summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

earning that money...

Next week, my oldest daughter Emily is taking four of the middle kids to Washington, D.C. The kids will need money. Since Paul and I don't just want to hand them some money, they are doing work....

Paul is gone this week, and it is crazy here...crazy because the kids are busy earning money. Kathryn and Evelyn cleaned the laundry room today. They decided that if clothes still had the tags from the cleaner after the Laundry Room Fire of 2010, meaning they hadn't been worn in over two years, they were good to go. So they went. Bag after bag of stuff...wah. I am glad they did it though, because I see the clothes differently. I remember when who wore what for what occasion. Anyway, I sorted some of the stuff while they unmercifully sorted the rest. Margaret was spackling the kitchen, preparing to paint it the nice Lemon Citrus color I bought today at Wallyworld.

So the laundry room looks wonderful, no more clothes underfoot. Yay! The kitchen, however, is Under Construction. The tables are moved, one of them holds all the pictures from the walls and the painting supplies. The coats, sweaters, jackets, and sweatshirts are all removed from the hooks, thrown in the foyer until I get a chance to weed through them. I did vacuum the dust from the first sanding, but it is still general chaos here, more than usual.

Treadmill for me this morning! Twenty minutes of going as fast as I could on high incline interspersed with walking. Very nice. I never did do any lifting though. Today's food:

whole oats with blueberries and a spoonful of crunchy peanutbutter.

raw spinach with green peppers, black olives, and slivered almonds

an apple and some nuts

a few pieces (around ten, actually) of popcorn chicken from Walmart

low-fat no sugar yogurt with strawberries and a few chocolate chips

chili for dinner

So....minus the chocolate chips and the popcorn chicken, blah. Not too bad.

I bought lots of frozen spinach in Walmart today.

I also bought some romaine lettuce and cucumbers and a green pepper.

And, Joseph got accepted to nursing school!! The same school Emily went to, and that Mirielle, aaron, and Mali attend. Dang, I am too distracted. The college kids are watching a movie...they must be caught up on their homework. Enough of this for tonight...

1 comment:

Cindy @ Marriedtothemilitary {dot} net said...

I love romaine! I actually do not even like iceburg lettuce anymore, and it really has no nutritional value anyway. Romagine is much better for you.

I am much more of a veggie eater then I am a fruit eater. I have started to have smoothies so that I can get in fruit.

Keep up the good work. It's 30 day shread and treadmill for me today. I finally got to the point that I can jog non stop for 1 mile on my treadmill. That is a goal for me.