Jonathan was pretty thrilled to see the mailman today: waffletown! He thinks he is so big 'cause he can hold Camille....
Here they are figuring out who gets what...

Jon likes to play with his Matchbox cars with waffletown (LittleTikes, isn't made anymore, I got him some more on ebay, as ours was as old as Emily, and we needed more)

We have had alot of time out at the pool again today....very pleasant....except: the motor is now broken.....we may have to replace the whole pump.....what fun! That is the unfunnest (is that a word?) way to spend money, replacing something "invisible" like a pool pump...I mean, you can't have company over and say, "Here is our new pool pump, isn't it gorgeous?" And there is also another leak somewhere, because the water level doesn't stay very high, no matter how often we put the hose in.......happy homeowners, us.
Here they are figuring out who gets what...
Jon likes to play with his Matchbox cars with waffletown (LittleTikes, isn't made anymore, I got him some more on ebay, as ours was as old as Emily, and we needed more)
We have had alot of time out at the pool again today....very pleasant....except: the motor is now broken.....we may have to replace the whole pump.....what fun! That is the unfunnest (is that a word?) way to spend money, replacing something "invisible" like a pool pump...I mean, you can't have company over and say, "Here is our new pool pump, isn't it gorgeous?" And there is also another leak somewhere, because the water level doesn't stay very high, no matter how often we put the hose in.......happy homeowners, us.
All the older girls are going to play basket ball and swim with some other girls, so we will have an emptier house tonight....what shall we do? I like to go and do stuff, Paul likes to stay home....
Frequently asked question: Do your kids fight, because I only have two and all they do is fight...
Answer: Duh, what do you think they are, robots? Of course they fight....
Real answer: yes, they fight sometimes....
Reality: they play together nicely most of the time, with little spurts of fighting breaking out randomly between two or three of them at a time....sometimes fighting is accompanied by loud screaming and slapping....or toy throwing....or sometimes biting, it they are little.....they will scream loud if they feel they have been mistreated, they scream for my attention, for the funniest thing happened...I was watching the kids swim...Molly ,14,didn't really want to swim, just to float around....Evelyn ,8,couldn't resist splashing her (who could?)....Molly warned her to stop....this just increased the splashing on Evelyn's part....Molly jumped from her floatie (is this a word?) and ran after Evelyn......I yelled for her to stop, but she proceeded to give Evelyn a two handed shove before stomping out of the Evelyn screamed bloody murder and was crying very loudly.....oh, the poor victim...I called Molly over.. I told her that Evelyn was just crying like that so I would punish her, Molly, so play along...I told Molly very loudly that for treating Evelyn so badly, she had to do the dishwasher for a week, no dessert, no going camping with us, she had to stay home from the basketball/swimming thing, and she had to clean the little girls' room (worst job ever)........Okay, she answered meekly...and she went in the house....Now Evelyn was starting to feel a little bad.....within ten minutes, she was crying and sobbing, and asked me to please take away all of Molly's punishments because she didn't really do anything wrong...."Just have her clean my room, but no other punishments, please..."she was so funny.....I told Molly, and she was like, "I am not cleaning their room!""""".....
Now there is dollhouse and waffletown all over the living room.....and Camille wants mommy....
I SOOO do that. I will call catherine over and say "look your not really going to bed but work with me ok?" and then send her to bed so connor will go willingly!! LOL
Thats cause we rock, me and you ;)
waffletown looks sooooo cool. We had tons of little people from when we were little and when my parents split my father took it to sell on ebay. Grrrr my kids would LOVE it. (not that they don't have tons of toys as it it)
OH i got a crib today, will post pictures later
That is so hillarious!! what a fun bunch of crazy kids:)
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