After we got our somewhat boring supplies, over a hundred dollars worth, I asked the girls what THEY wanted to do. Now, there aren't so many options around here. They chose Wendy's, so off we went to wait in the line at the drive-through. They were going to get a few things and share, I was content with my iced coffee. Then one of them noticed that Moe's looked open! (Mexican, like Chipotle). It had been closed, but sure enough, it was open again! They absolutely love Moe's, and heck, Mexican food is healthy, so no fasting until dinner for me, yesterday! I was having some too!
Being in the little shopping plaza where Moe's is located was creepy, according to the girls. Creepy because the parking lot is mostly empty. The Army/Navy store is open, the Harbor Freight tool store open, but not Marshalls, not Bed/Bath/Beyond. How come tools are essential but new shoes aren't? harrumph.
Anyway, we stopped at the dollar store, Sonja and I went in, and got brushes and scrubbers, to get the deck job done. It's just cheaper than Lowe's.
Home, ah home. We took everything off the deck...well, the kids did, while I started dinner. Dinner: rice, steamed broccoli, sliced red and orange peppers, leftover steak sliced up, browned in olive oil with lots of onions and peppers, some flour and some corn tortillas, browned up in some more olive oil...mmm.
So now the deck stripper is sitting there on the deck, which is all cleaned off, and all hosed down, waiting for a certain lazybones to get up out of her comfy chair, and get to work. It has to dry for a day before applying the new stain. I hope I do it right this time.
Here in NY, one cannot make a campground reservation for this summer. If you already have one, you can change it to 2021, free of charge, or keep it, and hope the parks open for camping. We hadn't gotten around to making reservations yet, and who knows if we'll be able to, or if they'll open. The beaches will be open, but with 50% occupancy, which will make it so if you aren't there first thing, you won't get a parking spot. Masks will be required if you are too close to others, but dang it, I don't want wear a mask on the beach. Can you just imagine the tan lines of the new normal?! I told the girls we should protest, and take off all our bikini tops and wear them as masks. (as IF I wear a bikini ha)
The great and wonderful mayor of NYC, has declared that beaches in his jurisdiction will NOT be opening this summer. People can walk on the beaches, but he threatened, if they go in the water, they WILL be taken right back out of the water. He says he will open some big arenas as cooling centers. Now, if you are a small child, and it's hot out, would you rather go play in the water at the beach, or go to a cooling center, where you would have to wear a mask, and...what would you do there? If you were a teenager, and you were hot and wanted to go play in the waves, would you be just as happy to go to a cooling center and sit there and get cool? And these cooling centers, if people can gather in them, why can't they just watch a basketball game while they're there? Does it make sense to anyone? Am I just extremely obtuse?
I can't drop it. Salt water, beach, can it be worse than being allowed to walk on the beach?
The thing is, this lockdown happened because there were horrible things happening in Italy, in China, and we didn't want our hospitals over run. It was science, and guess work, and we emptied out our hospitals. Our brilliant governor here in NY did a very very bad thing: he emptied the hospitals, executive orders, and those old people went to nursing homes, and: the nursing homes were FORBIDDEN to test those old people for Covid-19. They HAD to accept them, without testing them. Now, I don't know about nursing homes in the rest of the country or world, but here in NY, they are generally understaffed. They rely on patient's families to come in and help...maybe not exactly "rely on", but welcome them to visit and help with feedings, bathroom breaks, ect. These visits came to a screeching halt, as new patients were brought in, bringing more virus to the already understaffed facilities.
This was bad. So many old people got sick and died, now he has reversed his order. He said last week that now nursing home employees have to get tested twice a week, or ELSE: he would shut them down! Mr. Bossypants. As if he wasn't the very one, with his list of mandates, who caused most of this in the first place!
Emptying out hospitals, they did it because they thought they would need the beds. Well, here in central NY, that hasn't been the case at ALL. My nurse practitioner daughter had her hours and pay cut in half, because no one wanted to go to their doctor's office anymore. Nurses on regular floors had their hours cut, or were laid off. This happened all over the country. Dentist offices: closed. Eye doctors: closed. (Jonny's glasses broke, and we paid extra for the breakage plan, but was the vision center open? We had to order new glasses online from a different place). Anyway. All this was done to FLATTEN the CURVE.
Now it's flattened, and the rules have changed! The list of things that has to happen before the different phases of reopening are...well, numerous.
And, religious services are in the LAST PHASE. Our great and powerful governor, the wizard himself, has already proclaimed that the curve was flattened because of what WE did, not because of God. ouch. I flinched for him, when he declared that one. I was waiting for a lightening bolt.
Anyway. I don't know the answers, but I don't like how people are just unquestioning. And if you DO question authority, you are automatically lumped in with the wife-beater wearing, gun-totin', Don't-Tread-On-Me, crazies.
There is a middle ground. I believe this virus is real, and it is horrific. But we also have to live our lives, and people can't hole up at home and wait for a vaccine which will in all likelihood, never materialize. If they want to, they can, I suppose. But we have another problem here: some getting unemployment don't want to go back to work because they make MORE, with the newly added bonuses, than they did when they were working. So they say they're scared and feel unprotected, and stay at home and make more money. Most of the people DO want to go back to work though, I think.
Have you noticed that when I have something I don't really want to do, I find all sorts of things to write about? Prolong the procrastination? The deck needs to be done. Sonja is signing up for fall college classes, mostly online, she hopes....
I have other things to work on today too: making cookies for the night shift nurses on Molly's floor. She works on a Covid-19 floor, and it's not fun, at all. She said the day-shift nurses get all sorts of goodies from the community, restaurants, ect. But the night-shift, not so much. So I volunteered cookies. Then Emily messaged me last night and asked me to make some surgical caps. ( Okay, I guess. I do have a new I do have things to do, darn it.
