Sonja K. dreamed about Susan and Thomas' babies last night. That's because she was lucky enough to be invited to Katie's baby shower last evening and because Susan is so kind and share-y, she lets the girls hold those tiny little twins. Sonja has spoken of nothing else, and cannot wait to see them again. Since my cold is finally cleared up, I held them yesterday too, and I fell totally and deeply in love with both of them, they are so sweet.
The baby shower was the best ever. No stupid games, but we went around the circle and each of us could tell about a special moment as a Mom, a moment that makes all the tiredness and work worth it.
One mom told a story of when she was locked out of the house with several small children, they checked all the windows, then one of the kids suggested they pray. The mom was not convinced this would work, because those windows were locked. But they prayed, and sure enough, one of the windows opened and they were able to get into the house.
Another mom told how her little daughter just started talking and the first time she said, "I love you" to her Mama, she said, "I ruv you", like ScoopyDoo.
One mom said just sneaking into her son's room and seeing him sleep, so peaceful and innocent, is joy for her.
I remembered when Benjamin was born: The rush of love and affection I felt when I first held him was shocking. I had been preparing myself for the work of another baby, and somewhere along the line I had forgotten that I was actually going to have another baby! I forgot how much I would love him to pieces! I never forgot that again,in subsequent pregnancies this feeling was foremost in my mind.
One mom, who has seven children, said her favorite thing ever in the whole world was to cuddle on the couch with the babies. Nothing ever could beat that for her.
Older siblings also had moments, as did Aunties. Margaret remembered when Camille was small and was fascinated by looking at herself in the mirror. One day Miss Camille kept saying to the mirror, "You are beautiful. You are beautiful." She noticed Margaret watching her, turned around and said to Marg, "You're pretty too."
Mirielle said she loves how there are so many kids in our family yet they are all so different. It fascinates her.
Ellen, one of my sister's girls, said she loved how her nephew William hugged her and told her he missed her when she got back from a recent trip to Ottowa.
Lots of stories. There was such a good spirit there, and it made me pretty thankful to be in our church, were the babies and the children are welcomed and wanted and appreciated.
Katie is due soon, and she looks fantastic. She is still small everywhere, just a huge basketball of a baby. She suffers from Crohn's disease, so this pregnancy is no picnic for her, but she is taking it well, and is of course thrilled to be having him. (she is a childhood cancer survivor, and she is my hero. She is more amazing than she knows, and I am proud of her)
The food last night was super yummy. Veggies and pepperoni and cheese and crackers (I just had some pepperoni), hot cream of broccoli soup which totally hit the spot since it was like zero degrees out, warm baguettes, which I only tasted, and yogurt with strawberries and blueberries and granola. YUM! Since the yogurt was so good and satisfying, I was able to forego the delicious looking cupcakes that Cheryl made, without suffering too much.
This morning I had to get up and drive Paul to work. No fair, another day off from school that I had to get up anyway. Friday the kids had a snowday and I had to go to that sonogram. Anyway, I had myself convinced that coming home and going back to bed was the best plan, but by the time I got home, I changed my mind. A little quiet time before the kids got up sounded good by then. Didn't work, but that's okay. I figure I am already up, why have to get up all over again?
Paul is going to Ohio for a few days for work. Wah. And today is another basketball game at the Carrier Dome. Syracuse is now 19-0! I am hoping to sneak in a few minutes of game-watching in the second half when things slow down at the concession stand. I love college basketball.
Am I losing any weight these days? Nope. Staying the same same same. My morning walk is now pretty much phased out, just a short walk down the road with Rosie. I do my other exercise every day, but it is not enough, I guess. blah. I am trying to be really careful and aware of everything I put in my mouth, and it could be better, but it could be worse. I think I need to jump start things by going on the treadmill, but not today. Today I am going to the Dome, and there are STAIRS. Lots of them. The Dome is up on a hill. An evil hill, probably the EVILIST. The nice thing is that it does not kill me, yet it is challenging.
And the thing about the Dome is this: Cookiewich. Can one be in love with Cookiewiches? Because just the thought of one makes my heart pound...
Things that made me cry already today, and it is only 9:30-ish...
1. Saying goodbye to Paul. He shaved on the way to work and I find that so attractive. I did not want him to get out and say goodbye. wah.
2. I read the morning paper, including the obituaries, and one Mrs. Marie Scott passed away at 87 years old. She was the youngest of 16 children. Wah! She lived through the passing of her parents, and all her siblings! Too sad. (yes, I pictured Camille)
3. Thinking about Christina who lost her twins.
Things that warmed my heart already today...
1. Mr. Jonathan. He is so grown-up and sweet, he charged my phone for me.
2. Sonja K. talking about those babies.
3. Camille's cuddles.
4. The three youngest kids' reactions to the cupcakes we brought home for them.
5. Charlotte Claire and her excitement to be home from school today and play dollhouse.
6. Stupid dum-dum Rosie and her extreme gladness to see me this morning.
7. Texting Janet, one of my sister's girls...I am old, but we are friends. Sorry Jan, writing that on here probably embarrassed you. ha.
And now I shall enjoy some time with these guys before I have to get ready for the Dome...
Monday, January 16, 2012
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1 comment:
Hahaha.. I found myself pretty tempted to be jealous about you all going to the dome.. I am consoled by having Will and Grace here..
I thought that was a nice idea at the shower, although I guess I am in trouble for saying breastfeeding where young teenage girls are listening.. but, it was a special moment..
I, too, am very sad for Christina. I can't imagine how let down she must be feeling. I am hoping she is blessed with a baby soon.
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