summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

caution: kids painting....

Jonathan is 8 years old. We are not violating any Child Labor Laws because a. He is not getting paid, and b., he WANTS to paint.
Evelyn and Samuel
Kathryn Grace
Now, my kitchen table is not usually this fact, it is one place I keep cleaned off, with just flowers on. Ideally, most of the time. Except if someone stops over, then there will be stuff on it.
Sonja K....she isn't going to Washington D.C, but she is helping anyway. Jon isn't going either. Just Samuel, Margaret, Kathryn, and Evelyn.

I almost can't be out there. Why, you might ask?

Well. Because Margaret has a clear garbage bag on to protect her Iron Maiden t-shirt. Evelyn thinks it is funny to say every few minutes, "Jonathan painted the ceiling!", just to see if she can fool me. Everytime any of them finds a splotch of paint on the floor or on the window trim, they ask WHO did it. They finally turned their loud music off because Samuel would rather talk. So why can't I be out there? Because I want to correct and admonish and wipe up mistakes. Of course I do! It's MY kitchen, and I care about it! But it is nervewracking...they keep telling me they are doing their best, and I know they are. I told them I think they are doing a good job...but shh, I know for the next few years I will see the glaring things they missed or splotched on....

Emily texted me today...she had the day off, and was going shopping for a few specific things in the suburbs...would I like to come? Why, certainly I would! Camille and I love going bye-bye.

I found a few birthday presents for Sonja K. She is ten years old tomorrow! No more toys for her, wah, she is growing up...

While we were out and about, Benjamin called me. I told him I was appalled that Mr. President didn't even stop in to say hello to him. He said that was probably a good thing:) Ben is a little worried about a crazy mission he is going on tomorrow. He can't give details, but he said there was going to be helicopter support, and planes would be flying over every half hour. Just what every mother wants to hear, right? He mentioned Mother's Day, and said he may not be able to talk to me again before then...what? why? rrr. wah. I don't like this one little bit. I did buy him a pillow today, I will stuff it into a box, and send it over. All of those guys should have comfy pillows. Should I start a movement called, "Buy A Soldier A Pillow"? 88,000 pillows. wah.

So my kitchen is not functioning tonight, poor me! I had to give the princesses Blueberry Special K cereal for dinner! Jonathan is having peanutbutter crackers, and some of the older kids and I had leftover chili. No cooking, oh poor me.

I am hoping this job gets done so I can get my kitchen back together for Sonja's birthday. I shall pick her up from school, and cook steak on the grill.

Wow, Suzanne can put both of her feet behind her head.

Camille has an, "owie" on her hand, and says she wants to go to bed now because, "My owie will go away in the dark." okay.

Margaret says she wants to be Mom and walk around with washcloths under her feet. Yes, I used to wipe things up like that. Sometimes the whole floor. Now she spilled paint and said, "Darn it to heck!", which is so lame, but yes, she learned it from me.

Sam just said, "I take pride in my work, no matter how awful it is."


cheryl said...

Hey, the color looks really nice.. at least on here!! (I'm not sure how nice it'll look as those little splashes and spots..) Does it go with the living room? I like it!! Not that that matters even a little bit..

Mrs Marcos said...

You know, the pillow idea would be kind of neat. Pillows aren't very expensive and if it makes them feel better over there?! Those kids need love and support. How could we organize it effectively and efficiently? I've never been a part of any of these type of online "movements" before but I could get behind this one! :)