I agree with everything you said about this whole virus situation. Here in Florida, things are slowly opening but not really back to normal. We were supposed to be as bad as Italy & NYC...didn't happen (thankfully!). But we were criticized for doing everything wrong, still it hasn't been nearly as bad as was expected. Our economy was shut down during spring break, so that was worse than the virus. But our governor has respected our personal freedom more than some other governors/mayors. I mean, People losing businesses, jobs, kids out of school, you have to ask yourself at what point is enough, enough?? And if you're on the side of freedom and getting the economy back up and running, "they" say you don't care about people dying. Not true. But people are suffering because of these shutdowns. Sorry to babble on...these times are strange, indeed. Anyway, I hope your kids who are working in nursing all stay healthy. :)
I hear ya. Each time I get to do something normal, even just the dentist, I'm grateful. Though when we are in town to shop, I'm exhausted after the first store! We did Sam's last night, wanted to go to Ollie's, but didn't have the energy. But I feel it is important that we do go out and act like Americans as much as possible:)
Michelle, that's something else, isn't it, that you don't care about people dying, because you want things to open, ugh. I hope my nurses stay healthy too...
Valerie, I agree, we are Americans, and we have rights! It's getting almost shameful to say that these days!
Oh my goodness, Lowes is the worst! The husband and I went to both Lowes and Home Depot. Lowes is a free for all. Hardly anyone wears masks, including the employees and they don't monitor how many people enter the store so with people home and not working, everyone is doing home improvement projects. Home Depot is much better, its more controlled, they only allow a certain amount of people through the doors at a time and more people wear masks. We've been in and out of these stores as our home improvement project is remodeling our rental. We want to finally move to our farm after 11 years of having horses. It only makes sense to be where they are. The only bummer, like you mentioned is all the fun stores are not open yet. I LOVE Hobby Lobby, I'm sure I can find something there for the farm house. I want to sell everything in our current house and start all over with simple farm decor. Our Governor has this 4 phase reopening plan and has already moved what would have been the first phase out longer so our town is pretty much still shut down. Costco requires everyone to wear a mask and they also monitor how many people can enter at a time so I don't know why other stores aren't allowed to do the same thing. At least then people can resume working. I'm worried about the small businesses.
You're a rock star, making cookies and supplies for your daughters co workers and doing all that you do to keep your family going not to mention working on projects, WOW girl, you have it going on!
I'm happy I started following you!
Your thoughts and comments about the virus, isolation, social distance and heading back to work and life are spot on! Amen!
Julie in MN
My question is simply why can't ALL businesses be open and using (and enforcing) proper precautions?
We have done a great job flattening the curve but our elderly and vulnerable are still getting sick with a virus with no treatment so I can understand not opening up back to normal. And you would think we could trust people to take precautions on their own but sadly they refuse.
My friend is a nurse and just did 6 weeks helping in NY and is now in Chicago. She sees the really bad stuff. My mom works in a nursing home and it just got in there and is now making its rounds which is heartbreaking.
If everyone would just take 2 seconds to think of others, we could be out and about and still safe!
Saimi, let me confess: I did not make those cookies yet, it's been so warm and sunny out, I just haven't done it. And the surgical caps: I made one, and it looks ridiculous, like a colorful chef's hat. So, it's back to the old drawing board...and we're having this streak of super sunny days, extremely rare here in central NY state. I've been working on the deck...
Cassandra, I know! Walmart can be open, and not Hobby Lobby? (The Hobby Lobby owners are probably kicking themselves black and blue, that they didn't have huge snack/beverage selections in their stores, thus deeming them "essential", right?)
I feel so bad for the nurses/doctors/ect. who have seen the bad stuff. One of my daughters who works with Covid patients said that the worst is when one passes away and you can hear the loved ones crying, via iPad. All alone, they die. Dear Lord, have mercy.
Hi Della! I hope you have been able to do your deck. You have to make hay while the sun shines they say 🌞🌞 We did a lot of work outside yesterday and just as well as it is pouring today. But we do need the rain. My husband was going to cut the grass today, but obviously that will have to wait. We are slowly opening up here in Alberta, so that’s nice to see. We have done very well as a province handling this virus I have to say, so slowly beginning to open up. I actually went to the grocery store on Saturday.....first time I’ve been for over 2 months! It was good...everyone respecting the space etc. On Sunday my sister in law came for supper....the first person to come into our house since all this started. It was lovely. So we have opened up our personal bubble a bit. I still plan on being very I’ve said before I am asthmatic and it could be fatal for me to get this virus as I’m elderly too. Bad combination. Anyway are a treasure to be baking cookies for the nurses and sewing the caps. I laughed at your description of the one you made!! I could picture it in my minds eye 👁 Have a wonderful day and stay safe.
Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦
See, my comment got lost in cyberspace somewhere out there. ANYWAYS, You already know my thoughts on this shutdown nonsense, grin. Have a great weekend, Della. smiles
The crisis in the UK is significantly worse than it could have been due to the inactivity of Blundering Boris- you need to research all cause mortality and then decide whether swimming in the sea in warm weather justifies spreading the virus to others who may die. Expect also water based apex predators to increase due to reduced human activity. God gave you free will, try to use it intelligently
The crisis in the UK is significantly worse than it could have been due to the inactivity of Blundering Boris- you need to research all cause mortality and then decide whether swimming in the sea in warm weather justifies spreading the virus to others who may die. Expect also water based apex predators to increase due to reduced human activity. God gave you free will, try to use it intelligently
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