had home-made pizza and salad, and she had some little soft pieces, and some green beans. The canned kind are good baby snacks. And, some cookie crisp cereal. And, of course, birthday cake. And some apple juice in a sippy cup....
Lots of tousled kids on a Saturday night, after a busy day of playing.....dancing, running around, playing office, school, and nurse.

Lots of tousled kids on a Saturday night, after a busy day of playing.....dancing, running around, playing office, school, and nurse.
Charlotte Claire likes Camille's new caterpiller....she seems to think it's for her.
Yum, the antenna tastes good.....
Here is her present, wrapped in Spiderman Christmas paper.....

I gave her a present yesterday, too. A glow-baby that plays lullabye music, and it lights up. She liked it okay, but Charlotte Claire liked it more. I didn't bother to get her more presents, because we have so much stuff, and she doesn't really understand. When they get older, I get them stuff. The caterpiller was on clearance at the grocery store for $3.25.....Molly was not thrilled.....we have too many toys.....but Camille needs something for her birthday, for the other kids to get excited about.....
Here is her present, wrapped in Spiderman Christmas paper.....
I gave her a present yesterday, too. A glow-baby that plays lullabye music, and it lights up. She liked it okay, but Charlotte Claire liked it more. I didn't bother to get her more presents, because we have so much stuff, and she doesn't really understand. When they get older, I get them stuff. The caterpiller was on clearance at the grocery store for $3.25.....Molly was not thrilled.....we have too many toys.....but Camille needs something for her birthday, for the other kids to get excited about.....
I did end up taking them out to the hot tub this afternoon. The girls' friend had never been in one before, and she was thrilled. The air was chilly, and the water nice and warm......I am very thankful for that hot tub. When the kids came inside, they were a bit subdued, it tends to make you feel relaxed.
5 girls are out at the table working on the 1000 piece puzzle. They slid it onto a cookie sheet for dinner time....wait, there are six of them, Charlotte Claire is still up. She is not working on the puzzle, she is helping them aquire patience.
Wow, today seemed sort of like a marathon day. Pleasant, but trying. It is very different to have a Saturday with chilly rainy weather. The kids have so much energy, and the house seems small. We need a treadmill. At least we have the hot tub......
Jonathan was pretty haywire this evening. It was time to settle down, and he was just going beserk. I told him to get some stories....he got 7 or eight of, I read for 35 minutes to Charlotte Claire and Jonathan....If You Give A Mouse A Cookie.....David and Goliath...Curious George.....
One thing I have been thinking about is how through the years I have realized that when things happen, It's Not The End Of The World. When the baby wakes up 5 times in the night. When the toddler has no interest in potty-training. I think, "This, too, shall pass"....(where is that from?).....
Well, the puzzle girls are noisy and pretty entertaining. I cannot concentrate.....
It amazes me Charlotte Claire will sit still for 35 minutes and listen to a book, or books. Connor SOOO will not. Now he will sit and watch a full episode of clifford now, but not a book. Catherine always will though and now that she can read 3rd grade books she just reads to us lol.
:) Happy birthday Camille!!
Happy Birthday, Baby!
She's just a week and a half younger than my grandson. What a fun age!
I had to smile- "...wait, there are six of them, Charlotte Claire is still up. She is not working on the puzzle, she is helping them aquire patience." Aquiring patience, yes, little people are good for helping us learn that. They also teach us selflessness and show us how wonderful love is.
Look at this blog post I found on babycheapskate. It's a link to a cheap(er?) Britax carseat!
I love the pics of Camille eating the cake, she is just so gorgeous!
Wow! What a coincidence... My daughter just got the same caterpillar!
I just blogged about it.. funny, isn't it?
~Peace & Love, Dayna
Cute Camille. Happy BIrthday!
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