summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Remember that song, "Time In A Bottle"? A day like today would be nice to bottle up. Sunshine and breezy weather, birds singing and that distinctive fresh smell of whatever it is that makes it smell so spring-y. Today I am excited like a little kid, jumping up and down inside, because this weekend is Soccer Weekend! Our poor team never wins, but I think they have made a goal once. Seriously, if there was a trophy for Worst Overall Team Ever, they would get it. But they press on, they give it their all. I try to compliment them on every good play they make, and encourage them that it is how you play the game. But I know they would LOVE to win a game one of these days, and we are always hopeful. Stranger things have happened.

Aside from the soccer playing, there is seeing all my friends! Friends I haven't gotten to see all the long winter long. Friends who are wholeheartedly in the same battle against sin, friends who don't think I am crazy to have sixteen kids because they might be from a family with that many, or have that many themselves. Friends who don't judge what their eyes see and what their ears hear, friends who seek after peace and sanctification.

These weekends are so special! I get to sell candy to all the kids, the kids who are growing up in leaps and bounds. They are my friends, too!

Today, Mirielle and I are going to go finish the shopping for the weekend.

Tomorrow, there is no school! We had such a mild winter this year, we have extra snow days. So a four day weekend for the school kids! I don't want to have to leave and go shopping tomorrow when they're here. So today is the day to get it all done.

This morning's breakfast: a variation on my usual whole oats, I had steel-cut oats. They take forever and a day to cook, but they are pretty yummy. They aren't as gooey as regular oats. I skipped the crunchy peanutbutter this morning and added toasted coconut and toasted almonds. Not bad at all, and very filling. I would like to try to transition to more of a Paleo breakfast, but I don't like eggs in the morning very often...

Does anyone else ever wish they could re-do days? Sometimes I feel like I am just dragged along through the day with no say in the matter. Distracted by this that and the other thing. Then I lie in bed at night and wonder if I even talked with say, Suzanne. Or if I enjoyed Camille's smile. Or if I really listened to what is going on with Kathryn. Did I love them enough today? Or was I more focused on who left their mug in the living room. Or who's turn it was to wash the pans. Did I stop and smell the roses or was my mind always on what I had to get done...? because, this is it. This is life. We only get the one ride through.

Here is something I love: Margaret plays guitar and the ukelele. She goes in to the little girls' room at night and sings them to sleep. They LOVE it. Right now Camille is awake in her room and is singing her heart out, making up the lyrics as she goes along. (she is singing, "Wish I'd never grow up, I'm four and a haaaaalf!")

Anyway, today is a good day. I am happy and excited and hopeful for a good weekend with these guys. Cassie-Ann, our church does have fellowships in Australia. Look on the website. I think there are locations there.

And, that does it for this morning. I need to exercise, and the pans from last night's dinner are - you guessed it, sitting there on the counter waiting for ME. I must have special pan-washing talents. And the floors need sweeping and mopping and my white clothes need to be hung up and another load needs to go in the washer. And Camille no doubt has lots of things to tell me when she comes out of her room...


Mum said...

It is too true what you say about lying awake worrying. Did I do enough? For what it is worth, you are a great mum, and I do pray that your Ben is doing alright.

Congratulations on loosing more weight, and I really hope this time is your soccer teams turn to win.

Gallivant Family said...

Steel cut oats do really well overnight in the crock pot. Basically 1 part oats to 4 parts water. You can add whatever you like but we cook them plain and let people add what they like to their own bowl, usually brown sugar. Having hot oats ready when you wake up is so nice!