I lost three pounds! I wish I could say I have this thing figured out, but I am more puzzled than ever. Consider this: I had an ice cream cone for lunch on Saturday, mint chocolate chip. I had an ice cream cone on Sunday, chocolate and vanilla soft twist. hmm. I have been really watching those sneaky little tastes though, and portion sizes at dinner. And, I have added those evening walks. Yesterday I did my morning walk, then a dorky version of a HIIT workout that Mirielle found effective...of course she does double the one I did...anyway, I took Miss Charlotte Claire, Miss Camille, Miss Evelyn, and Mr. Jonathan to the pool to meet Abigail when she got home from work. This time the princesses wanted to race me back and forth across the pool, which was hilarious, because they can beat me. They DO wear floaties though. It was nice exercise. Then...home to dinner. Mirielle had made orange chicken, and some pork chops, basmati rice, and green beans with toasted almonds. I love that she is done with college for the year!! Then Sam asked if I wanted to go on our walk...well, I hadn't planned on it, since I just swam...but what the heck! Off we went, after I washed the pans and serving dishes. (I can't just leave ALL the clean-up for the kids...)
My guess is that overall, moving more has triggered my metabolism to get moving. I do not take this for granted one little bit, nor do I count on losing three pounds every week from now on. In fact, I won't be surprised if I get on the scale tomorrow and I have gained some back. But it IS motivating.
Sonja is home today. She says she has a mean substitute teacher. I am certain this sub is not actually mean, but Sonja says I told her yesterday that she could stay home today. I do not remember saying this. Her eyes pooled with tears when I said I don't think I said that, so I gave in and let her stay home. I was probably saying, "yes" to someone else about something, and she thought it was to her question. I don't know. But she said, "It's fine, Mom, my teacher just said the other day that my attendance is getting better." See that reasoning? It is getting better, so that means she can take a day off. The apple doesn't rot far from the tree. (I have been doing fine, I can eat this cookie...blah.)
Anyhoo, as Emily would say, today Davian is coming again. In just a few minutes. He is a little sunshine. I love how Joseph and Aaron, and Samuel just adore him. They can't resist him. Mirielle too, of course. But I have always been partial to when the older boys are so baby-crazy. They will be good daddies some day, perhaps.
Our spring church soccer tournament is this coming weekend. That means we will be running the grill/candy store. That means we need hot dogs and hamburgers and soda and water and Snapple, and candy, and ice cream. Guess who will buy it all? We serve salads with grilled chicken, too, and chicken bacon wraps. And plates of fresh fruit. Oh, and breakfast, so I have to get eggs and juice and sausage and English muffins and coffee....there is SO much to buy. I am going tomorrow and Thursday, and perchance also on Friday morning. I have help lined up. And I don't mind too much...
Anyhoo, I am happy today. Three pounds. I have lost almost 60 pounds now. Having at least fifty more to lose, I guess I have passed the middle of my goal. It is taking a long time, but at least it is happening. I never thought I would be able to do this, which is why I never tried, until last year. I am just not the kind of girl who can deny herself and stick to something like this. Seriously, if you have read this blog for long enough, you know I am a real cookie lover, a lazy mama, full of excuses, a total procrastinator. My point is: if I can do this anyone can. You just have to WANT it bad enough. I want to feel good and be healthy and do more adventurous things. And wear any clothes I want. And fit in chairs and walk by things without knocking them down. I am getting older, and getting old is hard enough without carrying all this extra weight.
Davian is here now, sleeping. Sonja and Camille are trying to be quiet, although they really want him to wake up. Have I mentioned how much I like him? I am coming to terms with the fact that I am probably not going to have another baby, and I am okay with that. Having this little guy here has really been special for me. When I am sweeping up or on the computer, and I hear that little snuffle that says, "I am waking up!", it brings back memories of the good old days which constituted most of my life, and I am glad to drop what I am doing and go get him, snuggle him and talk to him while he sucks that bottle down. Then putting him to my shoulder to burp, and getting that milky-satisfied grin...yes, I am really enjoying him. Even when he fusses. Camille and I did lose his pacifier a few times yesterday, but we found it. She is loving these days too.
Ashley was here yesterday. It is always so good to see her. I wish I could hug her sadness away, she misses Benjamin so much. We haven't heard from him in days and days and days, as he is on a mission. When her car pulled up yesterday, my heart skipped a few beats before I could even rationalize that she was NOT coming over to tell me bad news. It isn't that I focus on that, but it is there, the fear. I never ever realized it was this hard to have someone deployed during war. I do hold on to the verse in Timothy that says that God has not given us a spirit of fear, and what is written in Matthew about being anxious. Not a sparrow falls from the sky without our heavenly father knowing about it. The very hairs of our head are numbered. All things work together for the good for those who love Him, as it says in Romans 8.
Hmm...I know what I should do. I should advertise that I will watch little babies. Just from six weeks until they are big enough for daycare. hmm. Only one at a time. My slogan could be, "I will love your baby more than you do, baby." naw, that would be insulting.
Okay, time to get moving...I am going on and on and starting to bore myself again.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
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I cannot imagine the stress of thinking about harm coming his way. I will pray those verses over you and him!
Great job on the weight loss this week!
Didn't hear from you today and got worried - silly I am sure. Hope all is well :-)
I am also almost to a 60lb loss just 2lb to go :-) I just read your newer post and glad that Ashley heard from Benjamin. My nephew who isnt 18 yet is due to go to Afghanistan in December and we are all dreading it x
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