summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Sunday, November 1, 2009

happy november first!

I am a bit happier than I was yesterday, because I feel a bit better than I did yesterday! I headed out to urgent care with Samuel, my 14 year old son who was kind enough to volunteer to come along with me - only to be turned away due to patient volume. So I decided to go to the E.R., which I did not want to do, but, my face hurt, my head hurt, and my eye was swollen. I looked lovely. Samuel was such a good sport waiting with me for 3 and 1/2 hours that I took him to McDonalds on the way home and let him get THREE things from the dollar menu! That was after I stopped and filled my prescriptions for arithromycin and eye drops. I deleted the little detail about using the expired eye ointment when I talked to the E.R. dr. She thought I was stupid enough when she asked me how many children I had and then asked me about birth,,,none of your business. I did not say that of course. I don't see why it was pertinent, could be she was just making conversation. Anyway, she gave me the scripts, and I was on my way...finally.

We did go trick or treating, but without Suzanne, who all of the sudden had a temperature of 101. She stayed home with daddy and Joseph and Benjamin and Mali and Aaron. Sam went with his friends, and my sister Cheryl and her daughter Becky and her sweet grandchild Grace went along with Abigail and I, and Margaret, Kathryn, Evelyn, Sonja, Jonathan, Charlotte Claire and are some pictures. Grace, Sonja, and Evelyn in Cheryl's van.
Sam and his friends ended up in the same McdDonalds as us! It was so nice to see them, and give them a few bucks...they literally had coins!

Becky, Margaret, Jon, Grace, Camille, Kathryn, Charlotte Claire, Abigail, Sonja, and Evelyn in the front...

Margaret with Camille and Jon....notice anything about Camille's feet? She lost a shoe in the leaves while trick or treating....oh well.

Two, and Cheryl....we had fun, as usual. we hardly look like we are already 24 and 24, do we?


Ellen said...

I love your family! I just started reading your blog and love it! You make me laugh! The pics are great Thanks for sharing!!
Happy November First to you too!

Tereza said...

24 and 24:):):):) I was going to say 16!!:):)

Virginia Revoir said...

What? Dr asked you about birth control??? Sheesh.

I had a sick baby too but she had no fever. I still don't know if I should have taken her out?? I did bundle her up really good though. :O I hope she'll be fine.

Darla said...

Cute pictures!!! Aren't sisters the best? I have one that we've always done alot together with our she and her family have moved out of the country and boy do I miss her and them!

Martha said...

I keep coming back to look at your sister picture. It makes me smile.