summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Saturday, May 5, 2012

sunny saturday

Suzanne, 11, and Sonja K., 10...they went out butterfly catching, and actually caught one. They made a nice little habitat for it, and now it is "sleeping", according to Sonja K.

Little Miss Kitty Suit Camille watched the entire, "Alvin and The Chipmunks" movie in this comfy outfit. my new $5 shirt from Target. I don't like myself in pink, because I am always pink and it just looks...too pinky. Mirielle took this for me, and said that I look better in person. I sure hope so! I just thought I would put this that no one thinks I am shrinking away after losing those 50something pounds.

Today we planted lots of the garden...enjoyed the sunshine. I let the little girls take their storage container out in the front yard and play in the hose water. Since there is never a dull moment here, things were going on. It isn't just all smooth sailing, we have our things to work out with the kids, which are not mine to talk about. But it is all good, Paul and I work together on things, and we have hope that all will be well.

Benjamin update: I talked to him today. His "crazy mission" went okay. One of the vehicles hit an IED on the way back, but only a portion of it actually blew up, so it was just minimal damage. Scary though. He said it was a good wake up call, reminding them that they are AT WAR. I wondered to him out loud if he ever actually forgot this little fact...but he said no, but one of their worse enemies is complacency. They cannot let their guard down, cannot be lax. Some of the younger guys actually WANT to see more action...which I fear is going to happen soon, as they are heading back to a more "heated" base. blah. I do not like this one little bit. But I do like when I can sit out on the deck in the sunshine and talk to Ben on the phone. Because when he is on the phone, he is safe and happy.

Our dinner was marinated grilled chicken, grilled by me, oven french fries, which I had like five of, yum, a huge salad with cucumbers and romaine and spinach and tomatoes and green peppers. And watermelon. And, only five children at the table! All the rest of them are at the youth conference. Paul and I, and five kids. It was rather easy to set the table, and wash the dishes. I still grilled lots of chicken, because we will eat it tomorrow.

Now I have two little princesses sitting on the arms of my chair with a Mama Lama book and the Book of Animal Poems. Ready to go to bed after a long crazy day...


Karil said...

Della you look great!And quite honestly, I think you look lovely in pink. Your motivation has got me to renew my gym membership. I dont have alot of weight to loose, but man am I out of shape! My husband works out a couple hours before he heads to work, and then with me for an hour after he gets home. It does help to have someone go with me. :)

Deb said...

You look great! It's the angle of the picture that has you thinking it is not so good. When you reach your desired weight, you deserve a great shopping in which you will not feel you have to buy a pink t-shirt just because it is on sale. And for the record, I think you do look nice in pink.

Keep it look terrific!

16 blessings'mom said...

Karil, I am glad you are motivated to get into better shape. And thank you. Deb, I was thinking the same thing. Going shopping and buying what I really like instead of what's on the clearance rack...sounds like a wonderful reward! And thank you too!