summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, November 18, 2010

ahh....thursday...will the garbage man arrive?

Such an exciting life I lead....

If the Garbage Man doesn't decide to take away our overflowing heap of trash today, we will have to go to the dump on Saturday. Which means I will have to go to the town offices and get a new permit, since we can't find the old one.

I am going to the opthamologist today. I had a small bump on the inside of my lower lid for years now. I thought it was a stye, because once I tried to break it, it was bothering me, and I got myself a nice I have left it alone, and there it sits....well, for the last several weeks it has just bothered me, scratching my eye, and making itself known. I finally called the dr. yesterday.....I do not like calling the dr. Not just because of $, either. I just always want to be sure I really have to go in, so of course as soon as I make the appointment, I start thinking this little bump is nothing, it isn't that bad, ect. I imagine the dr. saying how much I wasted his time, that they fit me in their busy schedule, blah.....okay, he would never really say any of this, but he could be thinking it!

Mirielle is so kindly leaving class early so I can go to the dr. I cannot tell you how many times I have visited this particular office through the years with the baby, toddlers, pre-schoolers, ect. It takes a few hours all together to go through all the tests. So today I will fondly remember those crazy times, yet enjoy the lack of sippy cups and crackers and trying to keep them from jumping all over, the trips to the bathroom and nursing the baby in the waiting room...ahh, good times. But I would do it again!

I can say a million times that I am not superstitious (just a LITTLE stitious, as my kids like to say, ha)but I find that I really am....for example, this morning I asked the kids to remember Daddy during the day, to pray for him, because Paul's back has been bothering him. I think he has a pinched nerve, he gets pains down his legs. And no, he does not want to go to the dr. (another reason I feel guilty for going in for this little bump)...anyway, one of them asked if we are still going on our trip. I said we are. She said, "what if Daddy breaks his back?" blah! Do not say that!! Wait, that is pretty superstitious, isn't it?

Another thing....cholera in confirmed case in the Dominican confirmed case in Florida.....but the health dept. in Florida said that because of good sanitation in the U.S., it shouldn't become an epidemic. I am hoping that the resorts in D.R. practice good enough sanitation that it won't become a has crossed my mind that perhaps several cases will show up and the U.S will issue a Travel Warning...then I feel bad because I am only thinking of myself and my vacation, and these people are suffering and dying.

But...with all the obstacles to actually booking a vacation, it is hard to wonder if it will be okay, and of course the airport security scares the snot out of me. I torture myself by reading the passenger's accounts of the pat-downs.....the scanner part doesn't bother me too much, someone in a booth somewhere will get a good laugh, but those scary Airport Patters have the authority to randomly select victims to pat down....I will do my best to look unattractive, but when you've got it you've got it, and I know they are going to select me....ha. The Government released an official statement that NO ONE shall escape this process, even on the grounds of religious objection. hmm.

A miracle has occured at our house...our couch monster has been slayed! Dismantled and put away. Kathryn was the boss, she sorted and folded and gave orders, and the couch is now clean. Last night the dryer beeped and I put the load away immediately, because I do not want to see another baby clothes monster start to grow, especially right before Thanksgiving....Ben has invited a few of his close friends over, we will need lots of places to sit (ha, as if it doesn't completely have to do with my sense of honor.....)

Miss Suzanne is very happy and excited. I bought her a new package of sewing needles because it was getting challenging to find one, and she has all these fabric pieces ready...she is a pillow making machine.

I bought Suze, Sonja, and Jon a $1.99 string of Christmas lights for their thing I know, they had raided the supplies and have like four sets strung all around their room. It looks very cool in there....Jon wanted to sleep with them on, but I told him that wasn't a good idea. He kept objecting and arguing, he really wanted to leave them on. He doesn't like the dark. I finally mentioned that it might be a "fire hazard". He is terrified of fires, so I didn't want to say that...poor kid.

Bonnie....I am sorry that turkeys are so expensive in New Zealand!!! We just take it so for granted here that they practically give them away around Thanksgiving. I shall be double thankful! And of course I dug for the biggest one...I told Mirielle that whoever found the biggest one first was the is about 23 pounds. And the one in the freezer is that big too. I might just get one more.

I already know what is for dinner, so I feel very organized. There is a whole bowl full of leftover roast beef and gravy. I will add water, potatoes, carrots, and an onion, and we will have soup/stew. Perhaps with some Bisquick biscuits.

Everyone went to school today, so I am lonely. The girls are both awake, I can hear them talking and singing. Camille takes a whole slew of dollhouse people to bed, plus a few big dolls, so in the morning she plays for a while in her bed....Charlotte Claire sleeps in the room where we keep all the toys, so she sometimes plays for a bit before she comes out. What am I going to do in a few years when they go to school? blah.

I had another dream about a huge house last night. It had a massive family room/living room, with tons of room to stretch out in. And bedroom after bedroom.....All thankfulness aside, it would be sweet to have a house like that. My sister was watching the Duggar family on television the other night when I stopped in, their house is unbelievable. We agree that life would be easy with a house like trials at all. Just kidding, but....

The least I can do is work with what I have, and straighten up around here a bit....I am thinking my little girls would like some hot oatmeal this morning, so off I go......


Martha said...

One day I am going to hop in my van and drive and drive until I find your house. I will be looking for a rather large sheep dog chasing garbage men and a girl or two sitting out on a lonely tree branch. I think there will be a pool in the back yard and maybe a bicycle or two hanging about the driveway. I will look for a super sized van and several other cars as well parked outside. And, last of all, some good smells wafting through the air, probably chocolate cookies or some kind of yummy cake...

Tereza said...

They will pick you huh? The young attractive mom:):)(I've read some of your archives and have bumped into that statement) they probably will too!!!! (just a bit of teasing)

Oh te duggars house IS amazing. yes there would be no trials:):):):) that is why we don't get that house!!! We need trials!

everything you write is so fun to read. LOVE it!

Mom said...

Reading blogs before kids are out of bed this morning. I am so bad. You are so funny! I love the couch monster. I only have two kids and often my couch has a monster too. I don't begrudge your sweet family the turkeys. I am just jealous! And Bisquick?! We can't get that here either. But we are having Thanksgiving--on Tuesday because DH has church on Thursday. We'll have a small turkey and a ham with all the trimmings. It's the thought that counts (keep telling myself that). I don't think my freezer would even hold a 23 lb turkey. BTW--I too covet the Duggars house!

cheryl said...

Can you tell me exactly when your flight is?? I would just love to go and video your pat down.. You should hide some candybars under your shirt, okay, I'll stop now..
I keep thinking, those poor screeners, what an awful job!

16 blessings'mom said...

Martha, I shall in turn take a drive and try to find your will be cozy, in an orchard, with a three-legged dog wandering over for a pat on the head. There will be a few ride-ons outside perhaps, and the smell of apple pie coming from the kitchen....And Tereza, you are right, we need trials. And Bonnie, no Bisquick? What DO you have there? Fast food? Convenience food? I would be interested to hear what things they have that we don't....if you would be so inclined to tell me, I would love to hear...

16 blessings'mom said... are a genius!!! I can play a trick on the Patters! Oh, this is a great plan...I won't go into details, but chocolate is a great idea!!! I have a feeling I know how our next phone converstation is going to go....

Martha said...

You are going to need homes for your children after the patters throw you in the slammer for hiding chocolate in your shirt. Would you like my phone number?

cheryl said...

Hahahaha Your comments were as much fun to read as your blog!! I think Martha could find your house, no problem!! Just don't tell Martha how much we love adventures..