The hot topic is the homeschooling thing. One comment, from Holly, sums it up. Until I REALLY want to do it, I won't. I sort of really want to, but I also like our school here...after all, my own niece is the French teacher. It is similar to the stay at home/working mom, and bottle/breast debates. Arguing for or against any of these things is just not my cup of tea. It takes all kinds of people to make the world go around, and I like to have friends who have all sorts of different preferences.
Charlotte Claire is sitting on the floor playing with the Duplo blocks...singing, "Mommy's gonna have a baby, a little baby...Mommy's gonna have a baby..." That's news to me! But she is also a known prophetess around here. She used to say all the time, "Two boys are coming over!", then when we had the two Norwegian boys here, she was like, "I told you two boys were coming over!" By the way, I hope she is right on this one!
Mirielle and I took Miss Charlotte Claire and Miss Camille shopping with us yesterday. It is hilarious to me that the two of them can be such a handful! They tickle each other and get silly and have these little spats....and it just rings in my ears the countless times I have heard moms say to me, "I don't know how you do it with all those TWO drive me crazy..." I am experiencing this BIG TIME...although they don't exactly drive me crazy. They were hugging and tickling and tackling each other in the check-out line. Totally oblivious to being in public. They're not terrors or anything, they know they can't touch the candy, although they do try each time to see if just this once I will let them squeeze all the candy bars......I enjoy taking them, it makes it much more fun. Although it isn't beyond me to sometimes wish I hadn't brought them, when they start getting silly.
I told Paul last night that I am not in any hurry to go to Nursing school or look for a job in the near is finally getting so that it is not insanely busy, just moderately do-ably busy....I especially want to take the time to enjoy these little girls. When/if Charlotte Claire goes to kindergarten next year, I will not be putting Miss Camille into pre-K. Nah, I will keep her with me to enjoy the year of....hmm, I don't know what we'll do. But we will enjoy it.
Paul is here today, working from home. Since I want to look like I am a busy girl, I will get up and start on...hmm...the kitchen? The floor needs sweeping, the sink is full, the counters need cleaning up....the laundry? There are always a few loads that really need to be washed.....the living room? Lots of things to do here....I would rather hire a maid, and get down on that floor and play duplos...hey, I could go play duplos and clean LATER.....
I feel kind of like you. I'd love to have them home so I can feel like we are a close knit family and they woul be eachothers best friends and yet at the same time I'm not sure if THAT is the ultimate to strive for. It would fill a desire of mine and yet would that be the best thing for them?
Funny that you meantion it takes all kinds of people to make the world go round. I was thinking the same thing. How cool it would be if we could all live off the land in the country. If culture was set up differently...and yet how thankful I am for the girl who works at save on foods and slices the ham for me:) You see what I mean...I guess everything just can't be ideal and romantic huh?:):)
I wish you would homeschool, but I wish all large, close families would. It's an awesome thing when you, the parent, gets to see that lightbulb go off and know it was you that made that happen. However, I know that not all parents have the same desires as I do, and that is okay. Just keep it niggling in the back of your mind and come Christmas time, yank some of them out of school and try it for awhile. (wink) You're not committed for life just to try it, you know? I will say that New York IS one of the hardest states to do it in...I am glad Oklahoma isn't. I do standardized tests and this year, we are doing a virtual school for 4 of my 9, so I am fine with supervision, but it is still way easier than some states to achieve homeschooling.
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