Camille and Aaron like the exercise equipment in Sears..
Suzanne liked this recumbant (spelled right?) bike...she looked so funny....see her popscicle tatoo from the popsicle box on her hand?
happy cousins...
Charlotte Claire likes chocolate too....
Milk and cookies....
Charlotte Claire likes chocolate too....
Milk and cookies....
But not can anything really be a waste of time? Only when I don't take it, I really wanted to cancel Aaron's vision appt. because I was gone yesterday, and it was 85 degrees and delicious today. The pool is warm, the kids are all home.....but I didn't, because I love Aaron, and he needs some glasses. I checked with our insurance co. first to see if they covered Sears Vision center, and yes....and I called Sears and gave them my insurance co. name and number, and it was a today when we got there, I was stunned when Mr. Vision Center said they don't take our insurance....I refuted that, and he said he would make some more calls, come back in 45 minutes....we wandered around marveling at the high prices....and taking some pictures....anyway, we went back and Mr. Vision Center said yes, they do take our insurance....which I knew...BUT, the Dr. , Dr. Vision Center, is per diem, and isn't actually employed by the Vision Center, so he wouldn't be covered....COULD Mr. Vision Center have please told me this on the phone???? Guess not. So, we went to Wegmans and got 6 gallons of milk, some burger for 4th of July, and $50 worth of other food, kitty food....and then home....I told Aaron on the way home that I was not going to complain about it....(wait, does this post count as complaining?)....things happen, and life goes on......What would Jesus do?
We got home, and Emily the nurse was cooking dinner: fajitas with chicken and black beans, tomatoes, peppers, ect.....and: she said I had time for a 1/2 hour swim before dinner!! I took the little girls out, splashed around, then pushed Charlotte Claire on the swing for a bit, got changed, and sat down to dinner: table all set, drinks all made, Paul had already made the kids' plates....sometimes I am so spoiled I can't stand it. Really. The big girls aren't always here(they are all gone now, playing cards at a friend's house with a bunch of girls)... and when they are....
sometimes they have homework, or work, or stuff to do with the youth girls...but when they are free, they are so helpful...uh-oh, Sonja and Grace are playing cards and Sonja cheated, according to Grace....I better get going...
The boys went out to play basketball with some guys from church, so we have little ones only....and cousin Grace. She is visiting....
Jesus would spit in the dirt and put mud on his eyes. :)
(Sorry, I couldn't resist.)
I wasted a day trying to sleep off a rotten headache. But the kids had fun, I think.
LOL LOVE Martha's comment!
Can I just say, I HATE SEARS! I had a BAD 67 day experience with them (aka no washer!) and will never go again! UGH! (ps I had the same thing happen YEARS ago with the Sears vision place. UGH!)
LOVED the cookie pictures! They sure do like their chocolate!!!
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