If you are a senior in high school this year, you've lost your prom and your senior skip day and your class trip, and your graduation ceremony. Our school did an amazing tribute to each of the seniors, visiting each house, handing out a t-shirt, and taking pictures. What you cannot see in this pic: the principal blowing bubbles, a teacher ringing a cowbell, everyone cheering, a firetruck in the back of the procession of pick up trucks, honking and siren-ing.
You also cannot see Paul, clipping on the dogs' leashes and bringing them out with him for the photo. They barked at everyone, Suri squatted and peed right near the nice yard sign, while barking. Lovely. If Sonja didn't die a million deaths, well. You also cannot see the tears that came, as I was overcome with thankfulness for the above-and-beyond spirit, thankful for the goodness in these teachers and administrators.
Tears come unbidden lately, because things are in such upheaval. The latest wonder is the meat shortage. Something about an empty shelf brings up a fear, a vulnerability. Yesterday, I went to FIVE stores, looking for meat. We do have venison in our freezer, and some other things, like a turkey that's been in there for who knows how long. So we're not rock-bottom empty, out of meat, but still. We're admittedly spoiled, and like our boneless chicken breast. Well, FIVE stores, and the only chicken breast to be found was a small package, two pieces, for $2.99 a pound. Two pieces. And with limits on quantities, wow. I did buy some hot sausage, a large pork loin roast (good for pulled pork), and at the fifth store, some ground beef, there were only two tubes of it left at Aldi, I only took one. I also found a package of chicken drumsticks, when Sonja picked one up, it leaked all over, yuck. So as an old lady approached, after us, to get one, I called over to her to be careful, one of them was leaky. She came right over to us, this nice, naive, kind old soul, and talked to us. I felt so protective of her, dear Lord, watch over her and keep her safe.
I didn't take the two younger girls in any stores except for Walmart. We stayed together, and picked out some fabric for more masks, and followed the arrows on the floor. Several other shoppers did NOT follow the arrows on the floor, and at one point, one of the girls made a snarky comment, loudly, but I didn't think that was the right thing to do. After that, if someone came down the aisle towards us, going the wrong way, I very nicely pointed out that it's a one-way. Guess what? Not a one of them realized it, and they seemed embarrassed, and apologetic. I wonder if there should be a sign when you enter, or something. We are creatures of habit, and you can't just put us in a new maze and expect us to find the cheese. I will repeat this too: I think masks give people a very false sense of security. They get too close. Every time I go out, I think, well, I am not going out again for a long long time, it seems like we're testing fate.
But here's something happy, yesterday was Suri's birthday! She turned eight years old!

My evil plan was to do the little photo shoot, then replace the cupcake, really quickly, with a healthier dog treat. But Suri is a piggy-pie, and quick as a flash, gobble and crunch, she ate that cupcake all in one bite. It was so funny I didn't get a pic. Oh dear. Sunny was all jealous.
Anyway, I've been making a few new masks. We had a fire on the deck yesterday. Our weather is unseasonably cool, the high tomorrow is 42F (5.5c), with wind and possible snow showers. mmm-hmm.
Sometimes I get all riled up about things. I do not like the loss of freedom, I do not like how the government is taking the opportunity to be more bossy. I do not like being the ideas being tossed around about the future, here in NY, the governor is in bed with the Gates foundation, and wants to "reimagine" education. The tracking and tracing and mandatory isolation, Okay, I get the isolation part, but there is talk of removing the positive patients from their homes, whether they want to leave or not, so as to protect the rest of the family. ? Seriously. Ventura county California. Our own Gov. has hinted at it too, and I've read of a few times that it's been done. When the powers in charge think they know what's best for people and don't give people a choice anymore, it's scary. I don't some of the simpler mandates, like closing entry to parks by noon (what if the kids have school work to do in the morning?!), limiting parking, reducing occupancy of the beaches by 50% by roping off parking places...it'll be a race to get one, even more than it is now!
Our lives have changed, that's for sure. I do not claim to have the answers, because I acknowledge that this virus is real, and it's bad, and the suffering of the sick, the old, the vulnerable, it's horrific. People dying alone, living out their dwindling time in nursing homes with no visits, having babies without any family visits, sometimes with no spouse even allowed...there is so much suffering. Loss of jobs, and businesses failing, etc., there is no question that these are challenging times.
And in it all, I can't do much. But I CAN pray, and I do. I pray for our leaders. And I work on not getting all riled up, because it doesn't help. God has allowed the world to be shaken up, there are reasons we can't see or understand, but in it all, we get to choose: we can trust Him with all of our hearts and not lean on our own understanding, or we can grow weary and be anxious and unhappy.
Stop watching Fox News. And educate yourself. You say such stupid things
I wish I could send you some meat!!! Our cases are empty, too, at some stores, but we've done ok on Walmart pickup so far.
