It was a chilly, dreary afternoon. The girls finished up their schoolwork, and I struggled with the sewing machine. I think there's something wrong with the tension knob, and I ultimately gave up on it. I oiled the machine, and fiddled with the dials, but nothing worked. The stitches were loose, the thread was breaking. I switched thread, I checked the manual, and checked it twice, googled the heck out of it, but nope. My machine hates me. The whole while, life was going on around me, and I definitely felt snappy. Mom, mom, mom, ha. They were making pizza dough, doubling the recipe...
Well, that dough went into the oven to rise, and we walked out the door. We had no particular destination in mind, we just needed to get out. It was too brisk to enjoy a nice walk, so we went to Dunkin, I got one of the best hot coffees I ever had, or maybe it was just the company, or the simple pleasure of going for a drive with absolutely no destination in mind.
We drove through some nice neighborhoods, gawking at the nice houses. We drove along the outlet, then to the lake. We got out for a few minutes, I longed for a walk, but they were "freezing, Mom!".
Miss Charlotte Claire turns 14 on Monday, another lockdown birthday...

As I dawdled, they hurried to the warmth of the van, and started driving away on me. ha, ha.
We saw this car, and started shouting at it, "No it's NOT, loser!" (just for the record, they couldn't hear us, it was just silly nonsense, but sometimes teenagers like silly nonsense, and I am partial to it myself)

So we drove around for a bit, then came back home. I tried again with the sewing machine, but I give up for now. ugh. I made some new masks, using the hemline of one of Paul's old t-shirts for the ear loops, for comfort, and because the only elastic I have is really wide. (hint: the hemline or hem on the sleeve makes a good casing for the pipe cleaner or bread tie, to hold the mask firmly on your nose). I hand sewed one for a bit last night, as I have a few more all cut out and ready to sew.
So today I'll look into fixing it, see if I can figure it out, because guess what? Sewing machines are harder to find now, especially in MY price range!
What I want to know, is why did "anonymous" assume I watch Fox News? We don't watch ANY news here, our t.v. is only on for an occasional episode of The Simpsons, or if we all decide to watch something together, like an episode from the first season of "Lost". It's not on all day, blaring nonsense into our home. I do read news online, but I read from several different sites. I believe half of what I see and none of what I hear, as my mother used to say. Just for the record, I am not one of the "Coronavirus is a hoax" people. I have four kids in healthcare, and I KNOW it's real. I don't claim to have the answers, and I don't know what I would do if I were in charge, I am glad I'm not. I believe in freedom, as much as possible, not total anarchy, but individual freedom. There is also public health, and the need to think of others. So I pray for our governors, and our president, and our county executives.
Beautiful blessings.
Hi Della 👋 I love going for a little drive too! We take the dogs and off we go! Sometimes you just have to get!! Bit cool here today. I’m ready for warm/hot..........I have my 3 new rose bushes I bring in every night and out again in the morning. This gets a bit old after a while 🙄 One Bush is flowering and it is soooooooo pretty. Our Prime Minister is on TV doing his daily update at the moment. He has done a great job I think during this pandemic and people I’ve spoken to here all think the same thing. He’s not bad to look at either 😉 We are going to order supper from this really nice restaurant for our supper tomorrow. It is our anniversary too 💕 The food there really good. My hubby will go and pick it up and I’m going to get a bit dressed up ..... maybe put on some lippy ........and set the table and all! Oh my!! We haven’t sat at the dining room table for months!! We have an island and we sit there for our meals. Anyway Della I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day tomorrow 💐💐
Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦
Don't worry about Anonymous. It sounded to me like one of those FROM Fox News, at the end of the articles. Such antagonist behavior going on there. I don't get many comments on my blog; I think it's because you have to a WordPress account.
Oh oh...did you get an Aynomous comment? Whoever that is, mine has been very nasty...anyways....cold and snowing here in the Southern Tier.
Wishing you a Happy Mothers Day, my friend.
I believe in kindness above all. If you haven‘t got anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all. You never know all that’s going on in someone’s life. Simple really.
Happy Mother‘s Day, you are such a beautiful mum.
They who comment as Anonymous assumes that you watch Fox News because you tend to be more conservative, and those who hate Fox News like to lump people together, as I just did!! But I actually watch Fox News,(and like it!!) and enjoy going back and forth to the other news channels, just to see what the other folks are hearing.. but as our dear mother said, you can't believe... And, that word "Assume".
Your anonymous sister.
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