I feel so much like Sarah in Genesis when she got taken into Pharaoh's harem! And yes, the only thing we can do is trust the Lord! I'm so glad to know Him, what do other people do who don't believe, not to go crazy!? Sigh. Thanks for sharing this!
Hi Della 👋 Wasn’t that lovely of Sonja’s teachers to do something special for the graduating class? And that was hilarious about Suri barking and peeing...........and gobbling up her cake 🤣🤣 Such a lab thing!! I get my meat at a local butcher and so far no shortages there, but he gets all his meat from local farmers. My husband said there was lots of meat in our supermarket too. There was a shutdown of a meat processing plant in southern Alberta, but it’s slowly getting back, so hopefully all is good there. Lots of people were laid off because of that. We are having a cool day today........I was becoming accustomed to the nicer weather and I don’t like this. I bought 3 rose bushes the other day, but can’t plant till after the May long weekend.........the weather is too unpredictable. So I bring them in every night and out again in the morning. My daughter said they are predicting snow in Calgary on Mother’s Day 😬😬 And yes, we are living in a different world at the moment and I wonder if it will ever be the same again. Yes I think God has turned us upside down for a good reason and hopefully we will come out at the other in a better, more kind and gentle world. Have a great day!!
Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦
That was a sweet gesture by your kiddo's school for the seniors. She will definitely remember it. Here they are doing virtual awards ceremonies and then graduation is only for seniors and their parents. (Seniors will get to walk across the stage, while the parents get to watch on the scoreboard while they are waiting in their cars in the parking lot). It is definitely an odd year. My brother's girlfriend is graduating this year and her school has done NOTHING! It is sad.
Tears do seem to come easily now. Things are in an upheaval and I think it is our way of processing things. I am scared to go the grocery store tomorrow morning with the shortages. I would like to get some chicken as we only have one pack in the freezer but it sounds like I might not be able to. It is okay if we don't as we have some ground beef and pork in the freezer for next week.
I hope that despite everything going on that you have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!
Happy Birthday to your pup!
And one thing that freaks me out is leaky chicken juice!!!!!!!!
Have a cozy weekend, my friend.
Happy Mother's Day!
So glad that Sonia and her classmates got some loving attention from their school staff. I feel so sorry for this year's seniors! I happen to live in Ventura County (Camarillo to be exact), and the report that the county public health director recommended forcibly removing Covid positive people from their homes is just not true. Dr. Levin has issued a statement apologizing for the misunderstanding. However, the county is offering to provide isolation in a hotel room for anyone who has tested positive and does not want to expose their family members. I feel that we have been very lucky here in Ventura County with regard to our Covid positive numbers...about 600 as opposed to neighboring LA county with over 29,000.
Laurie in California
Laurie, that's good to know! I watched a video from someone from there, and I heard the statement was retracted. Isn't alarming that it's even been thrown around as an option? I'm glad you are doing well where you are. We have low numbers here, in our county, so far.
BillieJo,, thank you!
Rachel, where are you? Get an early start! I hope you find what you need.
Marilyn, I'm glad you can get what you need still, that's good. And Labs are SO funny, what would we do without them?
Valerie, I do wonder too, how people cope. We are doing fine, we have what we need...:)
Anonymous: this is the last time I'll publish an anonymous comment, unless it's hilarious, like this one, ha. It's easy to leave a comment with no name, isn't it?
Thank you all for taking time to comment, I do appreciate it!!!
I just read the anonynous comment before mine...sorry some people have to be so mean. I think that this virus, isolation, shortages, and just fear of the unknown is bringing out the worst in people. You seem to be a lovely person with a great bunch of kids, and you did not deserve that comment.
Laurie in California
Anonymous you are a coward for not using your name.
I love what Sonja's school did. Our elementary school did a teacher parade to connect with students and I just about cried. Most of them really care, and miss the kids. Ours included.
Gosh so many children! There can't have been much time in your adult life when you haven't been pregnant. When you said you had been to five stores, doesn't your husband share the workload?
Laurie, I know it brings out a lot in me! I'm very thankful to see it, and work on being merciful.
Susan: :)
Joy, I bet your girls loved that! It's such a strange time for the kids, mine are a bit older, but their world is rather turned upside down too. I try to remember this, and not harp too much on the late nights and lazy mornings.
Anne, yes, there are 22 and a half years between the oldest and the youngest, so I missed more than two decades of sleep. Oh my goodness though, my husband is the saint of the family. He works really hard, and takes care of everything around here. I don't work, (I did babysit, back when life was relatively "normal") so I am the shopper, plus, I love shopping. He would beeline for the necessities, and head for the register. He would also vote to just eat the venison in the freezer ha.
Hi Della......I thought anonymous was a quite rude.
Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦
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